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so my question is

should i stay in a comfortable position makeing a decent living. but live a safe boring dull life.

or throw it all away to live in a distant land with my and be broke with the girl of my dreams. and go on many adventures with her..

i would be throwing a lot away . (my small business my home my whole life my boring but comfortable future
...for her..

but it is true love.

2007-05-31 19:21:27 · 18 answers · asked by heytravil_nomad 1 in Family & Relationships Weddings

18 answers

I think true love is wonderful. But true love and truly broke don't always mesh well. Is there a plan b maybe? Wait until you can liquidate the business and stash some more money and THEN leave the country perhaps. If you just have to go now good luck and I wish you the best.

2007-05-31 19:27:29 · answer #1 · answered by indydst8 6 · 0 0

There's going to be a day where you look up and you see your girlfriend's white cotton panties hanging on the line and you wonder to yourself what happened to the black lingerie? What happened to the fantasy...well my friend this girl is the reality. No girlfriend constantly wears the sexy underwear. No girl will constantly keep you guessing. This is reality, and if what you have ain't that bad then take it for all it's worth. If you got a good girl at home that takes care of you and loves you so much is annoying than you keep that as long as you possibly can. Because the reality of the fantasy is that even though it might seem greener on the other side, the grass on this side has already grown around your feet. Dreams rarely come true, and fantasy is set in a world that isn't real. Keep what's real, keep the one that loves you.

2007-05-31 19:30:32 · answer #2 · answered by ejapaga 2 · 0 0

Do it! If it's true love, you won't regret it. Money doesn't make a person happy. When I'm making a decision, I always try to think, "When I'm on my death bed, will I regret my decision?" You will never regret following your heart and taking on new adventures. Even if it doesn't work out, at least you won't be wondering "what would have happened"!

Go for it. Life isn't all about making a living and taking the safe road.

2007-06-01 01:40:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a million. Do you like UGG's? The shoe style? No. i'm a guy. 2. Are you a One direction fan? Nope. 3. Do you like rain? Yeah, i admire rain. no longer the heavy pouring style, nevertheless. merely the sunshine drizzle mutually because it is nonetheless extremely bright exterior. 4. what's your widespread place to be? manhattan 5. Do you think of you will ever locate love? confident 6. Ever went to a stay overall performance? if so what? Coldplay stay overall performance, Swtichfoot stay overall performance 7. greatest dream? Marry somebody i myself love. 8. The dumbest ingredient which you ever did? some unlawful stuff, some pranks (in case you think approximately em "dumb." i think of they have been exceedingly humorous). 9. would you ever get a tatoo or piercing? No. 10. Worst comedian tale you ever heard? Any style of knock knock comedian tale. 11. Do you desire to prepare dinner? no longer likely. 12. Do you write? For excitement, in my entertainment time? Nope. 13. unusual expertise? do no longer likely be attentive to. i'm no longer good at self assessment. 14. celebrity you hate the main? Nicki Minaj 15. Are you the traditional or strange one on your loved ones? very nearly frequent. sixteen. Harry Potter or Twilight? Harry Potter 17. widespread action picture couple? Tom + summer fr/ 500 Days of summer (nevertheless that ended exceedingly badly) 18. widespread television tutor? Dragonball Z (now no longer shown) 19. What became your first kiss like? became slightly frightened, excited. no longer awkward or something. truthfully a "photograph" 2nd 20. proper date coffee domicile date 21. provide me a megastar?? :) confident

2016-11-03 07:07:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm w/ the love of my life and had to overcome a few obstacles to get here...Now I am happier than I could have ever imagined...so if its true love I would go for it, just be sure the feeling is 100% mutual! I would try to find away to avoid the broke issue though...Make sure she loves you and notthey way your living right now...Good Luck

2007-05-31 19:55:54 · answer #5 · answered by Amy W 3 · 0 0

If it was true love, you wouldnt have to ask the question. Any true love is worth more money than you can make in a life time, and anywhere that it takes you will be more comfortable then where you are now.

2007-05-31 19:30:46 · answer #6 · answered by xlx_coolblueangel_xlx 1 · 0 0

if u r sure it will work out then i would go 4 it but if not then i would not is made the choice 2 stay with my b friend and now we r getting married and the other person is on drugs now living on the street so what ever u chose could b the wrong ong GOOD LUCK

2007-06-04 11:43:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The path less traveled...
Adventures are good, but they can also be very stressful. Make sure that you work out a plan. Try to look for a plan B, but you should follow your heart and take the path to adventure.

2007-05-31 19:34:20 · answer #8 · answered by little black dress 2 · 0 0

I'd rather be broke poor with all of the love in the whorld than be filthy rich with no love.

It is not uncommon for a multi-millionair to commit suicide.

2007-05-31 19:28:14 · answer #9 · answered by Ohmyheaven 3 · 0 0

Follow your dreams, man. Are you alright with staying where you are asking "What if i had gone?" Will you regret if you don't? will you regret it if you do? I think you have to weigh the good and bad of both and decide what's going to make you happy.

2007-05-31 19:29:01 · answer #10 · answered by Big Daddy 5 · 0 0