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Everytime I think about this i break into tears. i've tryed get help from counselors but they never help. so i need your help.

my father severly abuses me =[

he recently started drinking and ever since my mom died i have no one to go to and talk to when i really need them. my dad comes home at 2 or 3 in the morning, wasted. I've tried getting help for him but he threatens to kick me out and beat me. It hurts me so much to look at all my cuts and bruises... I cry myself to sleep every night.. if only i can have a normal father! when i talk to him he slaps me across my face. we used to be so close but now i feel like he doesn't know me. im 17 and i dont want to do anything bad to him.. i love him... i mean hes my father.... i just need some help to straighten him out. I would love it if i had my father again! please help me i would greatly appreaciate it. =/

2007-06-02 12:51:49 · 16 answers · asked by AmAnDa K 1 in Family & Relationships Family

16 answers

you need to call the cops before he kills you. it's not a joke. the best thing that you can do for him he put he away for a while so he can think about life

2007-06-02 12:57:22 · answer #1 · answered by elizabeth v 2 · 2 0

Hey Girl,

Omg I feel for you. #1 thing to always remember is that It is not EVER EVER your fault. If you are still in School then you need to tell your Teacher. If that doesn't work, Call the cops. Ask your friend or another family member if you can stay with them for a few days. The police will help you. Ask them to come over and stay the night with you until your father comes home and then they can take care of it.

To approach your father even when he isn't drunk could very easily make it worse. I know he's your father and you love him and your scared but its the best thing to do.

My step-father was the only father I ever knew and I loved him. He became an alchoholic and drugdealer and molested me when I was very young. I told my mom that I was having nightmares about things like that happening and she was to busy to ever really look into it. But when I finally told my grandparents they told my mom it was true. The police came and arrested him and I haven't seen him in 6 1/2 years, But i loved him alot. If I wouldn' have told he probably would have hurt me worse and my little brothers too.

If you need to talk some more you can IM me kidincrisis@yahoo.com

Please try to calm down. Tell a teacher or the Police. If that doesn't work go to your local schoolboard and ask for Child Services

2007-06-02 21:06:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Amanda --- too many girls face abuse! In fact, 25% of women in the United States have experienced at least one episode of violence from their father. You are going through an unbelievably hard time right now, but there IS help! Do you have any good friends at school right now? If you do, you should pack a bag, filled with a few extra changes of clothing and other necessities and tell your friend (and your friend's parent! Adults can help, too!!!!) about your dad.

If you feel like you don't have any friends, relatives, or any other adult to turn to, there are still places that you can go to! In fact, there are places all over the United States that house women who are abused by fathers and/or husbands. At these places, people can help get your life back together and make life the place that you deserve to be in.

I know that you love your father, and it is perfectly normal for you to feel that way. Right now, however, you need to get away from him because you do NOT deserve to slapped, mentally OR physically.

By getting help, you are not harming your father, but you are instead HELPING him, and yourself.

Good luck with everything Amanda and DO NOT lose hope!!! : )

2007-06-02 20:11:39 · answer #3 · answered by Marley Kyle 3 · 0 0

I am so sorry. You cannot change your father. He needs help. You should call the police on him. It may sound like it is mean of you, but it is the best thing for him. He is an alcoholic and they will make him sober up overnight. They can make him seek help for his problems.

You cannot change or help him if he doesn't want it. You can protect yourself and love yourself by calling the cops. He should not beat you like that. That should be a wake up call to him.

Do you have other family members like aunts, uncles, cousins, Grandparents you can stay with? How about friends. Have you talked to your school counselor? They have to report the abuse if you tell them, especially since you are a minor.

You need to call the cops when he beats you. I pray that God be with you at all times. Give you strength and courage and I pray you feel his love surround you.

Hugs to you. Please do not Not call because he is your father. . . He isn't acting like your father. If it were a friend of yours, what would you tell them to do?

Please protect yourself by calling 911. Better yet, find some friends and family to stay with. You are a special lady who deserves a chance at life. Don't let your fathers sickness take you in. You can get out of it. Don't let him suck you into his sickness. He really needs to help himself. He will not until he is ready or made to see what he is doing is wrong.

Hugs to you.

2007-06-02 20:02:27 · answer #4 · answered by Stephanie F 7 · 0 0

i would firstly like to say that this is really a sad subject...um i think the best thing to do is approach your father when he isnt drunk.....and hopefully you can talk to him about whats going on...but if he ignores it you have to get out of that house, you need to tell someone like a school counselor or an adult that you know or even the police...you may not want to hurt your dad but you need to help yourself before its too late. And maybe by you exposing him for how he is now, he can be helped. Please speak up and Tell someone if talking to him doesnt work its very important that you do it could mean your life!

2007-06-02 19:59:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

it's time for you to call the police. love is not supposed to hurt. and HE NEEDS SERIOUS HELP. i will keep this simple...you can either (1) continue to do nothing and continue to take the abuse or you can (2) do something and call the police. your dad needs help...period. just because he's family doesn't mean that he has any right to hurt or abuse you. you also need to find a way to take pictures of your abuse. go to the store and buy a disposable camera. then you need to take that camera to someone else that you trust (friend, teacher, co-worker or boss) and have them take pictures of ALL of your bruises and cuts. if you wear make up to hide the flaws then you will need to remove it to make sure that you capture everything. take that camera and get it developed and get pictures PLUS a picture cd. in case the pictures are destroyed you have them on cd that you can re-use. keep the pictures and picture cd in seperate places. next thing you need to do is call the police. there is no talk or communcation or 'let me see if i can talk to him again' that will get through to an abuser which happens to be your dad. you are still a minor. sometimes people need to hit rock bottom in order for them to straighten up. your dad may need to lose his daughter (which is you) and go to jail in order for him to see that his abuse is not working. if the counselors will not help...they have bosses too. you can report that to the proper authories so you CAN get the help that you need. you have access to a computer then you can access the department of education of what ever city or county that you reside and file a formal complaint against the coulselors at your school who did not help you when you needed it most. help is out there...but you need to fight for it...as your life depends on it. call the police...and present them with the proof (i.e. the pictures that you will take) of the abuse. if they dismiss you the first time then you need to keep calling them. don't let anyone use family as an excuse for the abuse that you are going through. you have your entire life ahead of you. and you are the only one who can put a stop to his abuse. call the police.

eta: i also wanted to add the below website. as they may provide more help for you than yahoo answers.

2007-06-02 20:07:21 · answer #6 · answered by cfalways 5 · 0 0

srry bout that now at schoooltalk to the teachers about it if something really bad happens call the police but if it is like slapping dodge and dont call then u wont see him again take all the liquor from him talk about it with family members if he works someday dont let him go to work then take the liquor and stuff then have the family over and talk to him if he tries to hurt u hurt him back it will bother his brain and snapp him back normal stay at a friends or familys house and leave a not and stuff and just go he might straighten himself out alone

2007-06-02 19:59:45 · answer #7 · answered by Virginia S 1 · 0 0

I am a sober alchoholic of
23 years. what you need is help for
you! Anything you say will probably
fall on deaf ears to any active drinker.
as far as the obuse the police must be
called,some tough love may help! You
should also call AA,and ask about al-anon
or al-ateen!(AA is usually the first # in the
Phone book. GOD speed and good luck!

2007-06-02 20:07:16 · answer #8 · answered by pridegirlsball 2 · 0 0

Go to a domestic violence shelter. Maybe losing your presence in his life will make him realize what you mean to him and he will seek counseling. My father beat me for 14 years before I ran away and got married to someone just like him. I won't tell you how it ended up, but it was extremely traumatic, to say the least. His problems have nothing to do with you, are not your fault, and until he can be a worthy parent, he does not deserve you. Leave now before it is too late and seek professional and legal assistance. He belongs in jail.

2007-06-02 20:00:02 · answer #9 · answered by Clear as a Bell 3 · 0 0

If your father is leaving cuts and bruises, please speak to your counselor at school or a teacher. They will help! The state will help your father get the help he needs. It may mean that you and he live in different houses for a while, but the long term gain (him getting help and you not being hurt) will be worth it.

2007-06-02 19:59:07 · answer #10 · answered by msmthtchr 3 · 1 0

o Hun have you got a relative you can go and speak to or one of your mums friend that you grew up with you need to talk to some one soon before he ends up hurting you really bad or killing himself with the booze he has gone into a depression and is handling it badly if you cant get through to him then im sorry you must leave and go and stay else where and this may bring him to his senses good luck x

2007-06-02 20:02:41 · answer #11 · answered by disco 3 · 0 0

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