god allowed this it has a lot to do with the moon which sucked our souls in to manifestation on the material plane and the angels that god put in charge were trying to use inward evolution then god said that this was to slow so he put some other Angels in charge and these angels used outward evolution and this worked better so god went with it and now we are here.We will continue to evolve into a higher more adaptable species. We were the dinosaurs we will be gods in the image of
god. We have 3 brains and soon we will evolve into a fourth brain. What then? If you strip away all the layers of the self you will find the the watcher the watcher is you and its not you its me and not me its that which does not change the tao all else is an illusion brought to by the almighty ego you are god watching your self from within yourself and its happening in every one simultaneously this is all a dream and it feels real cause we are part of the dream we are the dream so it feels solid to us. its the divine dream the illusion of reality brought to you by god and that which you identify with your selfis part of the same illusion and the only thing thats real is the watcher god within us all allowing us to be fooled into thinking we are what we think we are. We are just illusions added to a spark of divine consciosness or vice versa. the true core of myself is the same in you and everyone else and your identity your personity your body and all are just things that have been added without these things we are essntially god letting us illusions think we are more than we are we are the same at the core god. Its tough to explain and understand but its so cool when this idea fully comes to fruition keep looking into it. its wild when you get it and you want to let otheres know but o well i tried. it helps to understand some of the stuff you are talking about check out crowley the golden dawn buddhism and stuff keep seeking lots of luk
2007-06-09 11:30:32
answer #1
answered by beth93 2
With respect, biblically that is an erroneous viewpoint. The book of Genesis records that animals and man were created alongside each other Day 6 of the biblical creation week (Genesis 1:24-31). Therefore, in order to answer a theological question the Bible itself provides the most reliable research medium. Essentially, if dinosaurs are "animals" (do you dispute this?) then they would have been created during the creation week alongside humans. As to what actually became of the dinosaurs is a separate topic. It is theorized by young-earth creationists that dinosaurs existed until as late as the Middle Ages and were the source of dragon legends (see sources below).
2016-05-18 23:49:55
answer #2
answered by nell 3
Friend, You need to check some of your facts in regard to the Bible and the World around You. All evidence I have ever seen, much of which I could share but won't at this moment, points to a very young earth, about 6000-8000 years old at the most. The 250 million is not in any way accurate.
Now factor in an event in Genesis called Noah's flood. Before the flood, the pre-diluvian era as it is called, the Earth was a constant climate. It is believed that there was a barrier of water surrounding the planet which would have made all the world ideal for having life. There was not much difference in temperature and they were protected from UV rays of the son, partly the reason we find men in the Bible living for hundreds of years, living conditions were optimal.
But man was sinful so God punished the Earth by bringing rain, which had never happened before, to flood the entire Earth. Noah was to bring 2 of every kind of animal on the ark to replenish the earth.
Now we have no question that Dinosaurs did exist at one time, so why not bring them on the ark. I believe, as do many of my colleagues that Noah did bring animals on the ark. But remember that the water surrounding the Earth was gone. The world had changed, life for all creatures was limited (anyone ever meet a man more than 120) For many creatures, particularly dinosaurs because of their great size, there was no place on earth that was similar to their live before the flood. Many did not survive.
So many dinosaurs do not exist, but it is because of man's sin. But some do. Think of the Loch Ness monster, how could so many people see the same thing and it not really exist?
2007-06-01 14:19:20
answer #3
answered by Pilot 4 Jesus 2
Okay, first of all, the earth IS NOT MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD! Dinosaurs were not a "race" They were animals that roamed the earth before the FLOOD. God said that the whole world was evil, and decided to destroy everything on the earth (except Noah and his family, of course, who God found to be the ONLY RIGHTEOUS MAN. )The dinosaurs were created with all the other animals that roamed the earth, which, also were destroyed. All, except the ones God sent to the Ark to be saved. When the flood was over, there were only 2 dinosaurs left to repopulate. Maybe they didn't make it because of lack of food, maybe they were killed off by man since there were so few of them. We can only speculate that. God can change His mind about whatever He wants to. HE'S GOD!!!
2007-06-09 10:21:23
answer #4
answered by byHisgrace 7
There are any number of species that become extinct for one reason or another. Living things that were around 100 years ago are not in existance today. Mankind may very well be one of those species down the line. It feels like you are saying you dont believe in God and are just looking for an excuse to bash religion. Just my opinion.
2007-06-09 14:08:49
answer #5
answered by phlada64 6
God has revealed himself in the Scriptures. He is not silent! We know God will not reject us because he has been revealed as a God who cannot lie. He has said that he will not forsake us who believe in him through Jesus.
If you do not know God, then you will fear what he may do. You will make up unfounded justifications for what you believe. But God has stepped out and walked on this earth. Read the first four books of the New Testament and tell us how you would answer your own question.
2007-06-01 15:06:51
answer #6
answered by Steve Husting 4
so that we'll have costly oil to use these days...or come to think of it, will we be having skyrise building, the comforts of modernity if God allowed these dinosaurs to flaurish? Or maybe God is teaching us to take care or mother Earth so that we will not meet the same fate as the dinos?
2007-06-08 06:59:32
answer #7
answered by Ma_Mikaela 4
ARE YOU PSYCHIC???!!!!! i was just about to post a question of similar nature about dinosaur extinction! WOW!
Hmm.....well, this was probably before God decided to create beings that he could actually personally relate to. If God is love, then maybe God wanted to create creatures that could actually love him as he loves them........creatures that are made in His image and likeness......creatures that would develop a relationship with Him. if God made us because of love, then he will keep us, protect us, preserve us...........and won't destroy us like he did to the dinosaurs. We are special to Him. the only question now is....are we willing to preserve ourselves? He gave us this earth to roam...........but will we destroy it? will we destroy ourselves?
Thanks for thinking about this and posting this question........which is, in essence, also my question. ;)
2007-06-01 14:17:43
answer #8
answered by Spurious 3
well, evolution allowed dinosaurs to evolve and then either a meteor or volcanic world wide disaster killed them off but before that birds split from dinosaurs... and are today called "living dinosaurs"
2014-02-09 05:17:24
answer #9
answered by M 7
um...well he didnt...so your question is kindof moot.
but ill try to answer anyways.
ive kindof asked questions kike this before...if god makes X then killss X...why did he make X in the first place.
the usual answers i get are ones that go something like "well god created X, so he can do whatever he wants to with them. hes god. if he wants to kill X then he can do so if he pleases"
its amazing how many times ive gotten this answer. its been applied to people, dinosaurs, planets and a whole lot of other things too. and thats only from my experiences.
in reality if god did make them then kill then it IS pretty pointless. if he did do it then he really has no problem killing millions of not billions of creatures for no reason....if thats the god people want to to worship thats fine...but stay the frack away from me!
its amazing....how people think i mean....what causes grown, intelligent, responsible people to beleive such absurdities? i really dont know
i think thats why i find the psychology behind christianity so interesting.
2007-06-01 14:05:48
answer #10
answered by johnny.zondo 6