Witchcraft is evil. It is condemned in scripture.
What you think of as magic in the Bible is miracles.
Only God can perform miracles. The devil offers cheap substitutes to lead people away from God.
2007-06-02 13:29:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What, precisely are you asking (?) ... stating (?) ... in this dump of words? "Is the Bible" ... what?
Are you asking if it is as relevant as Harry Potter?
When J.K. Rawling could tell you details of science, three thousand years before they were discovered; you might perhaps convince yourself that her kiddies books are similar.
If she could pass off Harry Potter's premise as fact - as something that really happened;
If she could state that her stories really happened, at a specific time; in real, specific locations; and that not one of the local residents who lived there, stood up to say that, No, those events never did happen ... then yes, you could say that her accounts of Harry Potter are as relevant as the Bible.
The biblical record of history, facts, and occurrences is just that: historical facts of real history.
J.K. Rawling sat in a coffee shop on Princes Street in Edinburgh, and wrote ... fiction.
Is there a point to your reference to witchcraft and magic? The Bible records witchcraft and magic because both are real, occult pursuits, practiced by human beings.
If any author builds a story out of any historical practice that people engage in, what has that got to do with the Bible, or anything else?
Hatred of God, ridicule of the Bible, mocking God-fearing people is one thing - it speaks much about the people doing it; but surely, those doing it should at least know what they are talking about (?) and be able to express a coherent idea about what it is, precisely, that they despise.
Perhaps, you could make a better attempt, and - if I see it - I (and, perhaps others) will do my best to answer whatever serious question you may be asking (?)
Philip Livingstone
2007-06-02 20:29:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Consider the "fantasy":
The Bible is different from every other book. In it God predicts the future. No other book does this with accuracy. God names names, dates and places so we can check out history and see that He was right. He even gave us the very words someone would say centuries before the fact!
If you were God and you wanted to communicate through a book, you would put things in there only a God could know, such as the future. If you wanted everyone to know that you were going to come in person, you would explain what you were like so you would be recognized. You would put in the city of your birth, where you grew up, what kinds of deeds you would do, your temperament, your purpose, even how you would die.
God did all that in the Old Testament. It was all in book form 400 years before Jesus, the Son of God, came. The New Testament gospels follow Jesus and point out some of the places where He fulfilled the prophecies.
“Daniel 11, written in the 6th century B.C., gives an amazingly thorough account of Alexander’s Grecian kingdom, divided first into four competing factions after his death. It predicts details of the struggle between the Ptolemy and Seleucid empires for a period of 160 years, right down to the advent of the Roman Empire. That is why the skeptics used to claim that the book of Daniel could not have been written before 164 B.C., but now we have proof of a much earlier writing text.
“The prophet Isaiah (44:28) gave the name of a king not yet born and of a kingdom not yet instituted and of an event that would not take place for another 150 years. He predicted that a king named Cyrus would commission the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Cyrus did come to the throne in Persia, and in the first year of his reign in 538, he issued a decree that the temple in Jerusalem should be rebuilt. (See 2 Chronicles 36:22-Ezra 1:1-3. This prophecy described in the Bible is confirmed by the discovery of a Babylonian inscription.)
“Daniel actually gave the time when Christ would come into the world and die. Daniel (9:24) predicted that Messiah would be cut off (die) 483 Hebrew years after the issuing of the Persian decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. Artaxerxes Longimanus issued that decree on March 5, 444 B.C. (Neh. 2:1-8), granting the Jews permission to rebuild Jerusalem’s city walls. This, too, is confirmed by archeological discoveries. Four hundred eighty-three prophetic years (360 days to a year) and seven days later, Jesus was crucified as predicted, How could a prophet accurately predict the date of Messiah’s death hundreds of years before it took place, unless he was the ‘voice’ of God as he claimed?”
Thanks to the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran, we know with certainty the above prophecies date before the occurrence of actual prophesied events.
He has proven His existence perfectly and wonderfully. The Christian God is the true God.
2007-06-02 20:22:49
answer #3
answered by Steve Husting 4
What is witchcraft? The meaning of the word Witch orgianially was wise one. Most of the teaching in witchcraft relate to Solomn the Lesser and Great keys, I think that he is in the Bible. Gilmorings were lab books were people note effect of plants and animals products on people, and used them for good healing or bad poisoning, rye flour wetted with swamp water dried in the dark place and mixed in bread would drive men mad. LSD comes from a rye mold, weird isn't it. Hypontism started as magic.The trust is that most people do not know how to read either the bible are the old witchcraft books with any understanding. Most are blind to the truth of either and buy the hipe of both. True the bible and all book of Faith were writing by people, so you can say they are flawed, but then so are the people reading them.
2007-06-02 20:13:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
well, I have sense enough to understand that what you are considering witchcraft is what many many millions would call "miracles"... and I will not bash you for stating your question that way... but I can BET you that some who answer will.
The bible is a written tradition, pretty much a written collection of the ORAL tradition of the Judeo Christian Faith.. and with any oral tradition/stories, comes exaggeration and whoppers even.... think of the Game we played as small children, Telephone... by the time it gets to the end (in this case the writing of the book) its not even the same story.
The bible details some amazing things, curing of the sick, healing, bringin the dead back to life.. etc. How you choose to look at them is up to you...thats the beauty of INTERPRETATION... Those crazy *** Christian Fundamentalists will tell you it is the DIRECT word of GOD.. this is crap, just like them... It is a collection of STORIES, nothing more than stories, and should be interpreted as such...
2007-06-02 20:02:50
answer #5
answered by Peter Griffin 6
The Bible does record that throughout the centuries people have believed in witchcraft / magic. The Bible also points out that magic is wrong. It shows the negative consequences for believing in magic.
Your (silly) argument could be used to say that the DARE cop that comes to your high school promotes drugs because he mentions drugs.
The DARE cop talks about drugs to speak out against them.
The Bible says that withcraft / magic is wrong.
2007-06-02 20:03:34
answer #6
answered by Hawk 5
The Holy Bible has no magic, none whosoever! God has his many amazing miracles that he preforms though him and though others, God is almighty! His has the power to do everything and anything, before you ask a stupid question that doesn't even make sense you need to consult a pastor or actually read one for yourself, don't compare Witches and Wizards with God, there is nothing the same! The Bible is completey true, don't phase out the truth!
2007-06-02 20:03:10
answer #7
answered by tickledpinkishblue 2
How does the Bible have witchcraft in it? As a Christian I feel your question is rude and stereotypical. I read the bible and I read Harry Potter. I believe witchcraft is real, but I prefer not to participate.
2007-06-02 20:00:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Good comparison. About the same amount of truth and fact contained in both books. But Harry Potter is a much more interesting read.
2007-06-02 20:00:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You must be insane to not believe there is not some higher power out there. Look around you. Did man create all this?
As for what higher power you believe in, I don't care. But just chew on this for awhile. You may not believe in the Bible because God's work is unbelievable. Faith. That is all I have to say. Faith
2007-06-02 20:01:50
answer #10
answered by wizdom1324 2