Oh, please don't worry about this! It's not what you think... the reason why you didn't experience anything under the anesthesia is that God knew you weren't dying! God knew that when you were under the anesthesia you needed the rest so your body could heal itself so that's what happened. God gave you what you needed.
When we die, we are instantly taken to heaven. That's what Jesus death bought for us. And that's what the Temple Veil in the Holy of Holies tearing straight down the middle signified. It signified there is NO MORE barrier to heaven. Now when you die, Jesus paid your price, so you go without any waiting. I'm sorry that this is such a tough experience for you. Let me share a few testimonies about when my dad died. I hope it helps:
1) About a year after my dad died (just 3 years ago), one day, my mom just suddenly said to me, "Teresa, I saw him go! The paramedics were still doing CPR on him, and I saw him go like a flash of light sort of out of his left arm. And a thrill of joy flooded my soul, and I thought to myself, 'There goes Leonard!" And she swore she was happy because she KNEW he was on his way to heaven! And this was her reaction even though he was dying. I never knew it was like that for her.
2) Right after my dad died I visited his church where he died. I was sitting in the pew by the sound board where he had his heart attack, thinking how bad it must've hurt him to die. The more I thought, the more I cried. Until I was hysterical, sobbing. Suddenly, I heard my dad's voice like a SHOUT inside my head, "Teresa, it was NOT like that!" He was pleading with me to not torment myself over what had happened to him, and to believe it didn't hurt nearly as bad as I was imagining. It was very hard not to believe that death isn't cruel. But my father's voice was so real, so strong, so definitely HIS voice, that it stopped my crying in mid sob. And I saw him, too. He was wearing pure white robes. And he didn't have his hearing aids anymore or his glasses.
I don't know why God did this for me, anymore than I know why what happened to you. I don't have more faith than you, I promise, and I definitely don't deserve it. But I'm glad I'm online here tonight and that I saw your question. I hope my answer helps you feel more at ease. I believe with all my heart that the entire work of heaven right now is angels and saints in heaven are working here on earth 100% of the time to save us, to rescue us and to heal us and help us through the things we are going through until it's finally our day to join them. Maybe most of the time we don't see them. But they are always here. Who cares about us more? Don't our loved ones who've passed through the veil of eternity to be with God want to help us get through this hard, hard life? Of course they do. Who loves you more than they do? And so I've learned that their lives in heaven are spent just like their lives on earth were: pouring out their hearts to us in love just to help us. That's the whole work of heaven, and it's all they want to do.
But shake off your fear. God has promised, and we know that God cannot lie. And it would never enter into His heart to harm you now, while you are His hurting little girl. Just "Fly to Jesus" and let Him hug all your hurt away. And don't be too hard on yourself for the doubt, but please don't let the negative feelings or the devil win. You have a precious heart of faith I can tell based on what I've read. If you have a chance to hear Chris Rice's "Come to Jesus (also called "Untitled Hymn"), I'd really recommend it to you. It's very comforting and one of my all time favorites.
Also, I'll be praying for you. God bless you sister.
2007-06-02 18:02:55
answer #1
answered by godcr8dyou 2
Yes, death is the end of life.
Now think about it, everyday you lose a few thousand brain cells. Not a large percent, a mere fraction. But there is one small problem with brain cells, as with all neurones: They will never grow back, they will never be replaced.
Your brain is rotting away, day by day. Everyday some of that sea leeks out; evaporates, simply goes and nothing will bring it back. No amount of begging or money will stop it; nothing you can do will halt the demise of your nervous system. You are doomed, one day you will die.
When you are dying the first thing that effects you is the lack of oxygen that causes the cells that link your muscles and ligaments together to break up, reducing compounds to mixes of chemicals. Your brain, lacking in blood oxygen but not in stored energy feels strange, woozy, euphoric: This is psychedelia - and this is when most people experience the "traveling through tunnel with light at the end" experience. Other experience out of body experiences: Their brain is suffering the first signs of falling apart coupled with the bodies erroneous return of happiness. Your blood is begins to clot. Your brain uses up the last of the emergency supply of oxygen. Cells begin to die. Your brain cells are burning, dendrites are curling up.
Maybe your sight goes first. Sometimes its the body from the neck down, sometimes it's your memory. Things are starting to give, communications are going down, your left doesn't know what the right is doing. If your body was still flaying around, well now, it has stopped. Your 'inner voice' has died, your brain is a mush of ruptured cells.
Death is a progressive disease. You don't really ever get to know that it is happening until too late. You lose your mind cell at a time, there is no line over which you die. Even if you are decapitated, or something equally final, your brain is still functioning - and it will function until every cell has died. Cell by cell you die, your consciousness becomes more are more confused until it doesn't know it's confused. You don't die unhappy; it's impossible. The most strong willed of people will not put up a fight. It's like fainting, there comes a point when you know it's going to happen but there's nothing you can do.
2007-06-03 00:50:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Whats so bad about it?
I had a similar experience in rugby- knocked out for 35 mins. Woke like i had slept for 10 hours, not knowing where i was and why i was wearing rugby shorts....
I realised that if the brains not working, well, you know nothing.
But zen masters will tell you life, reality, is ordinary. Whats extrordinary is the ideas people make of it. Like the idea that we were once born and that we will die.
It is not true. We are not a person (whether you want to say body or soul).
We are the subjective principle, we are no different than all the objects that surround us. (they are us too)
The human form is but one of our endless manifestations.
2007-06-03 07:18:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes i've been put out before but thats not the issue here. I believe I will be judged one day and I will spend eternity in heaven. Thats all I know. If death is like anesthesia then it won't really matter to us b/c we will be gone. Which I know is scary to think about but we need to focus on life not death! No worrys just take life as it comes!
2007-06-03 00:46:25
answer #4
answered by Jane 2
Death is complete separation from God and awareness of that separation forever.
You tell us that you are a Christian. Don't you remember why God came to the earth as the man, Jesus? It was for our salvation and redemption. To save us from death and to forgive our sins.
It will be like we are given anesthesia when we die but, when we wake up, we will be with Him.
When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, there is no permanient death for us. Please be confident and assured that you, as His child, will be with Him in Heaven. He loves you.
2007-06-03 00:56:49
answer #5
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
No because Jesus said that He has gone to prepare a place for us. I trust Him with my life. Why shouldn't I trust Him with my death. I know that we are made up of body, soul, and spirit. When I turned from my sins and received Jesus as my Savior AND my Lord, God gave me the Holy Ghost as a down payment for my salvation. I know this to be true when God removed my old spirit and gave me the Holy Spirit. My behavior changed and I became a new creature.This experience is called being "Born Again." I can actually feel God's presence in me. Has this happened to you since you have believed?.
2007-06-03 00:52:03
answer #6
answered by Apostle Jeff 6
Well if your a Christian and believe in God then why doubt His Truth and his Word? What does the Bible say about life? It is only a little peace of 'time' out of eternity, it also says "Absent from the body, present with the Lord." Once your dead you are going to be judged by God. If you are a born again Christian then you have eternity in Heaven with your Creator to enjoy in bliss. But if you aren't then the Bible also clearly says your eternity will also be determined by a final judgment from God after death. Your eternity would then be one with out God and in the Lake of Fire.
*"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of need." Psalm 46:1
*"The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory." Isaiah 60:19
I'll be praying for you to find peace and for God to quiet your doubt about His Word.
2007-06-03 00:55:15
answer #7
answered by MJ 4
Death is our shining moment on this Earth to pass over into something more radiant, more divine, more everything. Remember what he said, "In my house there are many mansions, and I have prepared a place for you." You will just be making a move, Angie, from your house here to a Divine mansion where a place has been prepared especially for you by the Divine Creator Himself.
2007-06-03 10:39:17
answer #8
answered by Kim 2
Death is just as you described being on anesthesia, after you die your next conscious memory will be one of coming into the presence of the Almighty at the time of your ressurection.
Heb 9:27
Please follow the following links to study what happens when we die.
2007-06-03 00:51:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If you have accepted Jesus Christ, look in the Bible for what Heaven is like. We can't reproduce Heaven on earth by any means, so it can't be anything like the surgery feeling! I suggest that you read the book '90 minutes in Heaven' about a guy that's actually been there.
2007-06-03 00:49:05
answer #10
answered by tall_drummer 2