The Catholic church, unfortunately places themselves in an authority above God quite often. My grandmother was divorced when she was in her 30s and the Catholic church forbid her from ever being able to take communion again (even though she went to confession) -I wonder, what happened to forgiveness and what Jesus did on the cross.
I do not know their views on abortion and marriage- I ran fast from the Catholic church when I found that most of the teaching was completely unbiblical.
I am sure that there are sects of the Catholic church out there that are more forgiving or liberal when it comes to that kind of thing and they do not care- others will put up a harsh front claiming you have committed an unforgiveable sin.
Either way, I would not be concerned what the Catholic church thought or did about it- I would be questioning what God says about it- has there been repentence regarding the abortion? Is the future spouse aware of what has happened and forgiving? Are both parties committed to each other and to the Lord? if yes, then get married- you are not under the condemnation of man and in Jesus, no one can stand and accuse you. Either you are made clean through His sacrifice on the cross or you are not- anyone that wants to make you jump through hoops is doing so for their own benefit or to make themselves feel better about their own sins , because God has not done that.
2007-06-04 06:20:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Church is not above God and has never made such a ridiculous claim. The reason the Catholic Church has the power to bind and loose, in every manner (including marriages and SIN) is because Jesus Christ Himself gave it the power to do so. Just read the Bible, it is right there for all to see -- Matthew 16:18, 18:18; John 20:22-23 - these verses prove it and basically the whole book of Acts confirms it. People need to understand that the institution of the Church is a total necessity, and it's longevity proves this. The Catholic Church IS God's Holy Church, no matter what kind of problems it has now or has had in the past, this is because of the human element of the Church itself.
If you make a sincere confession to God THROUGH a priest then your sins will be forgiven. With that being said, not all sins are equal, and harsher penances and even discipline may be necessary in rare ocassions. God is merciful and forgiving but what so many folks get away from in today's world is that He also demands justice.
2007-06-04 07:04:07
answer #2
answered by Nic B 3
The Church isn't above God and has certainly not made this kind of ridiculous declare. The cause the Catholic Church has the vigor to bind and unfastened, in each procedure (adding marriages and SIN) is considering that Jesus Christ Himself gave it the vigor to take action. Just learn the Bible, it's proper there for all to look -- Matthew sixteen:18, 18:18; John 20:22-23 - those verses turn out it and pretty much the entire e-book of Acts confirms it. People ought to realize that the tuition of the Church is a whole necessity, and it is durability proves this. The Catholic Church IS God's Holy Church, it doesn't matter what sort of issues it has now or has had ago, that is considering that of the human detail of the Church itself. If you are making a honest confession to God THROUGH a clergyman then your sins shall be forgiven. With that being stated, now not all sins are same, and harsher penances or even area could also be vital in infrequent ocassions. God is merciful and forgiving however what such a lot of individuals break out from in trendy international is that He additionally needs justice.
2016-09-05 21:36:26
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Sure you can, but will you feel alright about it if you do--or will you feel like you married lying to the church--and feel guilty? Though the Catholic church doesn't condone sex before marriage--and certainly not abortions--The Church does know that these things happen within their religion, like within all religions.
Pray for forgiveness, think hard if the Catholic church is where you really want to be married (or if the guilt trip will be too much). There is always a civil ceremony, a Vegas wedding chapel, or the Lutheran or Episcopal church (where many Catholics go if they have reason not to go back to the Catholic church--and, these days, the mass/service are nearly identical.
2007-06-04 06:39:39
answer #4
answered by Holiday Magic 7
If you are a Catholic then no you must confess the fornication and then you must confess the murder of the child. You also need to examine your conscience because in order for the confession to be valid you must be sorry for your sins and it doesn't seem like you are.
If you are not Catholic then you need to speak to a priest with your fiancee present about everything. Most Catholic Churches require 6 months of classes before a wedding anyway whether you are Catholic or not.
Personally I think the Church would be much better off a little leaner than to be crammed full of people who do not agree with her doctrine and end up destroying her credibility with their sinfulness.
2007-06-04 06:20:58
answer #5
answered by Midge 7
First of all I do not know the "rules" of the catholic church- but remember something- if you and your girlfriend have confessed the abortion to God- it is forgiven in His eyes- and the Church should do the same. Not that they always do. It never ceases to amaze me how God can forgive sin, and the church keeps pointing fingers- The catholic church may be different then the church that I attend- my church would celebrate with you and marry you , because God forgives EVERY sin, and throws it as far away as the east is from the west. We should too!!
2007-06-04 06:17:17
answer #6
answered by AdoreHim 7
Yes of course you can. If God's Church did not allow marriages between sinners it wouldn't allow marriage at all. The Church will also help you to deal with the sorrow and guilt that is usually part of post-abortion syndrome, before it does greater damage to the woman than it has already done. Here is a place where she can get help:
2007-06-04 06:16:02
answer #7
answered by PaulCyp 7
Yes, if you resolve your excommunication and come back into communion with the Church.
The procurement of a completed abortion (the murder of an innocent and defenseless human being) will automatically excommunicate the people involved.
Remember the purpose of excommunication is the correction and redemption of the person who has chosen to separate himself or herself from the Church.
Hiding something like a previous marriage or an abortion will nullify the marriage.
With love in Christ.
2007-06-04 17:41:21
answer #8
answered by imacatholic2 7
Nothing good is going to come from lying to your priest.
What your priest knows, or does not know, is irrelevant. It's what God knows that's important.
Your situation is a classic example of how sin begets sin. The sin of fornication lead to your sin of abortion. The sin of abortion has lead to your automatic excommunication from the Church. Now you have to lie to a priest about being a Catholic "in good standing" for the purpose of sinning by receiving a Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Since you intend on being an excommunicated Catholic at the time of the wedding, there's a good chance the wedding will be annulled.
It doesn't matter that the priest doesn't know about the abortion. God knows, and He will call you to account for that sin unless you repent.
You must receive the Sacrament of Confession BEFORE you are married. Confess to the fornication. Confess to the abortion. Your sins will be forgiven if you are sincere in your repentance.
Once you have received the Sacrament of Confession, you will no longer be an excommunicated Catholic. You will be able to leave your sins behind and look forward to a future as a validly married spouse.
Thou shall not commit adultry (the fornication).
Thou shall not kill (the abortion).
Thou shall not lie. (Don't make it three out of three.)
Receiving the Sacrament of Confession is not only the best way to deal with your current situation, it's the only way for a Catholic to deal with it.
Spending a few minutes confessing even the most terrible sins is far easier, than having to live huge lies for the rest of your life. Mind you, it will only be a matter of time before those lies are found out, and you are held accountable - unless, of course, you confess.
Trust me on this. Jesus gave the Church the Sacrament of Confession for sinners. God already knows what your sins are. He is simply waiting for you to confess what He already knows. God's capacity for forgiveness is greater than mankind's capacity for sin.
For your interest, here is what the Catechism has to say about abortion.
2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:
You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.
God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.
2272 Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. "A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae," "by the very commission of the offense," and subject to the conditions provided by Canon Law. The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the scope of mercy. Rather, she makes clear the gravity of the crime committed, the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the parents and the whole of society.
2322 From its conception, the child has the right to life. Direct abortion, that is, abortion willed as an end or as a means, is a "criminal" practice (GS 27 § 3), gravely contrary to the moral law. The Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life.
2274 Since it must be treated from conception as a person, the embryo must be defended in its integrity, cared for, and healed, as far as possible, like any other human being.
Prenatal diagnosis is morally licit, "if it respects the life and integrity of the embryo and the human fetus and is directed toward its safe guarding or healing as an individual. . . . It is gravely opposed to the moral law when this is done with the thought of possibly inducing an abortion, depending upon the results: a diagnosis must not be the equivalent of a death sentence."
2007-06-04 06:57:48
answer #9
answered by Daver 7
Before you receive the Sacrament of Marriage, you should go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
There is much help available for those who have had an abortion. There is healing for you! Please take a look at the link I am including below.
I wish you peace and happiness in your new life.
2007-06-04 06:25:49
answer #10
answered by Faustina 4