Hi, again, Uncle Wayne. . .good to see you around the Forum for two nights in a row!
My belief system is a source of strength and peace to me on a daily basis. I believe that God is in control of all that happens to me and that nothing takes place without His permission. He knows what I need to become the person that He wants me to be, and that's made some of the tough things in my life a lot easier to deal with.
I think I've already told you about my father-in-law living with us for 11 years and the way that he made our lives miserable. The only thing that got me through all of his hatred and bitterness was the belief that God was using the situation to make me stronger and more capable of dealing with "those who despitefully use you."
In the future, I expect to gain the joys of Heaven, but before that happens, I think that my belief system (Christian who belongs to the Roman Catholic faith) will help me through the difficulties of old age. I've already lost a lot of friends and family members, and my faith has helped me through the grief. I believe that it will help me cope with similar losses in the future.
And the fact that God saw fit to give me a pretty good sense of humor has already helped with some of the aggravations of aging. When my knees buckle but my belt won't, I can laugh and look forward to my perfect body in the world to come. When my back goes out more than I do, it's a little easier to chuckle about it and say, "It won't always be like this."
So that's how my faith has helped me, is helping me, and will no doubt continue to help me in the future.
2007-06-04 16:36:06
answer #1
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
My Faith in Jesus
1. Daily Basis: Helps me have life more abundantly, gives me strength to walk with The Lord and resist temptation, gives me comfort in life's trials, gives me hope in a depraved world, gives me assurance of a perfect future with my perfect Lord, gives me joy no matter what, and lets me know and feel loved unconditionally.
2. Future gain: Endless life full of joy, love and peace in Heaven with Our Father and His Son. Live in a mansion specially prepared for me by Jesus as promised. Enjoying a renewed and restored earth with nature that will be perfect and animals that will be tame and peaceful.
In Jesus Christ, we christians have all to gain and nothing to lose. This is offered to anyone that accepts Jesus and His provisions for us. Good question! God bless
2007-06-04 23:38:12
answer #2
answered by connie 6
It helps me focus on altruistic endeavors. it reminds me to seek purpose in service to others. It reminds me the ill effect of hateful thoughts, and the goodness of forgiveness.
It reminds me that I am not alone. People have chased after meaning and purpose thought the ages. People and peoples have times of great spirituality, and times of doubt. I am but one thread in the tapestry.
I do not know what the future holds. My faith is weak but I have hope for a reunion with the consciousness of God. If my hope is not realized that will also be fine. (drink up for pascals wager)
Mark twain said something like. I was never bothered by the fact I didn't exist for thousands of years before I was born, I dont suppose I'll be bothered by it after I die either.
2007-06-04 23:41:39
answer #3
answered by G's Random Thoughts 5
Because I look inward instead of outward for strength I am a stronger person. I work to figure out how to change my problems when I have them instead of wishing for miracles.
I hope that by helping others understand that to be an Atheist does not mean that one is without morals. That we care about our fellow man and are interested in making the world better for all of mankind.
2007-06-04 23:27:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I expect to gain eternal life. On a daily basis, it gives me principles by which I can live my life helping others as opposed to living solely for myself.
2007-06-04 23:24:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
#1 One word : "accountability" Anybody can lie, cheat, and steal from other people with the chance that they can get away with it and not be held accountable....But, in the case of an omniscent (knows all) being that dispences right judgement on an eternal basis, you can't lie, cheat, and etc. your way out of 'that'!!
#2 I've accepted and understand the wisdom behind the teachings of God and enjoy a fulfilling life because of them....And if that turns out to be all I gain, then I'm grateful....
2007-06-04 23:37:33
answer #6
answered by paradigm 4
My belief system helps me understand the character of GOD.
1. It is not the system that does anything for me, but, it is my relationship with GOD that gets me through each day.
2. Eternal life.
GOD bless
2007-06-04 23:28:07
answer #7
answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6
I meditate regularly, which helps me to keep my sense of humor up, stress down, immune system up, heart rate down.
I expect to realize I am already enlightened. That I was never born, and that I never died, never went anywhere at all really......
merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream....
2007-06-04 23:28:11
answer #8
answered by cosmicshaktifire? 5
My Lord is with me all the time, helping and guiding me in the path He wants me to go to do His Works.
I am content with my life, its very blessed and I praise God all the time for what He has given me.
In my future is an eternal life in Gods Kingdom....
2007-06-04 23:27:11
answer #9
answered by karen_03625 5
1. It helps me get along with people and realize that most of my problems are caused by my own shortcomings and not other people's.
2. I hope to become a better person...
2007-06-04 23:26:57
answer #10
answered by Shinkirou Hasukage 6