Not quite.
2007-06-04 07:58:23
answer #1
answered by Info_Chick 7
What did Jesus get out of trying to teach people a different way to be? He was murdered. Does that sound really smart or manipulative. He wasn't given wealth. He didn't live a lavish life full of comforts. Jesus didn't create God. People already believed in many Gods and Goddesses all over the world before and after Jesus was here. I don't want to say anything about Mohammad but I feel it is the same thing. He did not manipulate anyone. Look to the churches and people who want to control others to find the manipulative ones.
Love & Light
One Planet = One People
2007-06-04 15:22:45
answer #2
answered by Soul 5
Most religions do not stand the test of time. That is because most of them were based on a bunch of baloney in the first place like the end of the world or empty promises.
Judaism was technically completely destroyed a couple of times in history, the Assyrians, the Egyptians and the Romans near wiped the slate and the few that survived were able to remain true to God for thousands of years. While Christianity does have historical base( just because the Romans didn't think Jesus was significant at the time doesn't mean he didn't exist) despite the naysayers. Romans were not that keen on ruling that part of that world anyways why would they write down anything He did?. If Jesus hadn't been telling the Truth then all the persecutions should have wiped the slate clean a couple of thousand years ago.
Islam never has been persecuted they are tyrants and bullies who keep infidels at bay. the jury is still out on them.
2007-06-04 14:54:27
answer #3
answered by Tapestry6 7
Jesus and mohammed did not create gods and religion. Preists invented god and religion as a means of control. And yes they are very smart, and manipulate not only simple minds but some very clever people. I hear some of these priests actually believe what they are teaching
2007-06-04 14:46:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I agree that many people have used religion or God in an attempt to control others. However, I do not agree that man created God. I know from personal experience that God is very real and I am neither illiterate or simple minded.
2007-06-04 14:43:22
answer #5
answered by Poohcat1 7
Not quite.
While Mohammed was a pretty skillful political leader, even he needed the help of generations of interpreters to spread his message and morph it into its final form. With Jesus this is even more apparent--not a single primary source on him even exists! All accounts of his life come from people who never met him. Most of the politics of Christianity come from those who sculpted the religion: the early Christian church.
Now, a better case could be made for that in Judaism, where the more modern form of the religion came about partly because of an entrenched government supporting it, which is one reason why the Bible has so many kind words for the priestly caste.
2007-06-04 14:41:26
answer #6
answered by Minh 6
You are soooo wrong...I just wish you
knew how much...Do you really think that Jesus created sure got it all wrong. Where you ever got that people were manipulated, illerate and simple human minds, I just don't know...Its not nice to make things up to prove your point.
2007-06-04 14:41:52
answer #7
answered by Kerilyn 7
No. The best of them did not manipulate people or try to control them at all.
~ Eric Putkonen
2007-06-04 14:45:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just another manipulative, simple minded question. And then try to be controlling, on top of that.
WWJD? Turn the other cheek, but remember we only have 4 cheeks to turn.
2007-06-04 14:45:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No. I do not agree. Jesus did not create a god, he WAS God, and the Bible is the infallible Word of God. I can come to this conclusion without being "manipulated", "illiterate", or "simple". Here's something I wrote for MySpace that might explain:
The reason I came to believe that the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God is pretty simple.. I tested it, and it passed:
Is it scientifically accurate? In a time when science knew nothing, the Bible somehow knew about ocean currents, mountains at the bottom of the sea, the jet stream, the expansion of the universe, and the roundness of the earth. Science thought there were 6,000 stars in the universe, but the Bible called them "innumerable". Other "holy books" thought the earth was held on the backs of turtles, elephants, or Atlas. The Bible said that the earth hangs on nothing. It is suspended in space.
Is it historically accurate? The Dead Sea Scrolls show us that our modern day translation is extremely well preserved, just as Jesus promised. It hasn't changed. Plenty of sources outside of the Bible verify such things as Jesus' crucifixion and the empty tomb, the brutal killing of early Christians (because they had seen the resurrected Christ and dared to believe), the worldwide flood, and basically everything that ever happened to Israel. Speaking of the flood, the Bible says it happened about 4,400 years ago and wiped out all life. It's interesting to note that the oldest living trees are about 4,400 years old. The oldest reef is about 4,400 years old. 4,400 years ago all of the ocean waters would have been fresh, not salty. And applying the average growth rate to the 4 couples that came off Noah's ark, 6 billion is the number we would expect after 4,400 years.
Is it prophetically accurate? If even one Bible prophecy can be proven wrong, then the whole faith is false. But every prophecy has now been fulfilled except for those that are reserved specifically for the future, the "last days". Jesus was born, lived, and was crucified exactly when and how the Old Testament foretold. The temple was destroyed as Jesus prophesied. Then Jerusalem was taken over as Jesus prophesied. Because of disobedience the Jews were scattered among the nations as prophesied in Deuteronomy. Then Israel was restored as prophesied in Jeremiah, and the Jews began to return to Israel and it blossomed as prophesied in Zechariah. It became a nation in just one day (in 1948) as prophesied in Isaiah. Knowledge and travel have increased as prophesied in Daniel. Mankind is capable of destroying all life as prophesied in Zechariah (the neutron bomb melts its victims, as foretold in Zechariah). The possession of Jerusalem is at the center of international turmoil, also prophesied in Zechariah. The fact that God once flooded the earth is being denied, as prophesied in 2 Peter.
Check it out for yourself. This barely scratches the surface. And if all of this is true and was known before man could have known it, then what other conclusion is there? God inspired these fallible men to write his infallible Word, because he wants to be known. This is how he has made himself known.
2007-06-04 14:49:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
It isn't the person who brought the message ... it is always the followers who corrupt the teachings after the messenger leaves.
Jesus would sputter if he saw how his message was being conveyed today.
2007-06-04 20:01:08
answer #11
answered by MyPreshus 7