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4. The Old Testament makes no mention of New Testament events. Attempts to tie them have come later, often as ridiculous contrivances -- such as the virgin birth idea in Isaiah.

5. Scarcely any of the New Testament ideas are new. The Greeks, Egyptians, Norse and, especially, the Zoroastrians, already had beliefs in afterlifes and demigods that helped humanity (Prometheus) or were killed and resurrected (Persephone, Adonis, Mithra, Baldar, and Osiris.) Likewise, the eucharist, or eating of a god, was not new (Osiris and Meditteranean mystery religions.) The idea of an evil adversary was not new (Zoroastrianism). Mithra was eventually thought of as Ahura Mazda incarnate.

6. Why would an intelligent God speak out in only one small place, then depend on translations and tons of time when people can’t properly relate a story they heard or saw an hour ago?

2007-06-04 14:45:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Copy and paste?...good job

2007-06-04 14:47:59 · answer #1 · answered by Royal Racer Hell=Grave © 7 · 0 0

4. The Old Testament was written with the hope of a New Testament that would come.

5. Unlike the other events you cite the New Testament events with Jesus Christ are the truth.. As you know truth is stranger than fiction.

6. God speaks in a small space. But don't mistake small for weakness or powerlessness.. The splitting of an atom or the sun that supernova's and shrinks into a small space has a very powerful gravity field. The Bible is just as powerful since it is the only truth in the Old and New Testaments about Jesus Christ.

2007-06-04 22:50:49 · answer #2 · answered by Uncle Remus 54 7 · 0 0

There are hundreds of prophecies in the OT that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. It is your own opinion if you choose to call hundreds of prophecies ridiculous. Even in the early chapters of Genesis the bible says that the seed of the WOMAN would bruise the head of the serpent. Any other places mention the seed of a woman?

As far as other religions sharing ideas with Christianity, I suppose alchemy and other ancient arts shared some ideas with science. It is not like evil beings in the spiritual world don't know the truth, and can't counterfeit.

Intelligent God has done well enough for millions, maybe billions of people to believe in him. A 5% minority in this country complains so that means God did not do well in presenting the Bible? Maybe its the 5% that have a problem.

2007-06-04 21:56:15 · answer #3 · answered by ignoramus_the_great 7 · 1 0

Taken with fulfillments side by side, all prophecies have been right on ( and are being fulfilled of the ones that are the future), God said that the Hebrews would be in bondage for exactly four hundred years and then the deliverer Moses would come. All things are told to the people of God first is the promise. Hebrew prophets had to be 100% accurate or they were killed.
All the 14 to 16-year old virgins in the land of Israel at the foretold time that the Messiah would be born, were waiting to see who it would be.
Satan always has his story line strung right alongside, as the great counterfeit.
Catholicism - a cult- took the Christians' holiday dates and substituted the time to celebrate them, for the pagan holiday dates; incorporating some of Pagan's rituals, too-to get popularity and draw the pagan people in the doors.
God can preserve His word, and makes' it in the translation and jargon of the next generation, to be known anew in their hearts and minds. He is perfectly capable of doing this, as He puts' His Holy Spirit inside His people- this is the great mystery that happens to a person upon becoming His child; a new spiritual being at that time- able to follow His lifestyle, just as their former leader, Satan did, by pulling them around on puppet strings before God Saved them.. We now have a choice on what to do, but we who love Him Obey Him now, and have His Power inside us to be able to do this and stay true. All freedoms happened upon written word and the Word of God always brought new age of freedom of soul and minds.
The Old Testament was in the form of songs, whose words are verbatum and song is remembered in a different part of the brain, for total retention. Even Alzheimers patients remember all the words and melodies of music and songs, and can play wonderful pieces of music, but forget to eat. The priests, if they made a tiny mistake in translating, had to start all over from the beginning. Just the facts.

2007-06-04 22:19:51 · answer #4 · answered by Charles E 3 · 0 0

I think if you look over the history of the Hebrew people you will see that Jesus Christ was foretold even during the time of Moses. The Jewish tradition of Passover is a celebration which foretells of the Messiah. The people to celebrate would eliminate all leavening in the house, and make unleavened bread as reminder that they left Egypt so quick they could not even wait for bread to rise..... bread (Jesus), unleavened to symbolize sin was not present. Three matzos were placed into a special purse of sorts with three pockets. The bread of the second pocket, the second person....was taken out of the purse and placed under the table which was referred to as burying the bread. At some point in the meal, the youngest child looks for, finds, and raises the bread to the top of the table. By the way, Bethlehem defined is House of Bread. The matzo bread used has holes pricked in it to cook evenly, "He was pierced for our offenses" There are grill lines, "By His stripes we are healed". Pretty much all to allow God's children to recognize Jesus, by the breaking of the bread....for who He was....the Messiah they had been waiting for. Now, look again at the Last Supper. Several cups of wine are drunk each being symbolic...The one Jesus raised at the last Supper was the one called The Cup of Redemption. This was the one of which He said....."Take this and drink, this is the cup of my blood the blood of the new covenant, which will be given up for you." Why would he speak out in a small place, and depend of mere humans to get the word out......He just had faith in us. Like the Exodus, He wants everyone to know the story is His, it comes from Him.....I will share one more thing. All those religions you mentioned are similar.....who can know what is what while searching for the Truth.....my six year old put it this way, "When I pray to no one, I feel empty inside....When I pray to Jesus, or God the Father, or the Holy Spirit, I feel warm inside." Yes, he was trying to find out if God is real. I told him he would have to decide that for himself....This was his answer three weeks later. And, that feeling.....is enough for most of us Jewish, Christian, and Muslim believers.

2007-06-04 22:12:02 · answer #5 · answered by mcross 2 · 1 0

"And I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel; I will remember their sins no more". Mose gave you the law but Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

With all the similarity of the above mention religions with Christianity, you would have thought that one of them would have had someone to die for your sins; esp. someone who came down form heaven as a spirit and took on flesh as a man so that He could experience what you go through and show you a way out.

What happen if God have created Adam and Eve in South America, would that have made a different? Anything started have to start somewhere; and because God is a patient God it has taken this long for you to get it. And the reason you did get it was because men facing death at the hands of other men to write the bible to set you free from one thought.

2007-06-04 22:02:48 · answer #6 · answered by I Wanna Know 3 · 0 0

A theory: The largest super-computer in the universe, running Windows 2 billion, tries to interface with a very much pre 286 computer i.e. the human brain. Do you think the message is going to be downloaded absolutely, in full, without error ? Lucky there was no such thing as the blue-screen-of-death back then.
*windows has encountered a critical error and cannot continue*

2007-06-04 21:53:38 · answer #7 · answered by =42 6 · 0 0

understanding and repeatedly reading the bible is needed for a man who could not understand well. He is concluding comments which he could not understand and have not known about the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The hardest to teach about something is the person who presumed himself to be knowlegeable of things while in fact "nothing".
it is also useless for a person to answer it on the right way when he believe himself that he is brightheir than God and more intelligent than God who created him. How sad it is to know of a kind of man on that way.

May God bless him and be called to serve God when he will repent and ask forgiveness to God,

2007-06-04 21:58:51 · answer #8 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 1 0

4-there are over 300 prophecies of Jesus that has come to pass, here' just a few:
Born of a virgin—Isaiah 7:4 (fulfilled—Matthew 1:18, 24, 25)
The seed of Abraham—Genesis 22:18(fulfilled—Luke 3:34)
A teacher of parables—Psalm 78:2 (fulfilled—Matthew 13:34)
Betrayed by a friend—Psalm 41:9 (fulfilled—Matthew 10:4)
Silent before his accusers—Psalm 35:11 (fulfilled—Matthew 27:12)
Wounded and bruised—Isaiah 53:5 fulfilled—Matthew 27:26)
Smitten and spit upon—Isaiah 50:6 (fulfilled—Matthew 26:67)
Crucified with thieves—Isaiah 53:12 (fulfilled—Matthew 27:38)
Hated without a cause—Psalm 69:4 (fulfilled—John 15:25)
People shook their heads—Psalm 109:25 (fulfilled—Matthew 27:39)
Garments parted and lots cast—Psalm 22:18 (fulfilled—John 19:23, 24)
To suffer thirst—Psalm 22:15 (fulfilled—John 19:28)
Offered gall and vinegar—Psalm 69:21 (fulfilled—Matthew 27:34)
Side was pierced—Zechariah 12:10 (fulfilled—John 19:34)
Committed himself to God—Psalm 31:5 (fulfilled—Luke 23:46)
Bones not broken—Psalm 34:20 (fulfilled—John 19:33)
Buried in a rich man’s tomb—Isaiah 53:9 (fulfilled—Matthew 27:57-60)
There was darkness over the land—Amos 8:9 (fulfilled—Matthew 27:45).

5-Jesus was the only one that died for our sins and rose form the dead. There were over 500 witnesses. History proves the man Jesus was here by Tacitus, Pliny the younger and Josephus who were all non Christians. He also had a following called Christians. So we know HE was here. We have eye witnesses that had everything to loose by following him, Paul was a Pharisee with prestige who eventually was beheaded.

6-The apostles were in hiding when Jesus was crucified. They had NO intention of "spreading his gospel". They were scared to death. ONlY when they saw Jesus alive did the understand. AND then only when the gifts of the holy spirit were on them were they able to preach. Jesus told them they would remember all things when this spirt came on them.

2007-06-04 21:48:26 · answer #9 · answered by Jeanmarie 7 · 2 1

James, you don't want answers to those questions, do you? I think you've already answered them for yourself, and you want Judeo-Christian answers to either test us or make fun of us. I have an idea: You believe whatever you want, we'll believe whatever we want, and we'll all respect each other's right to think for ourselves. I live that way, and I hope you do too.

2007-06-04 21:50:03 · answer #10 · answered by No Shortage 7 · 0 0

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