Eve lotion is a type of lubricant for women. It came about because women wanted lubrication.
2007-06-01 11:51:47
answer #1
answered by Scott B 4
Evolution isn't a system of belief. We can no more choose to believe in evolution than we can choose to believe in gravity.
How did it come about? The short answer is: via gradation. Genetic changes beneficial to a species are propagated while those that aren't are weeded out. These changes happen through genetic drift (genetic mutation) and natural selection over thousands of years.
Transitional fossils such as Tiktaalik roseae (an ancient fish-like animal with the ability to walk and breath air) and Pithecanthropus erectus (a genetic predecessor to modern man) are just 2 of the many transitional fossils that establish evolution as the explanation for the diversity of life on Earth.
DNA sequencing shows how modern man and modern primates evolved from a common ancestor. Again, evolution explains the diversity of life.
Accredited scientists don't debate whether or not evolution is real. They simply try to understand exactly how and why genetic changes occurred in any given species. This is why evolution is referred to as a theory. It is subject to development as new discoveries are made, but the premise that life has evolved is a scientific fact.
Hope this helps :)
2007-06-01 12:07:40
answer #2
answered by Dog 4
All living things contain DNA. This molecule is the "instructions" for what the thing will be. When cells divide, the DNA sometimes gets little errors in it, like a fax machine sending other faxes. The errors (called mutations) build up over time. Most errors are bad, and kill or hurt the organism. Every so often, the mutation is a good thing. To over simplify, a short necked animal's babies get long necks, and so can eat higher leave, so are better fed and have more babies with long necks. That's it in a nutshell.
Some people will tell you that there is no such thing. Well, we see evidence for it everywhere. Fossils, DNA evidence, germ resistant microbes, similiar anatomical structures in related animals, ect. Some people say there are no "missing link" fossils. Bull. Every heard of archaeopteryx? Or homo erectus? There are dozens of "missing links".
Some will say that microevolution is real, but not macro evolution. In other words, a germ can become drug resistant, but an ape can not evolve into a human. This is not a logical argument, since evolution only claims that tiny to moderate changes will occur in single generations. It takes hundreds or thousands of generations for significant changes to occur. There is no neat dividing line between "micro" and "macro".
2007-06-01 12:02:29
answer #3
answered by Chance20_m 5
Evolution is the gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
It is also another way of disqualifying what God did in creation. It's a way of kicking God out of the picture and making it a human existence.
So, as you might see, I don't believe in evolution. I believe that when God said "and it was good" after making each and every animal and living thing... He meant it.
Now, science today has made it so we can propagate things in the laboratory that weren't originated by God. Before the floods of Noah's day, the people were getting too wise for their own good and cross breeding animals (which accounts for weird dinosaurs and beasts that were killed in the floods).
After the flood, God put a stop to the evil that was going on... our wicked ways were the ones that brought on the flood. He warned everyone that there would be a flood - yet no one would believe.
So, with that said... Evolution theory starts with the "big bang". It states that one "cell" started the whole process of Intelligent Design. It's all part of Darwin's theory. Since no one can explain where that one "cell" came from... the whole thing is still up for debate.
However, it is known that animals and even humans can adapt to different cultures and climates... is this a part of evolution (something better?) or something that God installed into our make, knowing we would explore the world and animals would be brought into different countries and climates.
I'd prefer not to put my trust in something that can't be fully tested and there are no "links missing". In the creation theory... there are no missing links. It's clear - if you can believe there is a God. Someone who actually cares about the going ons here on earth... let alone the animals.. but also each and every person.
It's all in how much a person can believe in something unseen. Faith is believing in something you can't see...
2007-06-01 12:08:09
answer #4
answered by InnerBeauty28 4
It's the best explanation I've seen yet! Nothing in the universe is permanent, and nature is in a constant state of changing. But evolution takes TIME, and lots of it.
The reason the ID-ers can't fathom it is because to them, the world is only 10,000 years old. That's as big a number as they can think of, apparently.
The concept of something changing slowly over the course of a million, ten million or a hundred million years is simply too much for their tiny brains to handle, so they package creation in a nice, bite-sized package and claim it as truth.
Kind of like how they take a sexless, emotionless, omnipresent, all-powerful force that encompasses the entire universe and all known and unknown time and turn HIM into a God with a face, an identity, and other human characteristics.
Evolution takes a lot of time, and homo sapiens have only been around for a couple million years. The planet is about 4.5 BILLION years old, which means we've only been here for 0.0004% of that time, and with ten thousand years of recorded history we only have firsthand knowledge of 0.000002% of it!
Now consider that even as little as 400 years ago we still thought the Earth was FLAT! So most of that 0.000002% of knowledge isn't even scientifically accurate!
That's a lot of ignorance, and to fill the gap let's introduce God. Got a question you can't answer? God did it! God made it! Have unruly citizens? God is watching them! God will punish them! God keeps everyone in line and easy to control!
God is the easy way out of finding the TRUTH about the universe.
2007-06-01 12:21:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In biology, evolution is the change in a population's inherited traits from generation to generation. These traits are the expression of genes that are copied and passed on to offspring during reproduction. Mutations and other random changes in these genes can produce new or altered traits, resulting in heritable differences (genetic variation) between organisms. New traits can also come from transfer of genes between populations, as in migration or horizontal gene transfer. Evolution occurs when these differences become more common or rare in a population, either nonrandomly through natural selection or randomly through genetic drift.
2007-06-01 11:55:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I was going to say it's an Eve Arden Product till you corrected your spelling.
Truly intelligent design?
Nobody has ever explained to me why things are the way they are and not different. So I've given this a great deal of thought and come up with a unifying theory:
Given God exists: {can not be proved either way}
God eventually created EVERYTHING
But he started small with sub-atomic particles created out of pure energy.
Then atoms
Then elements
Then matter
Then the material multiverse
God had no real way to measure time so this could have all taken an infinite amount.
Once there was something, time really began.
There was a moment when the cosmos came into existence.
Before that there was nothing to have a duration so no real time
After there was all of eternity stretching out but time was passing after the first creation.
Using the matter, energy, space and time God created amino acids.
Combining amino acids god made one celled organisms and gave them rudimentary sentience.
From there one celled organisms combined for better survival prospects and eventual through millions of years of trail and error evolved sapience and started asking questions like "what can we eat" "how shall we eat" and eventually "where shall we have lunch"
Maybe God watches the eons unfold or might have gone on to more esoteric pursuits.
Notice I never assigned a gender to God?
I'm open to any new theory that can explain why to me but meanwhile I'll consider "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
2007-06-01 11:59:19
answer #7
answered by hairypotto 6
evolution?Well if you're talking about evolution as in how animals came to be, here's a very condensed version... well it came about from the formation of life on our planet billions of years ago. That life gradually adapted to better survive, and over billions of years of adapting to survival, and genetic mutations which made survival easier all the species were formed
2007-06-01 11:56:57
answer #8
answered by funaholic 5
evolution is merely a long series of genetic mutations that gave organisms a better chance of survival. most of the time, mutations are harmful. but sometimes they are helpful. it can be argued that God created the DNA sequence to be able to change, to allow for diversity within a species and keep harmful recessive traits under control.
2007-06-01 11:54:51
answer #9
answered by Stand-up Philosopher 5
Evolution is how small cell grew got fins and gils then got legs and lungs and fur and then lost the fur to get humans.
2007-06-01 11:53:46
answer #10
answered by TheManWithaPlanNamedRy 3
Your question brings further questions to mind - natural selection requires imperfectly self-replicating genetic information to drive the process. How did the initial information arise, are how did reproduction first evolve?
2007-06-01 12:22:02
answer #11
answered by Michael H 2