No, the monotheistic middle eastern god is not worthy of my love, time or attention. He promotes rape, incest, genocide, treating women as property, murdering of children, et al. He requires the murder of innocent animals to "atone" for alleged sins against him, then moves up to human sacrifice later on.. and people think they aren't worthy of something like this??
God/Goddess/The Great Spirit/Akasha/etc.. would not be this petty, vindictive, maniacal.
Marianne Williamson said “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
2007-06-02 01:53:09
answer #1
answered by Kallan 7
The point really when a person says they are not worthy is that non of us is sinless only Jesus was when he was man. And he is the only way you see.
The thing about people and self worth is a different kettle of fish. Man is wonderfully made but also let sin into the world because we wanted to be like God. We are not and never will be. However Jesus gave us a way back.
The point I am trying to make is that ultimately yes we are worthy in the worldly sense God loves us and wants us with him in fellowship. Nothing is more important than God and we have to remember we aren't God or even little gods.
You may indeed have an overbearing feeling of self worth. That is a question you must ask people who know you well rather than funny old chatty room people. And also I think God wants us to prefer others making the emphasis others not me me me. When we understand how to prefer that's much better than the me thing that's so popular in our culture at the moment. We should be outward not inward. The power resides outside not inside and it doesn't belong to us.
mangle you should give me the 10 points for this as it's a fantastic answer. I look forward to receiving them.
2007-06-02 02:30:11
answer #2
answered by : 6
Well I think that modesty is a virtue, so when I hear people say they are not worthy or not perfect it says to me that that person is trying to better their lives and become better a better person. The people who say this are not saying that god did a bad job on us, rather that he intended for us to better ourselves
If they said they were worthy and/or perfect then that suggests to me that they are quite big-headed and that they have given up trying to improve themselves.
>is it boastful to say .... I am an amazing person ?
yes it is.
>isn't it more likely that ( for those of you who believe ) God >would want us to love who we are and all we are ?
You have the freedom to make your own choices, I would think that god would want you to do whatever is better for you.
>how can we teach , help , share with others if we are not >feeling worthy enough in ourself to do so ?
As long as you believe in what you are teaching it should not matter how worthy you are. As for helping and sharing any step in the right direction is good, no matter how small.
Self improvement is a lifelong journey, saying you are not worthy just means you are still on that journey.
2007-06-02 02:09:58
answer #3
answered by Mike 5
"Not worthy of God's love," just like any other statement, must be looked at from the point of view with which it was spoken. For example, and I believe this to be the most typical view from which to say it, "not worthy of God's love " is a reflection on the part of the speaker to acknowledge the imperfection of the speaker and the perfection and ultimate majesty of God. We, humans, in all of our so-called knowledge and wisdom cannot compare with God. It is called being humble and acknowledging our proper place.
It is not boastful to have a positive opinion of yourself so long as you do not forget where your abilities come from. Saying "I am an amazing person" is true also because you are a creation of God. God after all wants us to be positive, motivating and cheerful. He also wants us to be trueful and acknowledge that only through Him are we able to do anything.
2007-06-02 02:11:36
answer #4
answered by Wookie 3
Nope, I'm not worthy. But no one is worthy of what God gives. The truth is so amazing, our existence is so amazing. Knowing how small you are only gives you perspective. By understanding I am not perfect, I can love and share with others who are not perfect. If for some reason I think I have it all covered, no one will ever measure up to my expectations ... and guess what, I won't be teaching, helping or sharing with others. There it is.
2007-06-02 01:54:17
answer #5
answered by b w 3
God did a VERY good job. He gave us the ability to evolve (yes I believe in evolution as well), and left us to grow. He just started the whole process. The existence of evil & bad things is actually good. There must be balance, because if the whole universe was "good" then what can we be thankful for? How would we grow spiritually without doing mistakes and learning from them? Back to our subject:..although I'm nothing close to perfect, I'm amazing, but I'm not boastful. I'm as amazing as you or anybody else. And for your initial question: EVERYONE deserves love from others & from God.
2007-06-02 01:53:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
This actually is a great question- the reason that we are not worthy of His love, is because we sin. God is Holy. The truth is that God loves us SO much that He sent the one that is worthy- HIS SON-to die on the cross. Grace made us worthy- we are not worthy apart from Him- because if we were there would not be a reason for Him to die.
2016-03-13 04:22:41
answer #7
answered by ? 4
God loves us by His grace while we are yet sinners (Romans 5:8). He loves us so much that He wants us to be like His Son Jesus (Romans 8:29). Once we are saved we are new creations in Christ, the old things have passed away and all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are to put away the old Adamic nature, as a living soul, and live the life of the Last Adam, Jesus, who is a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians 15:47). God wants us to put off our old identity and put on our new identity in Christ. As He is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17)
2007-06-02 02:39:52
answer #8
answered by seekfind 6
That's a wonderful quote Kallan has included...
It was part of Nelson Mandela's inaugural speech...i kept it because it was so up-building and encouraging..
As for part of your Q, in the words of Bon Jovi
" every-ones a hero every-ones a star "
" remember your perfect God makes no mistakes"
It's difficult to explain if you don't know Jesus/God on a personal level..Kallan has explained some of it but only a revelation from God can give you the clearest answer...
I believe in the natural realm we are imperfect beings with all our faults/shortcomings..but in God's eyes in the Spiritual realm we stand perfect before God..i believe we are amazing beings, or can i put it this way..we are created in God's image, so we must be amazing..but not so that we might boast of ourselves, but give thanks and praise to the one who gave us life..we are nothing without Him...
Just to add; when Jesus came He was the perfect sacrifice...animal sacrifices have not been required for 2,000 yrs...i don't like that part either Kallan, but i kind of understand it.. : x )
2007-06-02 15:38:47
answer #9
answered by ;) 6
Wouldn't it be better if everyone took a moment to chill out and instead of worrying about God or religion, looked at the world around them with the same intensity?
2007-06-02 03:40:20
answer #10
answered by David 2