The God of the bible is a just God. He is justice. What happen to these people who do not even know Christ are tackled in the book of Romans.”
Rom 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.
Rom 2:12 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;
Rom 2:13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
Rom 2:14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
Rom 2:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
Rom 2:16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.”
God will judge these people according to their conscience, because every human has a good in him.
2007-05-31 08:18:23
answer #1
answered by yana 4
Most religions in this world have some form of a "Heaven" and "Hell." Let us remember a few things. God loves everyone. He created each and everyone of us, not wanting any to perish.
I believe it is bulit into us to seek or believe in some higher being. Romans 1:20 talks about the witness of creation, and that it testifies of His greatness. Because of that we have no excuse.
Jesus says that those who don't believe in him are condemed already because of their unbelief. Not very fair is it? I mean come on, what about the man on a deserted island who lives his whole life never hearing the Gospel, will he go to Hell? The answer is yes. Let me explain.
We are all born with sin. You, me, and Joe somebody in New York. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). But if we believe, we have forgiveness and salvation (John 3:16-18; 1 John 1:9). If we don't believe, we condem ourselves by our unbelief (John 3:18) Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6).
Therefore, perfect justice demands we all die, but because of Christ(if we believe in Him) we hav forgiveness and life everlasting. If God saved the ignorant, what would be the purpose of the Great Commision. We wouldn't need to spread the Gospel. No more billy Graham cursaids. Our preaching wouldn't be about a relationship with Him, but rather ignorance. But God wants us to have a realationship with Him. Lika a father witha son or daughter
2007-05-31 08:48:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God the Father and his son, jesus Christ our King and brother. Notice I said brother....Christians are heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ and will rule and reign with Christ in Israel for 1000 years as kings. Religion is man vain attempt to reach God and fails yet also leads to deception and eternal death so if you are a hindu and you hear the words of the Gospel of Christ and you receive it, you are a child and king of God. Now if you choose to reject it being hindu makes no difference. There is no other way into the entrance of God's kingdom except through Christ. You can be good enough, you can obey any laws even the 10 commandments will show you that you are an utter failure in being righteous and holy before Almighty God. What can one do? Ask Christ to cleanse you from sin and anoint you as He did the very disciples on the day of Pentecost and He will. He is rasing up a people pure and holy undefiled whom he anoints in this day and hour preparing them for his coming kingdom reign. I am a witness to this fact as I have been anointed and I an called to invite others into this kingdom. I invite, Christ chooses those who he proclaims faithful and they will walk with Him in pure white robes and a crown of life on their head.
2007-05-31 08:17:12
answer #3
answered by *DestinyPrince* 6
That would be up to the Hindu to study both religions and look for the truth. If the Hindu really wanted to find the truth, it would be shown to him. That can only be determined by him.
2007-05-31 08:06:54
answer #4
answered by comer59 3
I understand what you are saying but, I want you to know that Jesus died for all. If someone never hears about Him, there is God's grace to cover them. If someone is too young or too feeble to understand about Jesus then, there is God's grace for them too. If someone lived before Jesus' birth and death, He died for them too.
If someone hears about Jesus, understands and then rejects Him, then that is their choice not to be with God forever. God will not make someone who does not want to be with Him go to Heaven. There is only one other place to go and that is away from Him in Hell. It is the choice of the one who is capable of making a choice.
Jesus is not a religion. He is a personal relationship and the only way to God. It is because of His death on the cross that any of us can be saved.
We are told by God in the Bible that when the time for Jesus' return arrives, everyone will have heard the truth of Jesus. This is happening now. With satellite and computer technology, everyone will know about Him. Choices are now being made.
2007-05-31 08:13:08
answer #5
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
I don't believe anyone who is not of the Christian faith is going to Hell or somewhere in its environs.
There's so much more to learn about God, but our measly pathetic minds would not even fathom a quarter ounce of it.
Ultimately, God will have the final word of judgement. Not us based on whatever misconceptions and mis-interpretations we glean from the Bible. I don't give a shi.t what any Christian says.
2007-05-31 08:09:29
answer #6
answered by Sick Puppy 7
When A Chrisitan shares the Word of God with others, He shows them the truth, and they are led straight into the awaiting arms of Jesus, for their salvation. Not everyone chooses to do so, but that is the freedom of choice that God gave everyone.
It is up to them as to what choice they want to make. To give up their sinful unrighteous life and turn their life over to Jesus, living a rightous life according to the Word of God, or to keep going in darkness the way they always have.
What ever a person decides to do, be it a righteous life or an unrighteous life, make sure you can live with and die with that choice. Because there is no turning back after you die. If you made the wrong choice, all because you refused to give up your sinful ways, here is a sneak peek as to what that life will consist of...
Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
2007-05-31 08:06:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I know some converted Hindus. and really, God deals with the soul more than anything else. If your heart sought after God but you were misinformed and believed contrary, then there's some leeway. if you're a die-hard person of another religion, that's another story.
2007-05-31 08:11:16
answer #8
answered by Hey, Ray 6
It's not about Religion it's not even about agreeing with what mainstream Christians say is true. It's about understanding who Christ is and the role he played. All of us try to explain existence but to understand fully we must understand God. So it's not that everybody is wrong and Christians are right it's that God is right and everybody else is wrong. even people claiming to be Christians don't always understand what they are talking about or even believe it themselves. Only God can know our hearts no matter what we say we believe.
2007-05-31 08:09:47
answer #9
answered by wolvlynn 2
To "A Reflection Of You" above... if that's truly the case, then he's going to love most of us atheists.
Because we have consistently sought the truth about him. That truth is abundantly clear... that he does not exist. But the moment even a shred of evidence says otherwise, we will be the first to analyze it.
If you really believe that... then you should be proud of the atheists for not accepting easy answers about god, and instead seeking the truth.
2007-05-31 08:08:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous