These "errors" might have something to do with it.
Priests of Aaron or Joseph?
* The Bible affirms that "Aaron and his sons" were the only ones qualified to "wait on their priest’s office" (Numbers 3:10) and others of the tribe of Levi were to minister unto the priests (Numbers 3:5-9). Any other tribe which "cometh nigh shall be put to death" (Numbers 3:10).
* The Book of Mormon states in 2 Nephi 5:26, "I, Nephi, did consecrate Jacob and Joseph, that they should be priests . . .." These supposed men were descendants of Lehi (1 Nephi 18:7) who was of the tribe of Joseph (1 Nephi 6:14). It seems that Mormonism also "walks in the ways of Jereboam" (cf. 1 Kings 12:31).
Complete or Not?
* The Bible claims to be the complete (Jude 3) and all sufficient (2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:3) Word of God. Paul even states that those who would dare to teach "another gospel" "pervert the gospel of Christ" and will be "accursed" (Galatians 1:6-9).
* The Book of Mormon ridicules one who would make such a claim (2 Nephi 29:3) and denies that it contains all of God’s written revelation to man (2 Nephi 29:6,10). It even unbelievably attributes the origin of the Bible to the Jews (2 Nephi 29:6)!
Beginning in Jerusalem or Not?
* The Bible in Luke 24:46-47 states very clearly that "repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." This was fulfilled in Acts 2:5-38.
* The Book of Mormon in 2 Nephi 31:11-17 has this occurring between B.C. 559 and 545 and thousands of miles away from Jerusalem!
"Will Build" or "Already There"?
* The Bible records that the Lord plainly affirmed while upon this earth, "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18), a prophecy fulfilled in Acts 2 wherein we find that "the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved" (verse 47). It is clear the Lord did not consider the church in existence, even in His time on earth.
* The Book of Mormon states, "they were called the church of God, or the church of Christ, from that time forward" (Mosiah 18:17). This supposedly occurred about 147 years before Christ was born!
Jerusalem or Bethlehem?
* The Bible tells us that Jesus was to be and was born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1).
* The Book of Mormon says "he shall be born of Mary at Jerusalem" (Alma 7:10). Lest they say that Jerusalem is an area and not a city, in 1 Nephi 1:4 their own works call it a city.
Father or No Father?
* The Bible affirms Melchisedec was "without father, without mother, without descent [genealogy - ASV]" (Hebrews 7:1-3).
* The Book of Mormon in Alma 13:18 states "he [Melchisedec - JHW] did reign under his father."
Called Christians First in Antioch or First In The America’s?
* The Bible affirms that the "disciples were called Christians first in Antioch" (Acts 11:26).
* The Book of Mormon misses that by several thousand miles and nearly 100 years in having believers in Christ called Christians in 73 B.C. (Alma 46:15).
Zedekiah’s Sons Slain or Not?
* The Bible tells us in 2 Kings 25:7 "they slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes."
* The Book of Mormon has one supposed son of Zedekiah (Mulek) living and in the America’s (Heleman 8:21).
3 Days or 3 Hours?
* The Bible records in Mark 15:33 that at Jesus’ crucifixion there was darkness for 3 hours.
* The Book of Mormon has darkness for 3 days (3 Nephi 8:20-23).
"Until" or Go For Visits?
* The Bible tells us in Acts 2:34-35 and 3:20-21 that Jesus is to remain in heaven after his ascension "until" his foes are made his footstool, and "until the times of restitution."
* The Book of Mormon has Him appearing in the America’s after his ascension (3 Nephi 10:18-19).
2007-06-01 08:17:38
answer #1
answered by TG 4
There are many reasons why others refer to the Mormon religion as a "cult"--with the top reason probably being just plain simple ignorance.
However, let's first take a look at the word "cult" to see if there is some other basis for it--not only as it relates to Mormonism, but possibly to all reigions.
Webster defines a cult as:
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator
5 (a) :great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad (b) : the object of such devotion (c) : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion.
For the purposes of this discussion, and in order to be clear as to what I am talking about when I use the word 'cult'; as that is, is that " individual or individuals make your decisions and/or thinking for you..." That one does does NOT 'question' what they are told, and accepts these 'outside authorities' as being representatives or 'the voice of God'.
Right away you can see from the foregoing that MANY religions (even the major ones) could in many ways be described as being 'cults'.
Does this mean they are?
To answer this all you have to do is ask whether the religion that you belong to has some kind of 'outside authority' who you are told is 'infallible'--does not make mistakes--and 'speaks for God'--would never lie or lead you astray.
Also, that it is best for "you and your salvation" if you did NOT "delve" into what they may describe as being "the mysteries of God"; i.e., investigating and discoverying and determining the truth on and/or by yourself.
Also ask yourself is there an "us versus them" mentality that is encouraged by the members of your church, group or 'whatever'.
Another tell-tale sign is that you are required to openly express a belief in and/or 'allegiance' to a single book, story, or person; and that based upon that belief that you are required to believe 'everything else' (or the rest of the whole package).
So, from this perspective, how would you answer your own question now?
2007-06-01 08:46:15
answer #2
answered by smithgiant 4
From the inside, the church doctrine seems reasonable; from the outside it appears to be extremely controlling. From the inside, you follow the commandments of god, to the outside you seem to be following a self-righteous con artist.
Humility in the church means unabashed following the 'brethren', Intellectualism is demonized and generally excommunicable. There is no discussion within the church where there are obvious issues.
The church evens determines the limits and position of sex, but you aren't old enough to know that just yet.
Tell me, if the church is true and lead by men of god, where are great pieces of music dedicated to him (Hail to the Man doesn't count, since that's the tune to Scotland the Brave). Or, what mormon artist hangs in the Louvre? Who was the greatest mormon philosopher whose thoughts provoke others to think? Donny Osmond?
There ain't any. The church does not contribute any grand artistry to mankind's relationship with god - just solemnly boring fast and testimony meetings punctuated by solemnly boring conferences.
I wouldn't go so far as labeling it a 'cult' in the David Korash sense - unless you're literally willing to die for Gordon.
2007-06-02 06:15:09
answer #3
answered by Dances with Poultry 5
Because you do not hold the Christian concept of
1. God (you say he was previously human)
2. Monotheism (You believe there are many God's over many universes)
3. Trinity (there is no union they are separate in Mormon doctrine and are co equal actually with Lucifer)
4. You believe God "begat" Jesus with Mary
5. You believe in a Goddess form called the Heavenly mother
6. You believe you will be elevated to God status
7. You believe Jesus is not God (but a child of God like yourself)
There are many more reasons. And these are true reasons why your Church will not sign off on the Christian doctrine of the World Council of Churches, the World Council of Reformed Churches, or the World Council Christian Churches.
You also have statues of Joseph Smith and Moroni in temple square( both elevated much higher then Jesus)
Also you accept Joseph Smith saying he did more for mankind then anyone who ever lived, including Jesus.
NONE of these are Christian beliefs, nor are they compatible with the Christian concept of God, Jesus, or human creation.
penunciation???????????????????? Who needs to go back to school for spelling? I can't hear you but my guess is your PRONUNCIATION is not that great either. For those that say some people will never listen, do you bother to listen to the reasons people are saying?
2007-06-01 10:27:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because Mormons are bold and quick to say "we have all the truth, everyone else has false authority and partial truths"
While all the other christian churches are scratching each others' backs and colaborating, Mormons say "Christ is the head of the church, he speaks to prophets, and it doesn't really matter what other christian churches say".
Mormons don't really fit into the chummy christian club that they have, and so they go off trying to label them as a cult, non-christian, etc.
They don't like mormons so they try to smear the name and reputation.
2007-06-05 00:40:52
answer #5
answered by Ender 6
Mainly because of the beliefs that the Mormons have. While they do accept that Jesus Christ as Lord, they also believe that anyone can become a God through their actions. They believe that the God of the world was once a person himself. They also believe that everyone deserves to go to some type of paradise unless you become a Mormon and then leave, which is the only way to suffer eternal damnation.
So, in other words, they have a lot of wacky beliefs that have no real basis and condemn people who join and then gain their own mind back.
2007-06-01 08:20:35
answer #6
answered by Jason P 4
in accordance to the e book worldwide Religions & Cults a hundred and one via Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz, Mormons are the biggest cult worldwide. they say that they are Christians, yet: *The Mormon ideals and practices are far diverse from Chrisitnaity in very very nearly each way. *The founder claimed that an angel named Moroni (do away with the i & what do you have?) regarded to him and revealed the region of two golden plates that contained an account of the genuine gospel. *they suspect that the e book of Mormon is God's suited revelation to guy, that all and sundry different Bibles are corrupt. *they suspect that God became as quickly as a guy, and guy can exchange into God. *interior the Mormon concept device, Jesus isn't God, however the 1st spirit being of tens of millions of spirit toddlers, Jesus & devil are brother. *basically Mormons gets into the main appropriate point of heaven (they suspect there are 3 stages.) This e book is a sturdy examine, it compares all religions, and their ideals.
2016-11-03 08:19:12
answer #7
answered by ? 4
I think people think of the LDS/Mormon church as a cult because of the fact that the LDS/Mormon church teaches that it is the one true church and that the path back to God is only through them. Also the fact that LDS/Mormons secluded themselves in Utah. I know that they did this because they were persecuted and basically had no where to go, but according to LDS/Mormon tradition, Joseph Smith had a vision that that was where they were supposed to go, regardless of the persecution.
2007-06-04 06:54:04
answer #8
answered by Liesel 5
> Why do people think Mormons are a cult?
Because of the manner of the founding of the LDS. It sure looks as if Joseph Smith and a few of his friends were out to start a cult.
Also, the "mission" imposed on young people, and some of the other social obligations of Mormon church members appear to be somewhat cultlike.
After reading "Lost Boys" by Orson Scott Card, I'll admit I'm intrigued, and I find Mormonism to be rather attractive.
2007-06-01 08:29:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Just because you have Jesus in your name doesnt make you chrisitian. Being a chrisitian is about following the teachings of Jesus and believing that he died on the cross for our sins. Not that Jesus was some son of a God called Elohim and a brother to satan, who was born after his mother mary had sex with god. Nor is it about following the weird and wonderful doctirnes of Brigham Young and Joseph Smith. These are the sort of thing that cults believe, they follow men as their leaders not Jesus
2007-06-04 05:06:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Most believe that this is a breakoff of Christianity. It's said the a different Jesus is worshipped and a different God. Ultimately it is seen that way because it conflicts with original authentic Christian doctrine.
Also some of the false prophecies and false prophets that have misled people such as the accounts of the end of the world.
This is why most see it as a cult.
2007-06-01 08:22:31
answer #11
answered by Anonymous