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It will be his third marriage and my second. His children are all grown and scattered around the country. I have two grown children and three teenagers (2 boys and 1 girl and the girl has already said she wants to be in the wedding)

2007-05-31 12:11:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

21 answers

Only if you really, really, really want to. You daughter wants to be in the wedding, this is probably been hard for her so you should give her that.

2007-05-31 12:15:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why elope? It doesn't sound like there is opposition to the marriage, so there is no reason too. What seems to be the problem is the organizing of a wedding.
Does the family get together at an other time - Christmas, etc? Why not do a small, casual wedding at that time, then you can use one party for both? Then you have the best of both worlds - you have your family around, and offend no-one. Just let them know that's what your planning. It might even save those further away from making two trips.
Good luck.

My brother-in-law eloped, and offended sooo many family members. Took some years to get over it!

2007-05-31 19:19:26 · answer #2 · answered by Barb Outhere 7 · 0 0

Yes! Do something different this time around...it can be terribly romantic! Take the girl with you, and the boys too if they also want! Eloping still requires witnesses.

You also might want to make an offhand comment "as a joke" in front of your teenage kids and see what their reaction is beforehand, if that will help you decide.

You did the traditional wedding, why not do the exciting wedding next?

2007-05-31 19:19:48 · answer #3 · answered by AJ 6 · 0 0

That, or just have a very simple cheap wedding...even if you elope your girl can be in the wedding....but where you both have been married before...i don't think its a bad idea...but you can also do a backyard wedding or something else that would be fairly reasonable...talk with him....see what your kids think too...they are old enough to give input....see if they all want to be a part of it, or just want you to elope

2007-05-31 19:14:56 · answer #4 · answered by Nikki 4 · 0 0

Practically speaking, I would elope. Why spend the money for a 20 minute ceremony and it being the 3rd for him & the 2nd for you? Or you could save yourself the stress of a wedding ceremony and instead have a party afterward to celebrate the marriage, which would be much more fun, enjoyable, and memorable.

2007-05-31 19:38:31 · answer #5 · answered by faith 5 · 0 0

It is your life and your wedding. Do what makes you happy. After all most likely the people answering this question are just like the public. Yeah some people might say it is not the best idea, but if it is best for you go for it. After all you live your life, and no yahoo answer can tell you how to do that.

2007-05-31 19:15:49 · answer #6 · answered by smartguy7907 2 · 0 0

You've been down this road before. Weddings suck! elope for yours and your fiances sake. I'm planning my wedding now and I swear to God by the time July comes around I'm not even going to be speaking to my fiance and my checking account is going to be way over drawn.

2007-06-01 11:55:53 · answer #7 · answered by Jersey Style 5 · 0 0

a wedding is a time to share your love with your family...but if you dont want a huge wedding or even a small one in the park then i guess it isnt to bad to elope people do it like everyday.....but its pretty much up to you...its your wedding you do what you think is best....

good luck!!!

2007-05-31 19:20:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's up to you really. Do you want a small private wedding or do you want something large with a lot of family? You can go to the justice of the peace if you don't want everyone and their families having to travel to you, or if you just don't want everyone there. There's nothing wrong with it. It's your weddding, not anyone elses.

2007-05-31 19:15:53 · answer #9 · answered by my_own_frog 3 · 0 0

if its what your heart wants than elope. but if your still not sure than have a really small and simple wedding with close family and friends. good luck!

2007-05-31 19:17:21 · answer #10 · answered by Esther N 2 · 1 0