Credit. Every time you use a credit card, you are actually borrowing money that is made available to you by a bank or other financial institution. The institution pays the debt to the vendor, and in turn, you pay the money back to the institution. By signing up for a credit card, you agree to pay back the money that you borrowed, in addition to any interest drawn on the amount you borrowed.
Debit. Odds are, you have a debit card in your wallet or purse right now, since many ATM cards are programmed to have debit options. Issued by your bank, debit cards take funds directly from the money that you have in your bank account--in a sense acting like a check, just faster. With a debit card, you don't have to carry cash or checks, and it is very convenient to shop at a variety of places including gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, and retail stores. They provide instant access to your money and are accepted worldwide.
Debit cards are used like credit cards, meaning that the store you are shopping at 'swipes' them, and then you sign off on the receipt. You don't have to show a picture ID, and there is usually no PIN number for you to punch in.
Get all information about credit card at:,Everything_About_Credit_Cards
2007-06-03 22:06:07
answer #1
answered by brady ewart 3
With a credit card, you are able to charge a purchase (credit) and make the payment after the fact, when you receive the statement in the mail.
A debit card is much more like a card used to withdraw cash from an ATM. When you use the debit card, the cash is immediately removed from your bank account to which the card is registered.
2007-05-31 23:44:18
answer #2
answered by acermill 7
I used to work in a bank, the difference between a credit card and a visa card is that with a debit card you operate out of your own savings it gets put to the side so ya cant touch it and you only get charged with the account keeping fee. A credit card you operate out of a line of credit and then you have to pay it back.....
2007-06-01 00:07:35
answer #3
answered by Adz 1
Credit cards are the equivalent of pre approved loans. Your credit limit is the total amount of the loan that you can spend. You are borrowing money at which you pay back at a high interest rate. Usually around 24-29%.
Debit cards are connected to your savings or checking account. Using one is like writting a check. You are charged no interest because you are using your own money.
2007-05-31 23:53:00
answer #4
answered by a_non_ah_mus 5
Credit Cards give you credit. They set up an amount you are able to spend and you may spend up to that limit, say $5,000. You then make monthly payments back to them based on your balance and your interest rate. It' more or less a loan. They let you use their money with the card and then you pay them back.
Debit cards are attached to your checking account. They work just like a check. You can only spend how much money you have in your account. You put money into your checking account and then spend what you have.
2007-05-31 23:46:05
answer #5
answered by lil_hem_n_va 4
Well, Debit cards are directly linked to your bank account. Hence when you make a transaction via Debit card, the money gets deducted from your account immedeatly. Therefore to use a debit card you need to have money in your account. And you can only use the debit card to limit to what you have in your account.
On the other hand, a credit card lets you buy on credit. You make a transaction, irrespective of whether you have that money in your bank. Usually, the credit card companies allow you one month of interest free credit on your purchase. if you default on your payment or delay your payment after the due date you incur heavy interest charges.
2007-05-31 23:45:50
answer #6
answered by All Aces 3
Credit cards are a card in which you are using money which is not yours to begin with. Thus you are getting credit money from a source, and will usually pay interest over time to use that money. A debit cart uses money that is from your own account, usually a checking or savings account, so you must have the money to begin with and you are not charged interest.
2007-05-31 23:46:38
answer #7
answered by John M 2
Credit cards give you amount of credit say ten thousand dollars you need to pay back what you spend each month w/ interest
Debit cards are linked to a bank account no paying back automatically taken from your account
2007-05-31 23:44:45
answer #8
answered by gfdeputy2 5
credit-- when you use a credit card, you are spending money that belongs to a credit card company that you will have to pay back (with interest).
debit-- when you use a debit card, you are spending money that belongs to you. It comes directly out of your bank account.
There are debit cards that give you a choice of debit or credit.
In the case that you chose credit, you do not have to reveal your PIN (personal identification number). (It still comes out of your bank account.)
In the case that you chose debit, you do have to reveal your PIN number. (make sure noone is looking over your shoulder.)
2007-05-31 23:49:01
answer #9
answered by quizkid 3
i'll explain
Credit cards:Money is given by the bank to us we use it then at the end of the month we have to repay it to the bank.
Debit cards:Our own hardwork made money is used
2007-05-31 23:47:06
answer #10
answered by glen v 2