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If Christians can find an excuse not to follow these verses because they are “Pauls opinion” but the rest of the Bible is the “absolute word of God” then aren’t Christians just picking and choosing what their desires agree with ??

If someone says these are the opinions of one of the writers of the Bible then the Trinity can also be an opinion of men.

That means the Bible is not the “WORD OF GOD”, it is just a book written by men and Christians follow it because its all they have.

If somebody says they only follow the rules of the NT and Jesus saved them from the Law in the OT, then why don’t they follow these FEW rules as written below ?

Why should the “change of Times” affect the obedience to GODs Laws, unless the entire book is the word of Man which can change with the times.

"Any woman who prays with her head unveiled dishonors her head. It is the same as if her head were shaven, for if a woman will not veil herself then she should cut off her hair. But if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven , let her wear a veil. (1 Corenthians 11 :5).

Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed ADULTRY with HER already...-----(MATT 5:028)

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at HOME, good, OBEDIENT to their HUSBANDS... ------ (Timothy 2:005)

Likewise, ye wives, be in SUBJECTION to your own HUSBANDS. ----- (1PE 3:001)

Women should remain SILENT in the Church. They are NOT ALLOWED to speak, but must be in SUBMISSION, as the Law says. – (1 Corinthians 14:34)

"I permit NO woman to TEACH or have AUTHORITY over men". –( 1 Timothy 2:11-14)


2007-06-04 14:50:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

Because the Bible was written by ignorant men in a barbaric time. Paul was a true misogynist, if ever there was one, and the rest weren't much better.

2007-06-04 14:54:49 · answer #1 · answered by Kathryn™ 6 · 3 3

The description of the “capable wife” in Proverbs reveals that a married woman could not only manage a household but also handle real estate transactions, establish a productive field, and operate a small business.—Proverbs 31:10, 16, 18, 24.

Later, in the early Christian congregation, women were empowered with holy spirit as witnesses of Christ. (Acts 1:14, 15; 2:3, 4; compare Joel 2:28, 29.) Thus, some women are destined to become heavenly judges of men, women, and even angels. (1 Corinthians 6:2, 3)

True, women were not to teach in congregational assembly; nevertheless, there were situations when Christian women could pray or prophesy. They were assigned to be teachers of younger women, children, and to those outside the congregation.—Matthew 24:14; 1 Corinthians 11:3-6; Titus 2:3-5; compare Psalm 68:11.

Another good indicator of what Peter had in mind when he said to assign them honor is found at 2 Peter 1:17.

There we read that Jehovah honored Jesus by expressing his approval of him in the presence of others by stating: “This is my son, my beloved.” Similarly, a husband should show by his deeds, both in public and in private, that he assigns his wife honor.

2007-06-04 14:59:25 · answer #2 · answered by keiichi 6 · 0 0

Hmmm, the Bible is the word of God. We are to be submissive to our husbands and we were created to be their help meets. What is wrong with that?

I don't see where the Bible or NT is degrading women at all. The Bible never changes, God never changes, but people try to twist God's word to suit their needs.

2007-06-04 14:58:25 · answer #3 · answered by the pink baker 6 · 1 2

How is this degrading to women:
"Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed ADULTRY with HER already...-----(MATT 5:028)"

That's anti-degrading... it's saying that men should stop drooling all over women and treating them like sex objects. It's saying that women should be respected for who they are and not simply lusted after for their bodies.

I am baffled as to why you included that quote except to twist it somehow?

2007-06-04 14:59:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hey i think i asked the same question a while back, why did God choose to use miracles mostly through men in the bible, you rarely hear of a female prophet in the bible that performed miracles.....I think the fat men with the big hair wanted men to reign supreme so to degrade women, they kept them out the New Testament....

Thumbs down, i love it.

2007-06-04 14:55:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anthony L 3 · 1 2

the bible you refer to was compiled by the Roman Catholic church when it was more ROMAN than catholic. It was translated into the king James version by conservative Christains. nether group were into women lib. If you want a unisex version of Christianity read the Nag Hammadi library.

2007-06-04 15:11:32 · answer #6 · answered by hairypotto 6 · 0 0

The bible, OT and NT, were written by men in power who wanted to control their women. It's fairly simple.

2007-06-04 14:56:18 · answer #7 · answered by Alan 7 · 2 2

That's not degrading. That's purely God's Order, in Creation and after. And every couple I have ever married is still together because that is wise counsel from the Holy Scripture. Just ask my wife.

2007-06-04 14:55:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

I see nothing wrong with any of those quotes. women were created to be man's helpmate. So what?

2007-06-04 15:05:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Christians dishonestly skirt around these biblical issues.

Father K, if your wife is subservient and submissive, she is abused.

2007-06-04 14:55:34 · answer #10 · answered by Shawn B 7 · 3 2

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