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wouldn't that mean you're dead? from what i've been told there is no greater joy or pleasure than that of heaven. so you're in heaven and you experience this pleasure. what is your reaction? are you overwhelmed by it? do you react the same as with anything that is pleasurable? do you say ahhh? for how long? does it eventually stop feeling good? if not, do you keep saying ahhhh? if it does stop feeling good, that would mean that you would eventually get bored with it. then you're left for an eternity experiencing something you don't really care for. so let's say you're just continually experiencing this pleasure? what then? you're just in a constant state of pleasure. so what happens to your frame of reference, your concept of time? it all goes away doesn't it? you're just forever sighing in joy like some goon. you might as well be dead.

2007-05-31 07:10:16 · 21 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Well i'm sure that god will be able to make us feel happy!!!
Not that big deal!!!

2007-05-31 07:18:50 · answer #1 · answered by ToukHi 3 · 0 0

That is a great question.

I have pretty much always believed that Heaven and Hell stem from the imagination. I believe it has to stem from the imagination.

Pleasure and pain are not the same experiences for everyone. Sex can be a pleasurable or painful experience. I know people that enjoy pain as much as pleasure. How would Heaven know what it is that is good for us? Our experiences while we are here on Earth are essentially who we are.

2007-05-31 07:22:11 · answer #2 · answered by ahauntedhistory 3 · 0 0

The intimate presence of God is something a human being can never become bored with, for it is the environment for which human beings were designed and created. Heaven is ultimate fulfillment as a human being, and loss of heaven is ultimate failure as a human being. A human being could no more become bored with heaven than a fish could become bored with water. Every small pleasure, every inspiring experience, every joy and happiness, every sense of fulfillment we feel on earth is just the slightest shadow of what awaits us in heaven. Absolute joy, absolute happiness, absolute fulfillment. We can't even imagine what that would be like, but it certainly won't be boring.

2007-05-31 07:24:26 · answer #3 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 1

Hi just curious. When we look at what the Bible teaches about life in Heaven, we know first of all that we have been given Eternal Life. Outside of existing for all eternity, we do not know what the mechanics of Eternal Life is. Here on earth, we are conditioned to eat food and drink water to sustain these bodies of ours. But along with this, we also need oxygen to survive. Just because we "know" that we need these conditions to survive here, this does not mean that the same conditions will exist in Heaven.

If we have been given Eternal Life, why would we need to eat or drink? None of us know what Eternal Life will be like. What we do know is what we will be doing there, worshiping our God and doing His will. That will be glorious.

2007-05-31 07:24:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you are a Christian you will go to heaven and yes, you will be filled with pleasure forever! At one point, God will create a new "earth" for Christians and for an eternity, they will reside there. The good feeling never will go away. God bless you.

2007-06-02 08:58:49 · answer #5 · answered by Lina 3 · 0 0

yes you are dead in the physical. i have the same idea that you are at an all times peace and happy every day. Praise the Lord! no, why would a person be overwhelmed if your in heaven. "you/i made it" no i would not even ? it "Thank the Lord for having me in his Paradise. it will be this way for eternity the bible say we will have eternal life with him. no, because God does not break his promises to us. no, i would not have to ? what God chose to do with me in heaven. if you are going through this life here on earth expecting nothing what do you get nothing but i you have great expectations you accomplish great things. so ask yourself are you ever bored here on earth with God? and if you don't find joy and peace with the Lord even when everything is falling down around you take a good look at your spiritual walk with Jesus! "YES, YOU WILL BE HAPPY EVERYDAY." THERE IS NO TIME IN HEAVEN. yes, yes , yes there is nothing wrong with being dead to this flesh and being happy all the TIME!!!!!

2007-05-31 07:40:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The scripture you are referring to is Revelation 21:4 where it says  "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

Okay, here's the question - How can God wipe out tears in heaven when they don't exist in heaven? How can he wipe out death from heaven when you (supposedly) have to die to go to heaven? Is there mourning in heaven? No, none of these things are in heaven, so doesn't it make more sense to believe this scripture is talking about the earth? Where all of these things do exist? The Bible says that the meek ones will inherit the earth. (Psalms 37:11)

And you are right, what are you going to be doing if you get to heaven? The Bible states that the ones with Christ are ruling over the earth as kings and priests. So they are going to be working while they are there.
(Revelation 5:10)  and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

2007-05-31 07:27:16 · answer #7 · answered by SisterCF 4 · 1 0

You are clearly confused about what heaven is. Heaven is a place beyond the realm of physical states such as pleasure, references of place, time, oohh's and aahh's etc... it is eternal, which means never ending. If you do get to heaven, it will only be because of your faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, our soon coming Lord and Savior. There is no other way you can get to heaven. you must be born again (John 3:3). speculating how heaven will be, rather than just accepting by faith how it will be and the path that leads there, only reduces your chances of getting there. I urge you to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Ask Him into your heart and repent of your sins. you will be a new creature in Him. you will be born again. hope this answers your question. See you in heaven!!!

2007-05-31 07:23:03 · answer #8 · answered by kennyjoel87 2 · 1 0

Your perception of heaven is very narrow. There is much more to heaven then you mention. There will be many things to do. Time will mean nothing to us like it does now. Even now we only use a very small portion of our brains potential. In heaven our minds will be unleashed and we will be able to comprehend things we could never do on earth. Our knowledge will be greatly increased. We will be able to travel to other planets and galaxies. There will be no limit to what we will be able to do. We will be perfect beings. The Bible tells us that we will be even higher that the angels. We will always have a general sense of well being. There is still much more to heaven than that. You should study about it sometime.

2007-05-31 07:29:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If there is no pain or sorrow in Heaven, then there is no pleasure in Heaven either. Why?? Because pain and sorrow are needed to compare to pleasure - if Heaven was all pleasure and nothing more, then it would cease to be pleasurable after a few days, as you would have nothing to compare it to....and you'd have to deal with that for eternity....

Thank God Im going to Hell, as Heaven sounds immensly boring.....

2007-05-31 07:15:54 · answer #10 · answered by Athiests_are_dumb 3 · 2 1

You're asking these questions from a very human point of view. These are not difficult questions to answer if you know what the Christian Bible says about "flesh and spirit". If you are not 'into' reading the Bible, may I suggest another book that may whet your appetite. SonPlacing by Garrison Russell answers a whole host of questions that have plauged mankind for centuries. His book is available from Amazon.com

2007-05-31 07:32:33 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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