Well, I grew up in a very strong christian household. Religion was shoved down our throats. Even the "fact" that if we weren't bapitized into the church, we would be going to hell. Even the idea that women who wore pants were sinning. Swimming on the sabbath day was sinning. Riding your bike on the sabbath was sinning... ordering food or getting gas on the sabbath was a sin.. You get my drift?
Well, I'm now a grown woman and have been able to take a step back and look at all religions from a distance. I've looked at how each person who belongs to a "church" of any kind has the same ideas and political thinking of how person should be.
Personally, I never read any part of the bible that stated we must be on one particular faith to be saved. All it states is that we must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of our sins, welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives and be open to what the Lord wants us to do. That's all! It didn't say we must put on our best dress, act like you've been an angel all week, and congregate under the same roof every weekend and listen to some preacher talk for an hour.
Our job is to establish a relationship with Jesus as a personal friend. We shouldn't fear Him (I was tought that he was a mean God and sought out every opportunity to give justice). He's actually a loving God - one that wants only the best for us. He wants to see us in heaven with him one day and hang out with us. That's all he asks...
Churches are made by man.That is why there are SO many different religions! There is no one way to offically desipher the bible... and not one religion is going to be the ONLY religion in heaven.
Instead of looking to the pastor for guidence, look to God yourself!
Just being able to free myself from certian "religion bondage" is freeing. I know that what God wants are my wants... not some man's idea of what God wants should be what I want. It doesn't work that way.
My thoughts - I could go on and on... but I think you get my point.
2007-06-01 12:52:58
answer #1
answered by InnerBeauty28 4
Sorry you feel people are judging you. When you ask a religious person a religious question, you must expect that they will give you a religious answer from their religious point of view.
Many people try to "make" everybody believe the same way they do. If everybody believes like them, then their belief is validated and they fell they are correct.
If you ask a question that I think I know an answer to, I will give you my answer. If you think the answer is me trying to thrust my religion upon you, sorry, that is not the intent.
Have you ever thought you are super sensitive because you are still seeking out what you really believe?
Good luck with your search. I did this once. It started out with me being angry because someone questioned what I believed. After I got over myself and being angry, I realized it spurred me on to really searching deep to discover what I believed, and why I believed it.
Peace and patience.
2007-06-01 20:03:11
answer #2
answered by Pam 3
As a Catholic I am in probably the very most organized of all religions.....Who am I to judge you?....so I do not.....If you lead your life in a spiritual way and I lead mine in a spiritual we have found common ground.....One reason I only spend little amounts of time on R&S is due to the attitude of judgement and that turns the whole thing kind of sour,,,,So, if I see something nice I try to respond...I believe God hears all prayers of the faithful....whether they are said in a church or not....My faith works for me, but I do not try to force feed it to others....There and not even 1 quote....and Catholics do read the Bible.....I hope you have a nice day.....
Peace be with you.
2007-06-01 19:52:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I will offer you a view from the other side of the fence. Like you, I consider myself a spiritual person but I don't admit to any higher power.
I think that, ultimately, whatever number (0, 1, or many) and whatever form higher power(s) might take there is no way that any of them can ask any more of us than to strive to be better.
If you are sincere in your spirituality and you try to develop it in whatever manner you think will develop it, then you're doing fine.
I cannot see a christian god condeming a devout hindu because the hindu believes what he has been taught from childhood. I also cannot see a hindu god condemning a devout christian for believing what he has been taught from childhood. Any god who would do such a thing is not worth of worship.
2007-06-01 19:39:27
answer #4
answered by Dave P 7
alot of us don't believe in religion also, its not so much religion that I don't believe in not there are just to many out there and none of them I am interested in..I am a believer in God and I serve God to the best I can. As for you I do not consider myself being any better or any different from you or you from me..I don't like to judge and I don't like to have others judge me as well. I am not sure how you believe but I am sure your a good person just like anyone else is..and guess that's all I am gonna say. But I like ya either way..
2007-06-01 20:00:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you don't believe in it, why do you bother asking religious people their opinions. You got to be open minded if you ever want to discover anything. As far as being spiritual but not religious it is impossible. Everyone whether they admit it or not is religious. There religion but be themselves but they're still religious.
Your view of God seems to be that he is there, but he kinda just forgot about his creation or lost interest in it. Well that is not true. The bible is the word of God, and if you don't believe this you will find out after you close your eyes.
2007-06-01 19:45:03
answer #6
answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7
I am so sorry that there are so many so called religious persons out there judging you for that is not what is suppose to happen for it does say in the bible judge ye not unless ye be judged...... I do understand what you are searching for and I do wish you well in your search. But I feel that without God in your life your search will be in vain..... as for not understanding it or not liking it does not matter for there is only one way you can find what you are searching for and that is through God..;. I know that is not what you wish to hear but it is the truth never the less.... But if that is not good enough for you than I do wish you luck and success.......................................................
2007-06-01 19:48:03
answer #7
answered by kilroymaster 7
1) Christianity is not a religion, it's reality. Prophecy is reality etc...
2) religion is men wearin funny hats and or suits beggin for money.
3) anyone that believes in a creator and that we are created beings regardless of religious creed etc...is fine by me :-)~
I often get along better with "spiritual" people than "Christians". Ignore the judgmental yutzes....only one judge of your soul, the Creator of it. Good luck.
2007-06-01 19:52:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I belive:
Politically, everyone should have a right to belive whatever they want as long as they don't hurt anyone.
--You cannot have a diverse and happy society unless everyone is able to choose for themselves.
--Forcing religion on people just doesn't work, so why try?
--Converting and teaching about religion is better for the willing, and it's more likely to work by example than being judged and told you are wrong and going to Hell.
--Tollerance is the only way religion can work in this world, don't hate, don't judge, and don't force, bottom line: It doesn't work.
That is how I've always felt about religion. I don't think you're wrong, I don't think you're misguided, I think your searching. I do not think I'm better than you for any reason. I know you don't want me to quote the Bible, but let me just say that it's because of this book that I know none of us are better than any others. More important to the world, maybe, but not to (my) God.
This is honestly how I feel, not because I think all religions are right, but because forcing and fighting and judging only get people killed and create prejudice. Whether I think someone's "religion" is "right or wrong" is no reason to create World War 3. I actually have good friends who are Muslim, Wiccan, Buddhist, and Christian (like me). And we all get along.
I don't know if you want to hear about my religion and spirtituallity, some of it is rough, so use your own discression at reading the next bit.
I belive religiously:
--In God, in Chirstianity
--Jesus is the "way, the truth, and the light"
--You do not get to Heaven with how you act or anything you do, nor do you get to Hell that way.
--It doesn't work to hit people over the head with the Bible, nor does it work to litterally "scare the Hell" out of them.
--"Spread the Gospel, use words only when neccesary"
--You can have a personal relationship with an omnipotent and omiscient God
--Salvation is open to everyone, men, women, children, straight people, homosexuals, crossdressers, prostitutes, murderers, anyone.
(and this one is the tough one, I almost hate to share it with someone who isn't Christian because it sounds very "I'm better than you," and "if you don't belive what I do, you're wrong," but that's not it. Almost every religion has some part of it that says it's the only true religion, and Christianity is not exempt. But please understand, this isn't to insult you or demean you in anyway. It's what I belive, I just don't belive religion should be forced on people. )
--If you don't accept Jesus, you will spend eternity separated from God (i.e. Hell, not so much fire and brimstone, but eternal separation from God)
I know you're probably thinking, but how can I have written in this reply that I both think that you are not wrong and that I think you will go to Hell for not accepting Jesus? It's very complicated to explain. But there is no "right" or "wrong" choice. It's as simple as you either choose God or you don't. I don't think you haven't chosen God, you said you belive in a higher power. I wish you belived what I do. But it's up to you. I don't think I'm wrong, how else would I belive what I do, but one day I may be proved wrong. One day, I intend on investigating other religions once I have thoughouly learned mine. If my faith cannot stand up to scrutiny and other ideas, then it isn't worth beliveing. I encourrage you to read and research any religion you feel inclined to, but read knowing that they are trying to convince you, decide for yourself. Don't let others do it for you. Don't pick the one you "like" the most, pick the one you have that has the most answers, the one that has the most reason for you to choose it.
One more thing, I would just like to say that because of my own religion, my life is much more fulfilling than before it was a part of my life. I always considered myself Christian, but it's only been in the last few years that I really learned what it meant to be a Christ-follower.
2007-06-01 20:32:02
answer #9
answered by Matia 3
If you got your spirit Recreated then your Born-Again and trying to Operate in the SPIRITUAL REALM of which you can do once you got Saved (spirit Recreated).
Now, the Mental Realm is where RELIGION takes place and there isn't any of GOD's POWER in Religion.
Now, in the Spiritual Realm (The Kingdom of GOD) of Which YOU were Translated into when you got Saved, there IS THE POWER of an ALMIGHTY GOD, and you are suppose to be Learning how to Walk in it (Walking in the Spirit).
This is the Spiritual Realm (Kingdom of GOD) and getting saved and walking with GOD in HIS Kingdom is called REALITY.
Welcome to REALITY.
Religion has none of GOD's Power.
2007-06-01 19:44:14
answer #10
answered by maguyver727 7