First off, no. Simply ejaculating into a woman will not cause her to gain weight. I'm curious to know how you are so sure you won't become pregnant, though. Because that will certainly cause you to gain a lot of weight.
The reason I'm concerned is because you seemed willing enough to believe what your friend told you about gaining weight due to ejaculate. I'm wondering if your boyfriend told you you couldn't get pregnant. Lots of guys say things like, "You won't get pregnant if we use this position" or something along those lines just so he can get his free, unprotected sex. The fact is that you can get pregnant using any position. All it takes is the right timing, and your knocked up. You need to ask yourself where your boyfriend will be if that happens.
The only way for you not to get pregnant is to either be sterile or to not have sex. It's obvious you are having sex, and I doubt you are sterile. Condoms are not 100%, and it appears that you are not using those. The pill is not 100%. The fact is that none of the birth control measures out there are 100%. So I think you can get pregnant.
You need to be careful. It doesn't sound like your boyfriend has your best interests at heart.
2007-05-31 06:36:04
answer #1
answered by Doc B 3
I am trying to get pregnant for 2 years with my husband no success yet and no I did not gain weight infect I am losing weight by 4 pounds .
2016-08-05 17:38:07
answer #2
answered by Roya 1
no infact you burn quite a few callories having sex "if done right" .. if you want to loose weight .. excersize and eat regularly about "5" ... 300 callorie meals a day thats 1500 callories total but by eating 5 times .. it ramps up your metabolism and makes your body realize that it dosent need to store fat since its getting a steady supply of food .. btu remember only about 300 callories a meal .. more than that and youll be overeating .. try drinking a glass of water before every meal and make sure you get vegitables and high protene meals liek fish or chicken ...most important is fiber since it cleans you out and promotes a healthy system ....take regular walks atleast 30 minutes every other day and im sure you will get your weight down .... fatloss isnt instant it takes a little time so dont quit if you dont see immediate results
2007-05-31 06:34:03
answer #3
answered by vollick67 2
I am assuming that you mean you are physically unable to conceive, not that you can't get pregnant because it won't happen to you or you use the 100% eaffective family planning method of only having sex when you aren't ovulating or only have sex in the hot tub or any other lovely myth that is not true. It seems that your friend believes you are very gullible...or was telling you a joke that you didn't quite get.
2007-05-31 06:33:46
answer #4
answered by erinn83bis 4
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!
2007-05-31 08:25:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you have to ask this question, are you old enough to be having sex?????? I think I will tell you yes so that you quit acting like an adult having sex and grow up to learn the true meaning. You need to get into some sex ed classes and get off the computer!!!!
2007-05-31 06:31:31
answer #6
answered by tenabutter 3
Wait ..this isnt your first era ever?...appropriate? cuz no count if it somewhat is then this is everyday to benefit weight. like alot. yet whilst youve had your era in the previous...then mybe your only ending becoming...idk? lol dont difficulty approximately it. Who cares as long as you no longer fat? its everyday to benefit weight straight away in a quick volume of time between the a protracted time 12- 20 identity say.
2016-10-06 09:32:22
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Luckly this is a great solution for premature ejaculation
A guy always cums fast when its their first time. and especially if he's been waiting for a long time. Guys are erect at least 5 times a day so what I would do is some foreplay until he ejaculates or the both of you for that matter its not fair that he has orgasms and you don't so get him to do you first and then once you finish he will be more than ready for his orgasm. then use a condom because that cuts down the sensations for him if he feels he is about to come prematurely then tell him to come out and do some more foreplay on you so he has time to calm down. the condom should work but if you want a baby tell him to take the condom of before ejaculation and then finish in you. the longer you wait to make him come with foreplay the quiker it will be because he has to get it out of him.
He also does need time because you are the only one he has been with so once he gets used to it, you can really enjoy it once he gets his techniques down pat. Tell him what you like. Get some books and videos also until you both are experienced. Or you could even have a quickie in the morning, when you get home and then at night. he will diffently last longer because his mind has been free twice already. You get on top of him and you control the situation. Also my boyfriend tells me that he thinks about none sexual things for a while to help control him, tell him to think about a sport or something that calms him. If that doesn't work then just do IT over until you are satisfied
2017-02-16 23:26:15
answer #8
answered by munden 4
sure it's true....if you get pregnant. judging from all the spelling and grammar errors and the general stupidity of the question it's probably best that you aren't reproducing.
2007-05-31 06:28:13
answer #9
answered by Neka 4
to gain weight, the food or drink (or whatever...ahem) needs to go into your stomach. actually, you can burn a lot of calories during sex and it's excellent cardio.
2007-05-31 06:33:34
answer #10
answered by wendy_da_goodlil_witch 7