According to my beliefs and religion, it takes faith. You have to have faith to know that God will not give you more than you can handle. If you look at Matthew (I think it is the 5th chapter) It tells you not to worry about what you are going to eat, wear, etc because if God takes care of the grass, birds, etc will he not take care of you and you are more important than they are. But FIRST you have to seek the kingdom. Many people have problems and they do not let God handle it. They say they do, but they continue to try and fix the problem. When you have a problem, you give it to God, trust him and let him take care of it. Pray for patience if you have to.
Now if you do not trust Him and do not seek him, then you do not have His protection. Satan never promised that he would not attempt to make you miserable in any and everyway.
2007-06-03 01:50:24
answer #1
answered by 2fine4u 6
Sometimes I can't handle some questions in this group. There is no personal god for the planet earth.
2007-06-02 22:03:50
answer #2
answered by Lionheart ® 7
You are not alone and the truth is we can handle very little. But as you grow in Christ you will be able to just leave everything in His hands. I know from personal experience. And the truth is sometimes i still try to handle things myself. Learning to give it to Jesus and leave it at the cross is easier said then done. But with persistence it will happen. God is in control of everything. How He does it all is one question I look forward to asking Him in heaven.
2007-06-02 22:05:22
answer #3
answered by turtle30c 6
i believe in god and everything but i don't believe that you get what you can handle. If that was the case parents would never end up killing their kids cause they couldn't handle them. Watch the news and read the paper.
2007-06-02 22:07:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes, we can know how much we can handle. Every day we choose to keep on keepin' on, we are handling life. Maybe not well, but every day, every minute, is opportunity for growth. Consequently, every time we pass one of these so-called tests in life, get over whatever is presently besetting us, we develop new capacity to prepare us to take on the next life lesson. Every life lesson calls us to strengthen our patience, deepen our learning and understanding, increase our capacity for whatever lies within the test itself/life lesson itself, and reign in our tendencies to feel hopeless and incapacitated for very long. The objective is to eventually understand that we need to develop and take on a "bring it on" attitude. When we reach that level of understanding, we will have reached a level of maturity that appreciates the value of what it takes to grow our spiritual muscle. Then we become invincible. We take charge of our life, as much as is possible for a human. Life becomes our gemologist. We become life's gem that trials and challenges hone, polish, shape, and bring out the beauty and luster hidden in our depths.
2007-06-02 22:19:02
answer #5
answered by jaicee 6
If we knew we would not move forward in our situations. We would stay stuck in time and give up or throw in the towel so to speak when the going gets tough. If you knew how much you could handle... you would give in to your beliefs of not being able to handle anymore... and stop trying to help yourself. Uhh..yeah....
2007-06-02 22:18:05
answer #6
answered by fatbabyceesay 5
Sometimes when I've gone through rough times, I'll look back on it and think "gee, how did I make it through that mess!" Lots of times when things are bad I will keep repeating "this too shall pass." It really does pass, and the sun does come up the next morning.
Good question...
2007-06-02 22:06:33
answer #7
answered by Oreo Schmoreo 7
I think sometimes we pile on more then God have given to us.. Then there are those that God gives more to then others..Kind of like Job...I have a life alike like he did and yes it can be overwhelming, but in the end the finished product will be far better off then when the process first started.....
2007-06-02 22:05:32
answer #8
answered by blahblah 5
I have seen the sad truth of self-delusion played out in many ways; for some, it means thinking they are less than they are, for others it means making too much of themselves.
Why play small with the world? Remember Neo from the Matrix? Everybody but him thought that he was the chosen one, and it was only as he started believing it that he was able to act accordingly. If it is true that Christians are sons and daughters of God, what will it take for us to believe it enough to start acting accordingly?
2007-06-02 22:04:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You will find through out your life that you can handle a whole lot more than you think you can.If you give you life to Jesus and trust in him, you can handle almost anything that comes your way.
2007-06-02 22:05:07
answer #10
answered by Piper 5