I think that abusive men would probably be more drawn to a religion like Christianity, which is generally accepted as teaching that men are the head of the household and God is referred to as a male. It helps them feel more justified in their behavior. Why would an abusive man seek out a religion that deifies the female like Wicca does -- ie, the Goddess, the idea of "female" mother nature, etc ...
However, not all Christian men are like that. My husband is a Christian and he is wonderful!
2007-06-04 07:40:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First off, lol no man is God-like and if you insist on saying that, or believing that, its on you. Any man can be abusive at any time. It doesn't matter what religion a man belongs to. Religion doesn't make a person better and if you believe that then you are a fool. Men are abusive toward women because women allow it right? If you leave him he can't be abusive to you can he? Evil lies in the heart of all men and they display it differently, some abuse, some cheat, some do other things. You just got stuck with the abusive ones. I am sorry and hope that you understand some day. The way you put all Christian men together show me how little you truly understand on the properties of things but hey, its your life. I hope that its happy for you.
2014-12-07 03:47:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Please do not lump all Christian men into a group with your ex's. I am a married Christian man and I have never abused my wife, either verbally or physically. And I never will. You may have had better relations with "wiccan" guys but they are leading there house holds astray. I am not defending your ex husbands. They obviously were in the wrong...and I doubt they were true Christians. But a man is supposed to be an example. If he is doing witchcraft and in turn worshiping the devil...What kind of example is that? I pray that you come back to God and turn away from this cult you are in. God bless you.
2007-06-04 07:45:23
answer #3
answered by TripleTattoo™ 4
Mrs: I say unto U there is a lot people today sitting in church pews every Sunday call themselves christian but not even SAVED. never have repented of there old ways. Don't believe Jesus is the Son-of-God. plus the Bible is more than just a book to read. It is the living word of God. Jesus talking; "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." For the Christian Man: "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing." get this now, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;" Now if UR husbands had been saved U could have committed adultery and there faith was suppose keep that marriage together if U were in church. Now if U were unsaved he could divorce or he could believe the Lord God would straighten the situation out.
2007-06-04 10:04:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't think this is true of all Christian men. I have some good friends who are devout Christians and I know they would never hurt their girlfriends or wives. I think the men that you dealt with might have had the old-school belief that men really DO own their wives, and that their wives should be treated as property, and be punished physically if they fail to live up to the man's standards for her.
It's a ridiculous belief, and I'm sorry you had such terrible experiences. I hope you find/have found someone who treats you right.
2007-06-04 07:40:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
When you assume things, you make an A_S_S out of U and ME!
That is your personal experience and while it was indeed a disgrace to the bonds of marriage as well as Christianity, I am sure you are smart enough to know that not ALL Christian men are that way, just as ALL Wiccan men are not abusive.
There are abusive people of all walks of life, all religions, all colors, all social categories. It's unfair for you to demean an entire group of people for your sad past.
I am glad you found happiness- perhaps you should acknowledge the many who have found happiness in Christian marriages, myself included.
2007-06-04 07:44:31
answer #6
answered by danni_d21 4
Christian husbands are told to "love their wives as Christ loved the Church". Can you picture Jesus Christ beating anyone?
Don't judge a whole religion based on the behavior of a few idiots. I don't know any Christian men who beat their wives. Understand that we are ALL sinners, even Christians. The only difference is that Christians are forgiven - but still expected to "turn from their sins".
You may think that Wiccans have such wonderful relationships, but at what cost? Their salvation?
2007-06-04 07:42:01
answer #7
answered by FUNdie 7
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are not God-like and would be foolish to think we are. I have been married for a long time (17 years) and have never told my wife to "shut up," never called her a beatch, and have never laid an angry hand on her in the 20 years I've known her. So get off your high horse and don't paint all Christian men with the same brush just because you had some unfortunate luck. Running away from Jesus wasn't the answer either my friend.
2007-06-04 07:42:10
answer #8
answered by Sir Offenzalot 3
I'm sorry for you experienced. It never should have happened, however not all Christian men are like that. As a matter of fact in any religion you will find your good and your bad husbands/wives, it's just the way it is.
2007-06-04 11:07:19
answer #9
answered by Aidan 2
I'm very sorry for what happened to you, but your experience with two men who claimed to be Christian are in no way a representation of christian men as a whole. There is nothing in Christianity that endorses what you described, these men obviously had serious issues and it is a mistake to make a generalization that christian men beat their wives. They may have been involved in some sect or cult-like part of Christianity that believes crazy stuff like that, but that is in no way Christ-like behavior.
2007-06-04 07:41:21
answer #10
answered by melissa 5