Yep, that hit the nail on the head. Loved the guy that suggested # 5 about victimization.
I almost drove to Alabama to punch the first guy interviewed at the courthouse when they took down the 10 Commandments.
He actually said that removing them proved that Christians dont have freedom of religion and that violated separation of Church and State. At the time I was about to enter Seminary, and it just pissed me off because he was exactly the sort of person that was causing my ministry group problems. If you dont understand what it means-dont cite it! (I have since gone the opposite route to Atheism, I love everybody as long as they'll let me live in peace though)
2007-06-04 07:50:46
answer #1
answered by Showtunes 6
Personally, I'm not antagonistic towards Christianity, solely to those who mispractice it.
For point one and three, I would be inclined to agree; the majority of the Christians I meet are -very- judgmental (even though their own holy men tell them not to be) of other faiths, and the work of the institutions against the basic freedoms of all is absolutely deplorable. However, it's worth noting that not all Christians, of course, are like this, nor all institutions; and even those institutions that are are likely largely comprised of Christians who are not, but cannot speak up about it without being condemned by their brethren.
I have no issue with point number two; I believe most religions going back to that era and many that have died out practiced evangelism of some form or another during their lifespan, and were promoted as 'the one true way'. As such, I have no issue with them just promoting it.
As for point four, I -firmly- support the teaching of religions in the classroom. HOWEVER - it should not be in place of science and history, but alongside it. Also, if one religion is to be included, all should be given a fair mention as well. I think having religious/scientific debates and discussion would be an -incredibly- positive thing, provided the teachers were devoted to keeping their class in check and not letting things get out of hand.
Unfortunately, this is unlikely to ever happen. Because of both the scientific community AND the Christian community, I do not see various pagan Creation tales, Christianity Creationism, Intelligent Design, and Evolution -ever- being discussed openly and equally by the world's children without fear of violence or worse... and truly saddens me.
2007-06-04 08:20:04
answer #2
answered by Scian 2
You can't. Someone will always take offense, and as you can see... with your very respectful post, people are continuing to disrespect you back. Just be rational, understand that their offense comes from a place that you cannot coddle with honest questions. Don't make value statements, ask things in terms of curiosity and wanting explanations... but you're always going to get people are offended by your curiosity. Perhaps because they feel you are not genuine? Don't be afraid to make your beliefs clear, but also be sure that you express how you really do want to learn about their religion and you'd appreciate if they would teach you. Anybody who is offended at that interest is not the sort of person who is going to teach you what you would like to know; nor are they the best representative of their religion, which holds to compassionate and instructional ideals. It is okay to make it clear that it is not a help to you, rather, disrespectful to you that they voice their concern for the salvation of your soul. "Gee, I'm a little concerned for that too, thanks. You don't think I've done some thinking on the matter?" Anyway. Don't let the offense bother you, if you're not trying to be offensive. I usually apologize if I've inadvertantly offended someone! Asking a question about people, practices, and beliefs should not be inherently offensive. I suspect we run up against the saris, samosas and steel drum bands sydrome sometime: they see us as shallowly misinterpreting some superficial aspect of their [religious] culture as being central, and asking a question about it or trying to relate, and they think it's rude that we're ignorant. Which is an oninion which may or may not be true. Good luck! Shuttin' Up, Rob
2016-05-21 02:39:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I believe every human being on this earth has the right to live and believe as they chose. Until those beliefs or actions directly effect someone else.
I am not antagonistic against christians, some of the people in this life I admire and respect the most are devout christians.
I am antagonist towards anyone, christian, muslem, straight, gay, creationist, evolutionist, eviromentalist, conservative, liberal, democrat, republican, etc. that attempt to tell anyone else how they must live their lives, or attempt in any way to restrict the rights of those that dont believe as them. one is taking away your fundemnetal right to pray, you can do so at the place and time of your chosing, but you do not have the right to organise a prayer service in places where others do not have the ability to leave if they dont agree. (school). No more than I would expect your children to be forced to sit thru a muslem ceremony.
2007-06-04 07:41:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Gee, ya think?
Like if they were to stop trying to inflict their beliefs on everyone else and insisting that those who don't agree or believe differently are the very essence of all evil?
While not a Christian myself, in fairness, saying that all Christians are like the above is like saying that all Moslems want to blow things up. I do happen to know some nice Christians. They don't judge people according to their beliefs, they don't harrass those who don't agree. They're chruch goin' folks, but very live and let live. The most you hear of it is should they offer to put in a word of prayer for you if you're having a tough time.
The Rabid Extremist Christians mentioned above would do well to follow that example.
2007-06-04 07:52:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I certainly would. While I agree in concept with the "respect all beliefs" thing, and can respect almost every other religion, christianity really gets up my nose. If #'s 1-4 weren't true, then I'd really have no issue with them and wouldn't give them a 2nd thought.
But the simple fact that #'s 1-4 ARE true means I'll be swinging for them for some time yet. The "faith" is a slow-acting poison to society.
Hey, at least I'm honest.
Do you think the christians reading these answers will get the point?
Me neither.
2007-06-04 07:38:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Christians are being denied their basic rights and freedoms, such as being able to pray where they want to.
Atheists try to promote their belief system over others and condemn and harass people of faith.
Evolution is being taught in place of truth, although there is no scientific proof and it is only a theory.
It is detrimental to society not to have religon, as it produces higher crime and suicide rates among the population.
2007-06-04 07:40:38
answer #7
answered by kyeann 5
Well, yes. You don't see too many atheists denouncing any of the minority religions in the U.S. They mostly stick with the one that's actually causing problems. If they stopped causing problems then yes, it would be a live and let live society. The problem is, most christians feel the need to force others to live by their standards. They forget that this is NOT a christian nation and Jesus never set foot on American soil. Soon as they remember to keep their religion to themselves, then I'm sure most of us atheists will no longer care what they do.
2007-06-04 07:45:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No. To clarify with an example, I have a problem with what happened on 9/11, but I have a bigger problem with Islam, because I see Islam as the underlying cause.
It isn't the behavior of Christians that bothers me, it's the religious faith motivating the actions you've listed (and others, such as indoctrinating young children). It is the belief system itself that is the problem...the believers and their behavior are the symptoms, not the sickness.
It is not my intention to antagonize them. I do challenge their beliefs, and express my own. If that bothers them, that's their issue.
2007-06-04 07:40:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Those things you post do not apply to every Christian. Does it matter to you that my Christian high school taught evolution in Biology? Also, any Christian who condemns and harasses those of another faith is not a true Christian. Judge not lest ye be judged, and all that..
2007-06-04 07:44:19
answer #10
answered by Sarah R 6