The two are inseparably inter-related.
In my own experience, I was raised a Catholic, so I had a good general knowledge of who Jesus was. My confusion came in through the imposition of so many rules and rituals which I was told were necessary for salvation. I was a much better sinner than a saint, so I through out the baby with the bath water one day and told God to get out of my life.
I didn't think He would take me seriously - He never seemed to before. I started sinking like a stone in a bottomless pond. I wracked my brain for an answer, but the harder I struggled the quicker I sank into the quicksand of my own hopelessness. Then when I felt totally beaten down, I came home one day, fell on my face and started crying. Then something happened that I didn't know was possible. A voice spoke to me this simple word: "Maybe Jesus really did die for your sins." Immediately a flood of light and love and peace and hope and understanding filled my heart and drove out the despair and darkness and meaninglessness that had possessed me. I knew in my heart for the first time that this thing was for real - that Jesus really was the Son of God, that He really had died for me, and that it was right between me and God, and I had a place reserved in heaven for me when I die. Nobody had to tell me - I knew. I had never heard of such a thing happening to anyone before that. It was not until a year later, when I started reading the Bible, that I realized what I had experienced was in the book all the time. I found my experience described in the third chapter of John where Jesus described something to a man called Nicodemus which He referred to as being "born again". I understood immediately that was what had happened to me.
So in my case, I had the experience first, and the doctrine later. Nevertheless it also left me with the understanding that this book called the Bible really is the Word of God. I have since come to know many other spiritual realities described in that beautiful book. I thank God I can know for certain what Jesus really said because of that book.
2007-06-04 14:27:20
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
I would say read the bible; find out who Jesus is and how He lived. Then you can make the decision to live for Christ. It's more than just "accepting" Christ. Where you said that some answerer suggested joinging before reading the bible is like signing a legally binding contract before you even read it over is not an accurate statement. You don't just "accept" Christ and that's it. You have to live for Him 24/7. You don't just say a simple prayer and then you can do whatever you want and still go to heaven. I definetly incourage you to read the Word first; Jesus said He would draw all peoples to Himself. So, if you read the Word He will draw you to Him and you will know what decision to make. I believe the Bible is the most important book in the whole world because it's not just a book. It's "living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the divison of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a descerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" That means that the Word is alive and knows what you're thinking and what you need to read at a particular moment. It also says that Jesus is the Word in the book of John. Read the book of John; it's a good place to start. Hope this helps
2007-06-04 14:27:24
answer #2
answered by actstwo17 3
Everyone is missing the point. The Bible is a vehicle, it gets you to a destination. Scribes wrote and often memorized scripture and Pharacees not only followed it to the letter but overdid what it said. 2 things were missing
1. love
2. the point - God want's personal relationship with each of us
The Bible is one - very key - means of gaining that relationship, but so are such things as spending time in prayer and meditation, expressing love to others (God works in a flow through us not just to us)
He gave it to us to help us understand Him, but without that personal relationship the same information can lead you away from Him. The Pharacees and Scribes knew it and used it to justify killing Jesus when he came (he was the point of the book). Both points are eqully right and wrong. You have to understand the real point to answer that question.
It depends on the best means for you as an individual to gain a deep personal relationship with God. There are people in China - for example - who cannot get Bibles, does that mean they cannot get a relationship with God.
A person that was designed by God to explain scripture to others will probably not get a deep relationship without seeking that sort of deep information and thus probably would be hard pressed to get relatinship with God without deep study of the Bible. All should study, but there is no cookie cutter ABC to salvation - look at all of the different situations throughout the world.
Another fact is that the people who are in the stories did not, at the least, have the part of the Bible they are in as evidenced by the fact that the story they are in is about them.
I personally had to study first
2007-06-04 20:20:26
answer #3
answered by wadecrptrng 2
If you want to learn anything you must first read about it. The great thing about the Bible is once you start to read , your head knowledge catches up to your heart knowledge and you are beginning to have the resources to make a decision. Chosing the World or Bible is really going to effect your future. Start with Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John and you will want to know more. The only people (that I know) who were NOT Christians and have books in the Bible are Paul and Luke. Oh to be as faithful as these! Good Luck
2007-06-12 13:05:57
answer #4
answered by kdh&J 2
God's Word, the Bible, becomes clearer AFTER you have
accepted Jesus as your savior and you start living in His
will, because then you KNOW His will.
It would not hurt to read the Bible first, it will just not be as clear to you.
So many people read the Bible as a book, not knowing that
it is a history and an outline of God's plan for YOU, and it requires a sincere effort on your part to get the message.
Always find a quiet time, pray that God will talk to you through His word, then read wherever your finger takes you, it is His way of directing you to where He wants you to learn from.
God bless you in your journey and your walk.
2007-06-12 11:08:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Bible says of itself that it is God's Word and is useful for "teaching, rebuking (which is correcting others), correcting (oneself) and training in righteousness" (the way to live for God), so that the man of God (Christians) can be equipped for every good work"
What this means is that it is the rule book and the instruction book for the Christian life. It is not really written to unbelievers, but there is evidence of God within its pages that unbelievers can read and come to a knowledge of God.
Jesus Christ said that it was the Word of God (a name used for Jesus) and also that is was "HIS story". So it is important in three ways.
It helps the unbeliever know more about Jesus and therefore God. It helps the believer get to know God better, and it helps the believer live a life that is pleasing to God, whom the believer has a love relationship with.
An unbeliever can come to know God in several ways as well. He/she can see God in nature ( called general revelation) or through the person and work of Jesus Christ, the testimony of a believer, or the Bible or all four. It's not a contract. It's a book that helps you understand. The Christian life is not a rule based religion, it's a relationship based religion that is full of forgiveness and grace.
2007-06-12 10:45:22
answer #6
answered by Cheryl Durham, Ph.D. 4
You need to chill out. You are making the most simple and loving issue in history way to complicated. "Christianity" is a relationship between you and the God who created you. Nothing more. God loves you so much that while you still turned you back on him and his ways, that he paid the "debt" for your wrongs. the bible is God's history book, his love letters to you, his law, and his directions for living a life that will bring you the most while on this earth. If you where in love with someone, and you where "separated" from them, say they were in another land, but you really loved them, would you not want to read and learn all about them you could. Would you not want to read the "love letters" they send to you?
Accept Gods gift of salvation. Find you a good easy to read copy of the bible, like The New Living translation or even the New International Version, or maybe the "The Message" start in the New Testament Book of John. Read it through not once but 2 twice, while sincerely praying for God to open you heart, mind and soul, to his truths, and love, Then you will "GET IT"
2007-06-11 06:12:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The bible isn't approximately thoughts. it incredibly is approximately saving your soul. subsequently, I prescribe here verses so as... Psalm 119: a million-12 Deuteronomy 6;5 John 14;15 Mark 12;32-34 John 14;6 Acts 4;12 Matthew 28;19-20 John 6;fifty one-sixty 9 Matthew 26;26-28 Luke 22;31 Luke 22;3-4 Matthew 19;8-9 Isaiah fifty 3;5-6 Romans 3:20 Galatians 3;a million 2 Timothy 3;sixteen Acts 8;27-31 John 14;sixteen John sixteen;12-13 John 20;21-23 Matthew sixteen;17-19 Matthew 10;19-20 Matthew 10;40 Luke 10;sixteen Matthew 18;15-17 Matthew 5;14-sixteen John 17;20-21 Acts 9;4-5 a million Timothy 3;15 Acts 15;7-12 Romans 3:3-4 discover the meaning of those verses, and you'd be on the line to the final tale of all of them.
2017-01-10 13:22:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The Bible is often said to be the inspired word of God. That indicates to me, that even if man were inspired to write about would have also interjected his own opinions into the mix and called it "God's word" or "God's will." For that reason alone, the Bible can be used only as a basic guideline as to what God may want of you. The same thing would hold true to any other book or document that is of a religious nature. If man had a hand in is not perfect.
I am a strong believer in the supreme being that is my Creator and have a very close personal relationship with Him. He has shown me that religions per se are made by man and that although many of the concepts put forth in the Bible are in agreement with His character, not all of it is His word alone. Rather than to use a book written (even if inspired by God) by man, I choose to rely on the Source of All Things...i.e. God himself to guide and advise me. He has proven Himself over and over to me and has shown me nothing but Love and understanding...even when he corrects my thinking. The biggest lesson that I have learned since answering his call to me is to Not Seek the Wisdom of man...but to Seek God First. If you do that, everything else falls into place.
2007-06-04 14:30:13
answer #9
answered by Poohcat1 7
Why would you sign a contract without first reading it? That's silly. I suggest reading the Bible first. In reading it you come to know who God was and why he sent Jesus to this earth so that we could all be forgiven of our sins and hopefully spend eternity with Him in heaven. Many people will read the Bible and decide it's not for them, but they are putting themselves at risk. Quite frankly, I would much rather spend an eternity in heaven than an eternity in hell. And there are people who say that there is very little historical facts to back up many of the claims in the Bible. It's all a matter of faith. How strong is your faith?
2007-06-04 14:29:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous