1. Being babtized means being babtized in the Holy Spirit. It happens when you're in God's presence. It is AMAZING! And God doesn't send you to Hell. You send yourself there. It was in the beginning of time that we chose the path of sin instead of the one good and true way. It's our fault. And God loves us so much that He sent His son to die for us so that we could spend eternity with Him!!! How cool is that????!!!
2. MEN WROTE the Bible, but GOD SPOKE the words. There is definately a difference.
3. I have explained this to my friends too many times to count. It's called FAITH. Believing without seeing. How do we know the air is there? We can't see it. You can feel His presence. And He did reveal Himself to us in human form when He sent Jesus to earth. It says in the Bible that Jesus was "fully GOD and fully MAN". See? We have seen Him, but not everyone that has seen Him has died.
4. (Even though u put a 5) Swearing is a sin. Satan made all the sin in the world. Do you really think God would do that? NO!
I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just getting to the point. Hope this helps u out. If u ever need help seeking God my e-mail is jen_4105@yahoo.com. God bless!
2007-06-03 17:03:39
answer #1
answered by Jen 2
Many people wonder the same things as you do. But in the Bible, Ecclesiastes 9:5 says that " the living are concious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are concious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages because the remembrance of them is forgotten." So the here the Bible indicates that the dead are concious of nothing at all, so how could they be in hell experiencing torment? But the Bible does say that if you take in knowledge and follow God's word the Bible, that you can live forever on a paradise earth. ( Psalms 37:10,1,29 and John 17:3)
And at 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17, the Bible says that "All Scripture is inspired of God.." So the Bible is God's word, but he just used some 40 humans over 16 centuries to record it by directing them with his holy spirit. ( 2 Peter 1:21 ) Its sort of like how a buisnessman would use his secretary to write a letter. Its the buisnessmans thoughts and instructions, not the secretary who just recorded it.
I hope I helped you by doing my best to answer those two questions for you. And if you have more questions, contact your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Becuase I know they would be more than happy to anwer any other questions about the Bible you may have. I personally have learned so much. Again, hope I helped even just a little.
2007-06-03 17:31:17
answer #2
answered by lynn4080184 1
That's 5 questions for the price of one! :-)
1. God feels the same way about His children and gives them lots of opportunities to change.
2. The Bible is the most well researched and confirmed ancient books ever. We have texts that date from the 3rd century and that is about when books started being written down.
3. Once a person is Baptized in the Holy Spirit they "Know" that God is real. it's hard to explain except faith can get you there. And faith comes from reading the Bible
4. or 5. (whatever) The only swear words that are condemned by the Bible are the actual taking the Lord's name in vain. Paul the apostle says that it is not good to engage in "course talk". but this is more a recomendation.
2007-06-03 17:04:26
answer #3
answered by itsmike 2
1) God does not require a person to be baptized with water to enter heaven. He does, however, require a person to undergo a spiritual conversion of sorts. (i.e. baptized in the spirit).
As far as God "sending" people to hell -- he really doesn't. Hell is a personal choice. Some people simply want nothing to do with God or obeying his commands in any way -- so God simply gives them what they desire. (Follow the link at the bottom of this screen and find my blog about the nature of hell).
2) If you buried a weird decoded writing and people believed that it had come from God -- there's a good chance that those people never truly investigated whether or not your claims were true.
In the same way, people should "test" the Bible to see if it is historically accurate.
3) Everyone who saw George Washington is also dead. However, some people did record his life for us -- and that's how we're able to know about him.
5) I don't know who made swear words wrong to say. But typically, we are either blessing people with our words or we are cursing (hindering) them. I think it's safe to say that words we speak that bless others are pleasing to God -- and words that we speak that curse others are not pleasing to God. Swear words typically fall into the later category. (I've yet to ever be blessed by a swear word).
I blog about this kinda stuff all day. You might enjoy reading: http://www.James-Gilchrist.com
Hope this answer helps in some small way!
2007-06-03 16:59:41
answer #4
answered by phriendofchrist 2
1. Jeremiah 7:31 says God agrees with your views on burning children alive in fire--some religions teach differently--they don't know the true God.
2. God inspired the Bible. 40 different men from all walks of life and different generations wrote it down and it all agrees and God has protected it and preserved it despite many attempts to destroy it.
3. The Bible says Jesus is the only man who ever saw God. We know he is there because of all the things He made and the awesome way we are created. You can't see the wind but you can see what it does.
4. ????
5. God's word says that his people should be speaking and acting in a holy way and having self-control. People tried to decide what words or actions violated this but ultimately each person will have to answer to God especially if they are professing to represent Him.
2007-06-03 18:42:44
answer #5
answered by Sparkle1 6
1) You're feelings about God are actually true. Some people have a misunderstanding of hell. We are spirit children of a Heavenly Father. He loves us and wants all of his children to learn the true principles of happiness. He prepared this earth for that purpose. He allows bad things to happen to help us grow. Hell is a condition people put themselves in living or dead when they refuse to obey the principles of happiness.
2) Most of the books in what is now known as the Holy Bible were written by prophets inspired by God. You can come to know whether its teachings are true by studying them and obeying them. God will tell you in your mind and heart of their truthfulness.
3) We can come to know God is there by developing a relationship with Him through prayer. Also, as we become more like Him, we can better recognize His guidance in our lives.
5) Swearing, regardless of what words you use, shows a lack of respect to others. It's the thought behind the words you use, not the specific words.
2007-06-03 17:06:10
answer #6
answered by Bryan Kingsford 5
The bible says god is the father but the bible was written by primitive people who didn't understand the universe. There is no god, that's why there is so much evil in the world. Most people are raised to believe in god but that doesn't mean it's true. God is imaginary.
Re: swearing, words are just words. Some are more socially acceptable than others.
2007-06-03 17:29:35
answer #7
answered by Mom 4
first God does love us as a father, you got that :) He sent his son, Jesus to come to the world to save us all from eternal death in hell. we are all sinners, we all deserve to die, but God doesn't wish that on anyone. so he sent Jesus who died on the cross and in doing so took on all our sin (for everyone in the whole earth) and he died on the cross so we wouldn't have to.
i know what you are saying about your son that you dont want anything to happen to him, but that is why Jesus dying for us is such a big deal. God sacrificed his own son to pay for all our nasty sins so we can be saved and not have to go to hell!!
all we have to do is pray and tell God we accept the gift he gave to us by having Jesus die instead of us :)
we will all still sin, because we are human, but if we have prayed and accepeted Jesus, then our sins dont count. BUT, that doesnt mean we can run around and do whatever, God still wants you to follow what he says in the bible.
there are a lot of people who wrote the bible, moses, david, paul, a bunch of the deciples. God basicly told them to start writing, and he told the what to write, so the bible is all phisically written by a person, but God told them what to write so the bible is really Gods words not anyone elses.
we know God is real because it is written in the bible, it is really all about faith....
now the swearing thing, i have no idea who decided what words were gonna be bad.....
hope this helps clear up some stuff for you :)
2007-06-03 17:23:02
answer #8
answered by megryan1227 1
1. Baptism is like a covenant between you and God, baptism is not a requirement for getting into Heaven. It is an act to show God your allegiance with Him and how much you love Him. As with your question about people going to Hell. The Bible says that God's desire is that not one person should perish. That is His longing and desire, but it comes down to the fact that every man and woman makes their choices for themselves. Even though that is His desire, that does not mean every person will be saved. It just goes to show us that what He wants, but He gives us free-will to make that choice to love and obey or stay in rebellion. To either accept or reject God. You cannot serve two masters. People send themselves to Hell, God doesn't. They make that choice to be eternally separated from God.
How could God let someone into His Kingdom who has rejected Him throughout their whole entire life? Sure His mercy, grace, and love overpowers His wrath, fury, and anger, but you need to know that God is a Righterous God and He must have a righteous anger. Jesus spoke of the day of judgment coming like a eternally burning furnance. in the Book of psalms David speaks of the burning fire within God towards the wicked and evil nations. Sins are crimes committed against God and yourself, Sin cannot be in the presence of God and in Heaven. People die with their sins.
2. the Bible is written by the Holy Spirit and men inspired by the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit came upon true prophets the Holy Spirit was speaking through the prophets. For instance much of the New Testament was written by Paul, but God told Paul that the Holy Spirit will give him the words to say. If you look at the first part of the Book of Job, it is about Satan coming into the throneroom of God and presenting himself before the Lord. How could any man of known the activity that was going on in the spiritual realm, for even Job did not know, therefore only one could of knew and written of it, GOD.
3. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit existed even before the creation of Heaven. notice Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth." God does not need a home, but He created Heaven as a home for the angels and Himself. The Garden of Eden was Heaven on Earth therefore we didn't have to go to the Upper Heaven. The Bible states He is there, God even says so, and not everyone who has died has seen God.
4. what happened to 4? just kidding
5. the f word stands for "fornication under captain's knowledge," which was used for sailors, pirates, and all those other sea-loving people. People twisted words for evil meanings, you know what a female dog is called, and yet people took that word and made it into a degrading term for women.
2007-06-03 17:09:56
answer #9
answered by sanctusreal77 3
1. all He asks of you is that you try your best to keep his word, the only one who EVER did it perfectly is Jesus who died to forgive our sins. God dosn't send us to hell, the devil does. it's our chose to follow God or santin. so you can't blame God, because he never tempts you to do anything, but he does test your faith, and yes there is a difference. God loves everyone, even the ones that don't love him back, he still doesn't want harm to come to them, but he will disipline them to bring them closer to him. heard of tough love? being a mom you have a lot of it. god punishes us the same way you do your son. he does something bad, you send him to a corner and tell him to "think about what he's done". we do something against God and he really only does the same thing.
2. God wrote the Bible. he breathed his word into his followers for them to just put it on paper.
3. we know God is here by what's in our hearts, in all the wounderful things in the world, and in the Holy Word.
5. that one I would like to know also. people make things sound bad and so we think they are. but that's cuseing, not swearing. there two different things. cuseing is "Oh my God" (takeing his name in vain) and "You look like ****** up ****".
swearing is like your under oath like in a coart room or saying "I swear i cleaned my room" if you lie under an oath you have the wrath of God to deal with 'cause you just broke the 2nd comandment.
If you have any more questions make sure to ask me and i'll answer them as best as I can. I hope this helps you find peace with God.
2007-06-03 17:08:37
answer #10
answered by Rose16 3