Just some people. Not god though. He lacks opposable thumbs (or even the ability to fog a mirror).
2007-06-04 07:23:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are 66 books and were about 40 different writers of the different books of the Bible. Contrary to what some will tell you the Bible is consistent and reliable. Most Biblical scholars think that most of the New Testament was written within the 40 years after Jesus's death and Resurrection at the latest.
I have studied the history and archaeology etc. enough to see that there is alot of deception in the world saying not to trust the Bible and that is just what it is deception. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis or the Case for Christ or Case for Faith by Lee Stroebel are a couple books you can read.
I like this one too.
Jesus Among other Gods - Ravi Zacharias
"Truth is absolute and knowable and must be searched for, but many will try to hide it, deny it or muddy it." - annon.
2007-06-04 07:25:55
answer #2
answered by Pilgrim in the land of the lost 5
Other than the "letters" sections, where the authors were the men writing these letters, nobody really knows. The Bible appears to be an oral history that was later transcribed by monks. The number of books, the order of the books, and even who gets in has changed repeatedly over the centuries. Popes or secular leaders would edit out entire parts that disagreed with whatever they wanted the rabble to believe at that particular point in time. King James was one that heavily editied, that is why the bibles that the Gideons leave in hotel rooms is thinner than other versions.
2007-06-12 03:55:48
answer #3
answered by mikalina 4
I agree with C.L. Richardson in that the writers of the Bible were inspired by God, and that is proof through both it's ablility to be tested and proved accurate, and that what it says is still relevant to us today. I encourage you to read some of the Bible for yourself (I would start with John or one of the other books of the New Testament); most Bibles have side notes as to who wrote which book.
2007-06-11 09:24:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First of all, I would never convert to a religion that called me a freaking "infidel."
Next, it is absolutely preposterous to claim that God told these writers what to say! What language did God speak to them in? Did they write everything down in shorthand in English? How could they possibly have insured accuracy in translation? Why would God talk to these guys and not to others?
- Most people of those times were merchants, goat-herders, masons, farmers, fishermen, pottery-makers and carpenters who were never schooled. Of course there were scribes who wrote text on tablets and papyrus, etc., but they weren't necessarily deep thinkers, and they had to write by hand which took them years.
- How could people pass down a story like Adam and Eve from memory? I mean, c'mon! Be reasonable! For that matter, how could Adam go around and name every animal on the planet? Who taught him Latin? Berlitz?
- If God told these scribes what to write ... why doesn't he talk to us all the time now and help out novelists who are suffering from writer's block? Where did he go after the Bible was finished?
- This Bible is so old and irrelevant to our lives in the 21st century, why doesn't God talk to someone new and get them to revise the Bible? What do we know of Nazarenes and Philistines and unleavened bread and stone huts to live in? I mean riding donkeys and living in a desert are so far removed from our modern experiences!
- Too many times, the Bible has been changed by rich men who had the means and who chose to interrpret the book as it would suit his needs best. I was going to mention the number of times it has been rewritten but the reality is such a complicated mess and involves dozens of languages and translations that I'm convinced there is absolutely no way what exists today as the Bible could possibly resemble the original message word for word.
So I suppose I'm not answering your question but actually questioning some of the answers you've received. Perhaps the debate will freshen up more now.
2007-06-12 00:11:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Have you ever had an idea that happens to come to you and write it down? The Bible was written in this way only the ideas came from GOD. As the ideas came the men wrote down what they heard GOD saying, there are 66 books involved. This is how the Bilbe was written, by inspiriation of GOD.
2007-06-11 07:37:19
answer #6
answered by Francine M 4
It was written by 40 different men in a period of 1500 years. It is inspired by God, just like a boss would do with a secretary. She writes the letter, but the boss is the author.
2007-06-04 07:24:53
answer #7
answered by sweet21 2
Many people of God. There are many many writers. thats why its sectioned off into books of the Bible because each was a book written by a different man that God used to share the word.
2007-06-04 07:22:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
A lot of men who CLAIM that they were inspired/told to write by their god. Then, of course, their own interpretation and perspective comes into play. And men have been known to 1) make mistakes, 2) lie, 3) cheat, 4) embellish, and 5) generally have selective hearing!
2007-06-10 05:24:47
answer #9
answered by tanagila0530 4
The Bible is a collection of writings from many different authors. All of it is God-inspired. Here's something I wrote for MySpace that might explain why I believe this:
The reason I came to believe that the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God is pretty simple.. I tested it, and it passed:
Is it scientifically accurate? In a time when science knew nothing, the Bible somehow knew about ocean currents, mountains at the bottom of the sea, the jet stream, the expansion of the universe, and the roundness of the earth. Science thought there were 6,000 stars in the universe, but the Bible called them "innumerable". Other "holy books" thought the earth was held on the backs of turtles, elephants, or Atlas. The Bible said that the earth hangs on nothing. It is suspended in space.
Is it historically accurate? The Dead Sea Scrolls show us that our modern day translation is extremely well preserved, just as Jesus promised. It hasn't changed. Plenty of sources outside of the Bible verify such things as Jesus' crucifixion and the empty tomb, the brutal killing of early Christians (because they had seen the resurrected Christ and dared to believe), the worldwide flood, and basically everything that ever happened to Israel. Speaking of the flood, the Bible says it happened about 4,400 years ago and wiped out all life. It's interesting to note that the oldest living trees are about 4,400 years old. The oldest reef is about 4,400 years old. 4,400 years ago all of the ocean waters would have been fresh, not salty. And applying the average growth rate to the 4 couples that came off Noah's ark, 6 billion is the number we would expect after 4,400 years.
Is it prophetically accurate? If even one Bible prophecy can be proven wrong, then the whole faith is false. But every prophecy has now been fulfilled except for those that are reserved specifically for the future, the "last days". Jesus was born, lived, and was crucified exactly when and how the Old Testament foretold. The temple was destroyed as Jesus prophesied. Then Jerusalem was taken over as Jesus prophesied. Because of disobedience the Jews were scattered among the nations as prophesied in Deuteronomy. Then Israel was restored as prophesied in Jeremiah, and the Jews began to return to Israel and it blossomed as prophesied in Zechariah. It became a nation in just one day (in 1948) as prophesied in Isaiah. Knowledge and travel have increased as prophesied in Daniel. Mankind is capable of destroying all life as prophesied in Zechariah (the neutron bomb melts its victims, as foretold in Zechariah). The possession of Jerusalem is at the center of international turmoil, also prophesied in Zechariah. The fact that God once flooded the earth is being denied, as prophesied in 2 Peter.
Check it out for yourself. This barely scratches the surface. And if all of this is true and was known before man could have known it, then what other conclusion is there? God inspired these fallible men to write his infallible Word, because he wants to be known. This is how he has made himself known.
2007-06-04 07:21:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
various authors. All the books of the new testament were written 70 to 300 years after jesus' death. The bible has been translated and edited several times(i.e. the romans and greeks, among others).
2007-06-04 07:25:12
answer #11
answered by Anonymous