They are doing something right, baptizing around 2,000 per day globally.
However, it won't last. People can't stand the truth and the spirit of Cain will emerge.
See: The Wise Shall Understand, the Daniel 12 Code Revealed at:
Blessings and Happy Sabbath, One-Way
2007-06-02 01:30:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
As far as I know, there is only on group of Christians that are fulfilling the Bible prophecy found at Matthew 24:14 which says:
"And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."
Hint: It's not the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Need more hints? Try reading these scriptures and the answer should become pretty obvious.
Acts 5:42
Acts 1:8
Isaiah 43:10, 12
2007-06-02 01:34:49
answer #2
answered by johnusmaximus1 6
No, we are not. I think our focus is too much on in-church sermons and under-tent crusades. We talk about the 10/20 window, but we do not send out as many missionaries as we possibly could. I, myself, have wanted to do some amount of international missionary work, but I have never had the opportunity to do so.
While the content of our message is VERY important, our form could be much more attractive. We do not have to be so boring all the time. Other denominations find creative ways of reaching out to young people, but we seem to believe that that would somehow compromise our message and principles.
In short, we could be doing much more to reach people internationally.
2007-06-02 01:47:48
answer #3
answered by LovablyMe 5
In "spreading the message of Christ"? Very poorly. The SDA church is a legalistic church that has fallen from grace and that spreads a message that seeks to bring people back under the bondage of the law.
Seventh-day Adventism plays the same game in salvation as every other false movement of Christendom. They profess to teach salvation by grace through faith, but they redefine this in a way that is contrary to New Testament doctrine.
Though they often deny this, the Adventist denomination teaches that salvation is by grace plus law, faith plus works. Grace, according to Adventist theology, is the power and forgiveness God gives to enable a sinner to keep the law and to thereby build a holy character fit for Heaven. He who fails to build the right character by God’s grace will never see Heaven. Faith and works are the two oars by which the believer is propelled to glory.
The Adventist doctrine of salvation is a subtle mixture of grace and law that can never provide Bible security. Simply stated, this doctrine is as follows: The sinner is powerless to live up to God’s holy standards, the law. He does not and cannot possess in himself the character demanded of God. Thus God has come to his aid through the sacrifice of Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. God now offers, because of the atonement of His Son, enablement to the sinner by which he is empowered to keep the law. Christ’s blood covers all shortcomings, (only) as long as these are properly confessed and forsaken. God offers the grace and power; the sinner must take these and develop within himself the character demanded by the law, or, at least—to put it as the cults would—allow Jesus to do this work. The believing sinner who fails to properly walk with the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit shall ultimately be lost, in spite of his faith in Christ.
This doctrine of salvation cannot and does not offer any security for the adherent. There can never be assurance of eternal life for the cultist, because he does not, in practice, believe that eternal salvation is TOTALLY a gift of God through the finished work of Jesus Christ. The cultist, rather, is convinced that he, too, has a part in gaining eternal life. He must properly endure to the end in the law of God and the works of his church. If he fails to develop the proper character, he will never inherit eternal life. Thus, he can have no assurance of salvation until after the examinations of judgment day. The misled cultist cannot "stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God" (Rom. 5:2). Since works play a role in his salvation, he can never testify with joy, saying, "I am NOW justified by his blood ... I SHALL BE saved from wrath through him" (Rom. 5:9).
The goal of the cults when approaching an individual is to bring that soul into legalistic bondage and to shut him out from the true grace of God. They deny this, but their doctrine proves this is true.
Consider a person who has placed his trust in the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, he has therefore been cleansed of sin, justified, placed into the family of God, indwelt by the Holy Spirit. He is a saved sinner, walking in the eternal liberty of the redeemed sons of God, happily serving his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—not for fear of rejection, not to inherit salvation, not to complete his salvation—but in gratitude to his Savior for the eternal life he has been freely given.
Along comes the false teacher. Rather than rejoicing with this redeemed sinner over his good fortune in finding salvation and encouraging him simply to continue in the grace of Christ in a good Bible-believing church, he clucks his tongue in a very concerned way and says: "Not enough; not enough. Faith in Christ is not enough! To be really saved, my friend, you must do this and that and the other; yes, if you really want to be saved, you must come with us into our group. You need the Sabbath. You need the sacraments. You need tongues. You need our kind of baptism. You need a second blessing. We will show you the way."
Such false teachers are aptly described by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Galatians: "And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage" (Gal. 2:4).
It is important that we thoroughly document the SDA doctrine of salvation, since it is very subtle. Often, in their literature produced for the general public, the SDA modify what they really believe, including the doctrine of salvation, in an attempt to appear orthodox. The Christian should beware of the deceitfulness of the cults. They are as ready and able as the disguising chameleon to change colors according to varying situations. On one hand, they try to appear perfectly orthodox. They claim to be persecuted and misunderstood by other Christians because of their heresies. "We are just like you are," they protest. On the other hand they promote all sorts of heretical teachings and speak boldly against orthodox Bible doctrines and attempt to draw converts away from the Bible-believing churches. This should not surprise us. The New Testament refers frequently to the deception of false teachers:
2007-06-02 01:43:57
answer #6
answered by Martin S 7