You could use powder in the meantime but you really need one of those once-a-month treatments that destroys the eggs, like Frontline. Kills the existing fleas. Stops the next generation from hatching.
Edit: oh, you used frontline ? You must do it monthly, not just a once off. Then unless you got a dodgy batch(unlikely) , he's probably only biting his back out of irritation from previous bites that haven't healed, or it has become a habit for him. The habit thing is not uncommon.
2007-06-01 17:26:06
answer #1
answered by =42 6
This is the best advice I have for ridding fleas from your home. Vacuum everyday even twice a day throughout your entire home. If you don't have a bagless vacuum, the second you are done sweeping your home, take the bag outside and throw it away so the fleas don't have time to get out of the bag and back into your home.
The other way I found online is for you and your family (pets included) to leave the house for a day. Shut all windows and turn up the heat to about 90 degrees F. This should bake the fleas and kill them then come home, open all the windows and vacuum your home throughly. Fleas can't take extreme heat. Then wash everything you can, bedding, animal bed and rugs.
Hope this helps
2007-06-02 00:31:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Make sure you used the proper dose of frontline. I live in an area where fleas are rampant. During really bad flea seasons, I have to treat my dogs more than once, sometimes every 2 weeks.
Also, the live fleas will still jump on your dog and won't die until they bite him.
Even then, there are one or 2 fleas on them when I bathe them.It's a constant battle. Just keep plugging away, and bathe him give him some skin relief.
Good luck!
2007-06-02 00:29:59
answer #3
answered by maxmom 7
As long as there are fleas in the enviornment fleas will still get on your dog no matter what product you use. Also be aware bombs do NOT work unless you entirely empty ALL furniture out of a room before using. Vaccumning is your best defense..making sure to vaccumn under furniture around baseboards, areas the dog sleeps, etc. Also throw away the bag after EVERY vaccuming in a plastic bag, seal and put in an outside trash container. Wash dog beds, pillows, etc in as hot a water as they can stand...if able dry in a dryer if not put in sun to dry. Make sure not only to vaccumn your house but your car as can bring fleas and their eggs back and forth on your clothes and shoes.
2007-06-02 09:15:55
answer #4
answered by Great Dane Lover 7
one way we get rid of fleas and ticks in the country is to burn off the yard and surrounding areas around the home and property.this must be a controlled burn and the fire dept must me notified first before you do this.also if you live in the city limits you may have to have a permit.
the other thing is that fleas and ticks get use to the chemicals we use to kill them and breed more and faster so change the chemicals often.
next call the authorities and find out what is being dont about the strays running around and get a pitition started to get some one to rid you of the strays.
we had this problem in oklahoma and stray cats would jump my fence to my business and infested the grass with fleas and then for walking back and forth from my dry storage building to the cafe kitchen the fleas got in to the cafe. so we had to have an exterminator come out and soak the place inside and out 3 times to rid us of them. i then called the police dept and the town councel and they decided that if there was a stray cat or dog w/o a colar on they would shoot it. we didnt have a pound as the town was too small to afford it so that was the only resort.
people should be more responsable for their pets and not let them run loose.
a clean house has nodda to do with fleas. you as a person can bring them in off the grass out side so it doesnt matter how clean or dirty your house is. fleas live off the blood of any living person or animal. i call them our littlest try dawn dish liquid original on your dog. its harmless to your pet but the fleas die from it. and it can be used as often as you need to use it. get to the vet and ask for a medication to help your dog keep from iching . hydrocortazone is good and i even gave my pets benadryl for the itching as perscribed by my vet in the states. it makes them sleepy , this is normal but they dont itch. and they get time to heal.
hope this helps
2007-06-02 00:47:36
answer #5
answered by josie d 3
You need to get your dog treated too to get rid of the fleas. My vet told me one time fleas can be brought into a house or yard from shoes. We treat our dogs once a month with the flea treatment that is applied to the back of their necks and do it all year long not just summer months.
I hope this helps
2007-06-02 00:30:27
answer #6
answered by ruthie 5
Go to a veterinary office and get either Advantage (fleas) or Revolution (fleas, ticks, heartworm). They're both applied topically and kills fleas and eggs within a few days. Sometimes animals may be resistant to certain flea control products. I have a cat that is resistant to Frontline.
2007-06-02 00:26:54
answer #7
answered by Veronica 2
I was reading online that apple cider vinegar can be good for fleas... You'd have to google it and look up the dosages, but it is supposed to be a natural way to help get rid of fleas.
There are also these things for your yard called beneficial nematodes, and food grade Diatomaceous Earth. The DE can be used on the carpet and directly on the dog. The nematodes are for the yard...
2007-06-02 00:28:16
answer #8
answered by Jocelyn7777 4
We have been having the same problem. When we treat our yard we ask our neighbors permission and spray some into their yards also. That helps some. We also got an oatmeal shampoo to help soothe their skin. Our dog is actually alergic to fleas, you may want to check with your vet, our vet put ours on an antihistimine that seems to be helping the reation he is having. If you find something else that works let me know! Godd luck.
2007-06-02 00:28:03
answer #9
answered by Carolee B 2
Try feeding your dog some brewers yeast with it's food,this keeps fleas and other biting bugs away from your dog,and you can use it too just mix it in your food and enjoy, you can buy this at your health food store, make sure that you get the flakes. in bulk.
2007-06-02 00:44:55
answer #10
answered by Gumbo 6