Christianity is based on Pagan beliefs:
2007-06-02 12:36:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First define REAL Christian?
Why do you think you are?
Also you stated this person' parents are pagans and then when onto describing them as atheist alcoholics?
Do you actually know what a pagan is?
What kin dof pagan there are several!
(Neo) Pagans are not atheists!
And if these parents are alcoholics maybe what this person needs is help getting them into AA or therapy or something?
Pointing her (alleged) sins in this way will not help her deal with her parents (alleged) alcoholicism or her (alleged) problems with that.
If you think this person is in denial about their parents problems email them a list of organisations that support the family of drug abusers but check first that her parents really are drug abusers?
Check your facts!
If you're thinking "receiving the word" will ALWAYS perform instant miracles of healing and conversion you are sadly out of touch or ignorant.
Read the Gospel . The ground has to be prepared or the seed is wasted on barren ground.
Also read St Paul in Romans 2 where it says pagans may still be saved if they have not heard the word?
2007-06-02 19:49:48
answer #2
answered by J V 6
Isn't it a sin to judge?
Usually, people who have relatives or spouses of different religions are more receptive of others. Apparently, you are a "BURN IN HELL, FAGS!!! SMITE THE NON-BELIEVERS!" type of Christian. It's okay, you've probably just been brainwashed to be that way by, let me guess, your radical Christian parents and grandparents, rather than forming an opinion on your own.
I have much more respect for the Christian who really is Christ-like, loving and forgiving rather than judgmental and intolerant. I also have quite a bit of respect for the Christian who has doubted, and then returned to their religion with a renewed vigor. It shows that they aren't just blindly following something that they were brought into from the womb.
2007-06-02 19:45:03
answer #3
answered by Stardust 6
I think a real Christian would invite their pagan parents to Christ, and explain what a difference Christ made for them. But if they did not accept it, they do not have to keep on badgering them. Their witness is to live according to the Lord's way, and that will speak louder than all words.
I'm sure that she knows her parents better than you do. She probably realizes that they are not ready to hear or accept. And maybe she knows that living a Christian life is the best way to witness to them.
Let's not judge!
2007-06-02 19:37:30
answer #4
answered by Nuff Said Sis 3
Christ lived by example. He WAS loving and tolerant. People followed him because his example brought light into their lives and they loved him. I was under the impression that that was what his followers were also supposed to do. But then, what do I know? I'm just an ignorant Pagan.
2007-06-05 15:46:39
answer #5
answered by kaplah 5
She should tell them about Christ. At least once to make sure they have heard the gospel and have no excuse when they stand before God on judgment day. After that, leave it be. Don't constantly bring it up. Be an example from that point on and have her let her life do the talking for her.
And whats up with all these people saying hell is not a real place. My bible describes hell very well and it's a very real place with very real pain and suffering. Not nothingness or the grave. Please, lets be realistic when we tell people they will just miss out on a life with God when in reality, the rest of eternity will be spent in torment without God.
2007-06-02 19:43:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It might be better to share the commonalities and hopes before coming across so negatively and slamming all doors. If I were a Non Christian and some one I loved suddenly started telling me that i was bound for Hell no matter how fair,charitable and kind I was i would I would not exactly be open to that giving of the "law",would you?
2007-06-02 19:40:36
answer #7
answered by James O 7
Christ also said to take the beam out of your own eye before trying to take the gleam out of someone else's.. would you like us to flay your own life open publicly for display so that we can critize all the ways in which YOU are not being a christian?
How about we start with your gossiping? try reading James, Timothy, Paul, and just for some wisdom:
A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue. A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret" (Proverbs 11:12-13).
2007-06-02 19:37:49
answer #8
answered by Kallan 7
"Judge not lest ye be judged."
"Remove the plank from your own eye before worrying about the specs in someone elses."
Not everyone believes as you do. Sounds to me like this girl is very open-minded and that is a plus not a minus. Christ pointed out sin where he saw it because it was his "job" just as it is the "job" of your god to pass judgment on others not yours. Personally I find this girls ability to believe as she wishes and love and accept her parents despite their different beliefs very admirable. She IS being loving and tolerant.
2007-06-02 19:44:48
answer #9
answered by MoonWater 3
I don't feel there is any shortage of access to the Christian version of the "truth" and they have probably heard it before.
I would suspect she does not discuss her beliefs with them because they will better explain theirs and she may even see their point of view.
I misunderstand are they Atheists or are they Pagans?
It is different replacing no beliefs than replacing one belief with another.
2007-06-04 17:47:54
answer #10
answered by Vultureman 6
Yes, but He also abided by the ten commandments, one of which is to honor your father and mother. This Christian that you're speaking of may be attempting to show her parents her Christ-like ways. I may be wrong, but she just might be trying to win them to God by being patient and loving, rather than accusatory.
2007-06-02 19:37:40
answer #11
answered by Iamnotarobot (former believer) 6