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end1 /ɛnd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[end] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the last part or extremity, lengthwise, of anything that is longer than it is wide or broad: the end of a street; the end of a rope.
2. a point, line, or limitation that indicates the full extent, degree, etc., of something; limit; bounds: kindness without end; to walk from end to end of a city.
3. a part or place at or adjacent to an extremity: at the end of the table; the west end of town.
4. the furthermost imaginable place or point: an island at the very end of the world.
5. termination; conclusion: The journey was coming to an end.

2007-06-03 00:14:12 · 28 answers · asked by wolfe_tone43 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Death is the end because after death there is no end.

Why don't you look up death? You will see it relates to the physical organism and the cessation of physical activities.

A better understanding would be the final cessation of communication with this world.

Since you posted this in the R&S section -

The things that can be seen are temporal but the unseen things are eternal.

Thus whatever state you are in at death is the state you will be fixed in forever, whether of sin or of righteousness.

These states have supreme consequences.

If God be perfect, as He is, then it is impossible for Him to allow sin, imperfection, in His presence without thereby compromising His perfection. Mere logic must tell us this.

How then, can we be made perfect before the end?

Mere logic must tell us again - only by God's work if it be possible at all.

Can we be remade perfect? Only by a perfect work. And only God can do that perfect work, since His work is always only perfect.

Let us earnestly seek God for His most perfect work.

2007-06-03 05:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by Jake M 3 · 1 0


There are no ends - only fresh beginnings. The amount of matter in the universe is constant. From the "big-bang" - a theory first posited by a Jesuit Priest by the way for those who think science and faith are not related - came all the wonderful variety of elements and life. We really are star dust.

Imagine your experience is of living in a comfortable coccoon where all your needs are met. You sense that you are connected to something bigger - and slowly you develop to understand the environment around you - yet ever there is a mystery as to what your existance is really about. Then a moment comes and suddenly you feel yourself drawn down a tunnel towards the unknown. You are afraid. Existence as you know it is coming to an end. This is, in fact, birth - so no wonder babies are born kicking and screaming.

Suddenly you realise you are still here - but the world around you has changed and become a vast place of wonder and exploration. It is so stimulating that you forget your previous comfort zone, just as the embreo you forgot it's previous existance as egg and sperm. In time you have come to make some sense of the new world you find yourslef in - but then you find yourself drawn towards a tunnel ......

Life is a bit like a matrioshka: right at the heart is a very small original model that is wrapped over time in ever bigger forms of itself.

Want to live for ever? Youn already do.

Good wishes.

2007-06-03 01:46:23 · answer #2 · answered by pilgrimspadre 4 · 2 0

The death is a passage. Anyone who lives in this planet needs of a vehicle called body. If you want live underwater you need a different body like that of a fish. When the spirit that vitalize your body goes away, the body collapses and the death takes place.
But that is the death of the body. At this point there is a question: Where the vitalizing energy is gone? Think about it.
You may have some answers by reading and listening some paranormal experiences. Especially those lived by Coral Polge, a sensitive english clairvoyant.

Go here and listen:

2007-06-03 01:34:33 · answer #3 · answered by bianco 4 · 0 1

Is your question about death or about the end? Death is a word created by man to explain the end of life. If you stop believing in god you do not die, it is not the end. If you stop eating your system fails and your life will end. What happens then is that your body decomposes and becomes part of the physical sphere we call the Earth. So it is not the end because your individual micro organism (your body) merges with the other micro organism to become part of the whole (the Earth). Similarly your energy or spirit or soul becomes part of the Earths' energy, spirit or soul. In addition, 4.6 billion years from now when the macro organism (the Earth) will reach what we call death then the collective organism will become part of the rest of the universe.

2007-06-03 00:32:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"End"? End of what, life? Death is the end of life. If you want to find your answer in the dictionary, look up "death" rather than "end"...
1.the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Compare brain death.
2.an instance of this: a death in the family; letters published after his death.
3.the state of being dead: to lie still in death.

The first definition of death is "the act of dying; the end of life..."

As to what Missing Link said about eternity; true Christians cannot conceive of eternity, but it's not just Christians, nobody can conceive of eternity. How can anyone understand a concept that no one has ever known? There are many things man has never known and there for man cannot imagine it. Can you picture infinite?

2007-06-03 02:54:14 · answer #5 · answered by ♥Tawnya♥ 4 · 1 0

Why do you think Paul called death an enemy -- because it is the end. For some a temporary stop, for others a permanent stop -- Gehenna is forever.

The Christian hope is the resurrection from death, the first resurrection began only after Christ's presence began. The second resurrection will only start after the Kingdom has begun operating and paradise's restoration started.

2007-06-03 02:09:01 · answer #6 · answered by Fuzzy 7 · 1 0

i don't think anyone can really answer that question;it would go on forever...but life ends when you want it too. Like they say that death is the end, but religion says that if you follow Jesus then you live in heaven forever [i think thats right]. Anyway, it just makes it too confusing. Death may not be the end....but it might be-we'll never know until we've tried...

2007-06-03 01:52:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I hate to say it but we all become worm food when we take our final breath. Until proven otherwise I wont believe anything different. Sad,harsh and a cold slap of reality kinda sucks sometimes.

Or of course you could believe that we will all be sat on fluffy white clouds chatting to each other eating cucumber sandwiches and sipping herbal tea.With the 12 virgins there as well.

2007-06-03 00:21:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Death is not the end.... giving up our hope completely thinking we cannot ever secure happiness is the true end of our life

2007-06-03 00:34:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We only live on earth with our earth suits,our soul is within us,death and what we choose here this side of heaven determines where we spend eternity.Choose this day who you will serve,self or Jesus.He is the only way to eternal life.Know Jesus have life,no Jesus no life.

2007-06-03 00:27:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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