Many of the posts here by Christians demonstrate their ignorance of science. It is remarkable that they call evolution a religion that requires faith, when sensible people - including many Christians - know that religion is about believing in a God, and this requires faith. Creationists twist this language and do the same with scientific terms.
Science boils down to this: it is the ordering of known facts gathered from observation and experimentation, into a system that allows for the possible disqualification of the same facts (by disproving a theory) when contradicting data is collected. Hence, every scientific theory must be disprovable, even evolution.
Belief in God is not disprovable, nor provable. Creationism is not science. Even if were, Christians would have to examine the creation myths of all other religions and make the case that their's is the most "scientifically" accurate (here they don't refer to science as a religion, they need to prove their scripture is scientifically accurate. Science is an ever- changing and ever-correcting system of knowledge permitting a progressive understanding of the universe over centuries.
The belief that the Biblical accounts of creation are scientifically accurate is a mental pathology. Dogma is easier to accept for the overwhelmed and bewildered than is science. Science requires patience, perserverance and the intellectual honesty to part with cherished theories that are disproven by new discoveries. One who relies on faith, often cannot fathom the responsibility that comes with science.
2007-06-04 08:58:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Because of the type of beliefs that main evolutionary views require such as; cosmic evolution including the big bang-it has never been observed of course and is really speculation; it is not a fact that any kind of primordial soup has ever been around-again speculation; no life has ever been shown to arise from non-life-in fact it is a violation of observable science (real science) and that is why there is the Law of Bio genesis; no evidence exists in the worldwide fossil record that microorganisms or animals evolved from widespread kinds of previous lifeforms and thus the Cambrian Explosion; There is no known observable way for one kind of an animal to change into another-again it is absolute speculation based on assumptions; and there are more examples but suffice it to say that real science is based on the scientific method which involves "OBSERVABLE" evidence that can be tested and repeated not conjecture, must-likely-senarios, opinions or popular thought. IF YOU BELIEVE IN SOMETHING WITHOUT SEEING IT THEN THAT IS FAITH!!!!! if you can not be objective and recognize this then there is denial involved. The established observabale scientific laws do not contradict the biblical record so most creationists do not have problems believing in in both. Some scientist telling us that whales evolved into cows or some other land animal is a fairy tale no matter what credentials he may have. Personal beliefs are often passed on as science. Did you know that ALMOST ALL scientists that are Darwinists are athiests? So you don't think there is any biais involved because of that?
2007-06-04 18:52:56
answer #2
answered by Ernesto 4
It takes faith to believe that the Earth is "billions of years old", especially since you weren't there. You "believe" that the layers of the Earth's crust represent different arbitrary ages, but that was only made up about 200 years ago, and it's highly inaccurate.There is much better scientific evidence to support the idea that all the layers were created by hydrologic sorting due to a worldwide Flood.
Also, it takes great faith to believe that the dog and the cat had a common ancestor, especially since you weren't there to see it. and there is no such animal in the fossil record, only in the imagination of pseudoscientists.
All Darwin has ever observed and all that we have ever observed is that animals bring forth after their own "kind". Variation within a kind is NOT evolution! It's a fact that there are over 250 breeds of dog. But guess what! They're all dogs! They will never be anything else! To believe that the dog and the cat had a common ancestor requires a great imagination and absolutely no proof whatsoever. Therefore, evolution is a religion that is held to dogmatically.
2007-06-04 07:53:56
answer #3
answered by FUNdie 7
Creationists do not understand anything about the theory of evolution. Even their most scientific spokesman, microbiologist Michael Behe, shows a profound ignorance of how evolution works.
It is their ignorance of the facts that makes it appear to them that it can only be taken on faith.
Creationists often say that evolution is random. It is not random. It is guided by well-defined principles.
Creationists often say that they will believe evolution when a cat gives birth to a dog. It does not work that way. Small changes work over millions of years to create a new species.
Of course, many creationists do not believe that there are millions of years to work with, only 6000 or so, so from the outset, there is not intellectual common ground to even begin a discussion with them.
2007-06-04 07:35:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1⤋ any other scientific based on current assumptions of what data represents. As new evidence is obtained and interpreted, the assumptions will change to some degree also...either giving greater proof or bringing the original assumption into question.
Although I acknowledge that most scientific experts today agree with the assumptions, I am also aware that many do not agree with them as they see the data from a different perspective.
Only God knows for sure.
2007-06-04 07:36:53
answer #5
answered by Poohcat1 7
Sometimes it's hopeless, (because they only hear what they want to hear, and in their minds, ANYTHING that has to do with God or a belief in God is a religion or is about "faith") but you can try showing a comparison:
"If someone asked you about unicorns, would you say 'I believe there are no unicorns', or would it be more honest to say 'I do not believe in unicorns'? These are two different answers. Nobody disbelieves in unicorns purely as a matter of personal faith.
If you believe that unicorns do not exist, then may I say that you a member of the 'No unicorns' religion? Is it a matter of faith that unicorns do not exist? Can I come along to your non-unicorn church with you tomorrow?
Atheism is neither religion nor faith, but the happy freedom from them. Declaring it to be otherwise, sadly, will not make it so. "
2007-06-04 07:45:28
answer #6
answered by Jess H 7
Personally, I do believe in evolution, but not the 'big bang" or the ape to man theory. I think the problem comes in when you bash our beliefs, yet try to tell us that the above referenced theories are something more than simply theories, and that everyone should believe them because you do. You're doing the same thing non-believers accuse christians of, trying to force us to have faith in your theories. Certainly, how does one reply to such rubbish??? What's wrong with letting us believe our theories, and you go right ahead believing yours? Do you have a problem with that?
2007-06-04 07:47:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
That is not the definition of believe. Why do people think that the word believe is the same as having religious beliefs? I do not understand this. Believe can simply mean to hold an opinion. I can believe that my TV is about to go out because the screen is flickering. The evidence confirms my belief. Hope this helps.
2016-05-21 02:36:51
answer #8
answered by estela 3
Tell the fundies that you don't 'believe in' evolution, you just believe it. It's the same as saying 'I'm not in love with...I just love...". Faith, to many, is a matter of trust, not knowledge. And sadly many people who believe evolution is real, don't really practice science, they just praise it. The same is true for many fundamentalists, they believe God is real, but they don't practice what they preach, they just praise God.
I judge myself to be somewhat hypocritical in that regard, as I can't always practice what I preach. Forgive me, God isn't done teaching me yet...
2007-06-04 07:40:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well apparently there's no evidence for evolution
I mean there are more scientists called Steve who agree with the theory of evolution than so called creationist scientists
But really they're just taking it on the word of Darwin and no one has actually studied since the 19th century.
It's not like there's an entire field dedicated to the research of evolution or anything like that
It's just a theory
like gravity
2007-06-04 07:49:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous