All of them.
2007-06-02 02:05:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Between Christianity and Islam, I'm at a loss which to vote for as having messed up people's head the most. The religions of the far east like Buddhism etc are much better!
2007-06-02 09:10:20
answer #2
answered by Akimbo 4
Religion is a gift from God; but created by Man.
Religion could never harm anyone - whichever be the religion.
It is the shortsightedness that does the harm - as said earlier: "Religion is the myopia of the masses."
Rituals that are followed by that religious few; or the rituals that are unknowingly or knowingly ignored by the other group is what causes conflict.
Once conflict erupts. Religion is blamed.
Therefore without conflict, religion is always the innocent gift from God.
It is the myopia that messes things up.
2007-06-02 09:13:46
answer #3
answered by Kool-kat 4
Christianity, without a doubt. Consider that the crusades and the inquisition, which were two of the most senslessly bloody periods in history, were done in the name of Christianity. Moving forward to today, look at how the fundamentalist, evangelical Christian church operates. Their flocks are basically mindless zombies that turn their voting rights, their free will, and their wallets over to the church, in the name of salvation. Such a racket and it has nothing to do with spirituality or Christianity - it's all about money and power. Just like the church in the days of the crusades.
2007-06-02 09:53:24
answer #4
answered by Charlie 4
More people have been slaughtered in the name of Christianity (think of Jonestown and Waco, for recent small examples... and the attempted genocides of the Jews by Adolph Hitler, and the Native Americans under the United States government). It's easy to point fingers at Islam due to the fact that 19 idiots took out the World Trade Center, dented the Pentagon, and rammed one into a field in Pennsylvania. These were FUNDAMENTALISTS, folks, not main-line Muslims. A fundamentalist ANYTHING (christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, or Buddhist) will contort and bastardize their scripture(s), and manipulate the words into anything they want it to represent!!! I have my personal spiritual beliefs (Buddhist), and I may not agree with other religion's viewpoints, but I dead-on respect the people who hold those viewpoints simply because they have a human right to believe whatever they choose to believe (I also demand that they respect my right to believe what I believe, otherwise all bets are off). This "my-religion-is-the-best-only-correct-way-to-do-things-because-we-say-so-and-by-the-way-you're-going-straight-to-hell-REPENT!!!" bulls*#t doesn't cut it in my book!!! (Instant karma's gonna' get you)
2007-06-02 09:20:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I did a research paper called "Who is going to Heaven?" and after a lot of research I came to the conclusion that as harsh as it may sound the Catholics have started some heavy duty wars. They have put more people to death in the name of God then any other religion. The sad thing is my family is Catholic. They are very strong people and in fact believe that their religion is the only true religion. A lot of more annoying but harmless religions Mormons, seventh day advent and oh crap my mind is blank the one that has no birthdays or holidays... anyway all of them are basically harmless in history. They have knocked on a few million doors in their time and they have also had a few million doors slammed in their faces but they still do it day after day. So that is my take hope you understood it.
2007-06-02 09:12:28
answer #6
answered by Amy 2
christianity confuses the most people. They have an old testament and preach from it and yet tell followers not to follow it because there is a new convenant and the old laws dont apply anymore SO WHY DO YOU PREACH FROM IT
then there is 3rd testament (pauls books) which he wrote long after Jesus was dead and gone
2007-06-02 09:05:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Mythology. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.
2007-06-02 09:05:29
answer #8
answered by MiD 4
All do but more I think Christianity messes up people's head and Islam messes up people's limbs.
2007-06-02 09:05:51
answer #9
answered by X Theist 5
did u see muslim destroy church !! did u see muslim destroy tembel !! did u see muslim okcupid USA or israel !!! did u see musclem burn the bible !!.... but all religion do that with islam do u know what is mean of islam its mean peace when muslims say al salam alekom that is mean peace for all go to the history of islam u will not faind any different between black and white people so what u think about islam !.......
2007-06-02 09:33:49
answer #10
answered by elhelo_abdo 2
I think the hindu religion. Reincarnation, as cool as people here in the west think it is, it sucks. You have to keep coming back time after time until you get it right.
Talk about messing your head up. I screwed up so now i have to come back as a parasite. Damn!
2007-06-02 09:06:30
answer #11
answered by Bruce B 4