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Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Southern Baptist Convention

Presbyterain Church in America

2007-06-04 09:01:04 · 21 answers · asked by Daniel C 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers


Please review all the answers to your other questions.

Scripture is the one and only authority given by God, through which which the Holy Christian Church is revealed.

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and other Confessional Lutheran Synods are the only denomination that that base their teaching on Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura). As revealed in The Bible, all believers are Saints and Sinners at the same time. Only through Gods Grace are we saved through faith. Faith which is a gift of the Holy Spirit, not of our own making.

Plain, simple, straight forward, and 100% in agreement with Scripture.

I have been praying for you.

Please take my advice and go visit a LCMS Pastor. Talk to him. Ask all kinds of questions about anthing that comes to mind. LCMS Pastors don't bite, but they will answer any and all questions frankly and honestly. Even questions about other denominations.

No B. S..

May God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirt Bless and Enlighten you.


Thanks Sakchauran for the additonal insight. We up in Canada also listen to KFUO via Internet. Issues Etc. is one of my favorite programms. I to would recommend it to ALL Christians not just us Confessional Luterans.

2007-06-04 11:32:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hmm, Daniel, why did you place the LCMS at the top of your list? I pray along with Mark for you. I can't improve much on his answer to go to an LCMS pastor.

If you want to know more about what Confessional Lutherans believe & how they apply it to their lives inside & outside the church, listening to the radio show "Issues Etc." on KFOU online: http://www.kfuoam.org/ie_main.htm.

One piece of advice concerning some of the other answers you got. Please don't listen to those who would have you decide on subjective terms (e.g. 'go to where you *feel* most comfortable'). Because we are all sinners & even believers are both sinner & saint simultaneously (until we die of course),so Law & Gospel both need to be preached to us every Sunday. The Law piece of things is probably going to make you feel uncomfortable (if it doesn't there's something wrong), but only temporarily because the Gospel always follows.

The LCMS as opposed to the other two denominations you listed will give you both Law & Gospel, and the pastors will do their best not to mix them--that is tell you that the Law is the Gospel (e.g. following God's Commandments will gain you more favor with God), or that the Gospel is the Law (e.g. Baptism is something that humans do, rather than what God does for us).

Blessings & Prayers!

2007-06-05 20:32:34 · answer #2 · answered by Sakurachan 3 · 1 0

If forced to choose between the three, I would choose Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

2007-06-04 09:08:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I do not recommend you to join one or the other, Better more I would recommend you to join the spiritual church of the anointed, Jesus The Lord.

This is the one you join when you believe and accept that Jesus (being as much like Jesus) is the way, and the light, and the peace, and the love. Then you will be one with God and the Son in the works of the Holy Ghost. Study the bible, starting with the book of proverbs to understand discipline and wisdom.

2007-06-04 09:34:50 · answer #4 · answered by Davinci22 3 · 0 2

first of all, list the doctrines that mean the most to you, such as baptism by immersion as opposed to sprinking, how you feel about gay rights, abortion, things like this. Then research on the internet the doctrines of these various denominations. Then narrow it down to what size church you are looking for, what it has to offer for your personal growth, and for your children, if any. Best wishes. I have tried feeling comfortable in church, but have never succeeded. I envy anyone able to go to church, but pray that someday I will be included.

2007-06-04 09:50:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

That depends on what you want to believe. You can always find a Protestant denomination that teaches what you want to hear. That's the problem with denominational religion. There is no central, authoritative source of true doctrinal teaching. Of course they claim the Bible is such a source. Problem is, every one of the thousands of conflicting, contradicting denominations claims that their particular beliefs come straight out of the Bible. What's wrong with this picture?? Denominationalism is a direct violation of the stated will of God, "that they all may be ONE".

2007-06-04 09:30:14 · answer #6 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 2

Become part of a non denominational church which bases it's belief system on the teachings of Jesus Christ - not a man made religion.

However, if I had to choose from your list I would choose the Southern Baptist Convention. Good luck to you.

2007-06-04 09:05:18 · answer #7 · answered by Kaliko 6 · 0 4

One that follows the Bible and the Ten Commandments, following the owners manual and a fellowship of love when you walk in the door will be a good indication.

2007-06-04 09:06:22 · answer #8 · answered by coffee_pot12 7 · 2 1

I would recommend the Seventh Day Adventists. They seem to be the least politically correct and they study scripture in detail. They are the only denomination that follows God's instruction about worshipping on the sabbath instead of Sunday.

2007-06-04 09:05:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Presbyterian sounds the safest out of that bunch. But I would seek a good non-denom Biblically sound church.

2007-06-04 09:12:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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