In general, the greenhouse gases emitted as a result of human activity, such as getting to and from work, getting our children to school, shopping for food and etc. contributes approximately 10% to Global Warming.
The other 90% is caused by variations in the output of the sun, greenhouse gases emitted form volcanoes and other natural sources over which we have no control.
Some people suggest that if we only eliminated luxuries, like vacations and if we all bought hybrid cars instead of the cars we have now that would solve the problem. Unfortunately that is not the case.
If we eliminated luxuries like vacations, and if we all replaced our existing cars with hybrid cars, at best we would reduce the contribution from greenhouse gases emitted as a result of human activity from 10% of the contribution to Global Warming to approximately 7%. In my opinion this is a rather insignificant reduction.
For us to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by human activity to zero, we would have to cease all human activity. We could not get to work. We could not have business and factories to produce things for us . We could not generate electricity to operate our homes, businesses and factories. We could not heat our homes. We could not even build homes because we could not transport building materials to the site to build the home. We would have to get every country on the face of this earth to do the same.
Has anyone ever considered how difficult it would be to persuade the people's Republic of China to stop all of their human activity? We cannot even persuade the People's Republic of China to stop helping North Korea develop nuclear weapons.
At best, if we eliminated the greenhouse gases from all human activity we would reduce global warming by 10%. The glaciers would still melt, it would just take them 10 to 15 years longer to do so. The polar bears would still have to learn how to swim.
The consequences of halting all human activity would be catastrophic. Billions of people would starve. Those who survived would be living in miserable conditions far worse than anything that we experienced during the world wide depression of the 1930's.
Sorry I do not have better news for you.
2007-05-31 05:49:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Is it a problem, could be as fresh water supplies will be reduced.
What should we do about it? Since it's a natural occurring system and any effect done today would not have any influence for at least 300 years, that complicated area about CO2 in ice sheets that Al Gore didn't want to mention is something called Oceanic lag which puts his graphs out by 300 - 800 years, there is not much me can do. The world is currently cooler than it was 1000 years ago and the last extreme cold spell (or ice age) only finished in the mid 15th - 16th century. If carbon produced created global warming then why did the temperature decrease during the economic boom after the second world war? History has shown that Global warm is a cycle and it follows a pattern that is more closely resembles sun spot activity. Again unless we block the sun there is little we can do about this.
Yes this is the hottest we've been since records began but records were only started in 1860 when they believe the technology to maintain accurate records was in place, older records state the temperature inside the front room of a house.
If all the water trapped as ice melted in one day, and we are not including the fact that hot air holds more moister than cold so a lot of it would be trapped in the atmosphere, the sea level would only rise a maximum of 5 foot.
2007-05-31 05:12:52
answer #2
answered by clint_slicker 6
Yes, it is absolutely a problem.
Although the earth's climate has changed many times in the past, the current change is happening so fast that most of earth's lifeforms have too little time to adapt to it. We are already seeing areas like Northern Africa, Central Australia and the American Southwest becoming dramatically hotter and dryer. Fires are increasing and dramtic changes to the ecosystem are taking place. The glaciers that many people rely on for their water supply are disappearing. Water will become an increasingly rare commodity as the world warms. The majority of the world's people now live near a coastline, and the oceans are rising. Large cities like New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco will see huge areas submerged unless they build expensive seawalls.
The responsibility belongs to all of us. We must find ways to generate energy without releasing so much carbon dioxide into the air. We have to stop wasting so much energy. We all have to take responsibility as global citizens to make sure the world doesn't end with us.
2007-05-31 05:11:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I fully believe that global warming is real and that it is the responsiblity of every human being, especially those of us at most fault, to do everything in our power to find a solution. Not everyone agrees that it is a real problem. Most who disagree profit in some way from the oil or automotive business, it seems. Therein lies the biggest problem with addressing global warming. Our president and vice-president are and have been in bed with the oil industry for the better part of their careers. It's not in their best interest to find a solution, in their minds. All they are concerned with is making more money and keeping the power they already wield. Oil is one of the biggest lobbies in Washington, right beside big tobacco and big pharmaceutical companies. These are just about the most evil people in the world, not the so called "terrorists." Exxon-Mobile is still posting the biggest profits in the company's history, while the government continues to subsidize their efforts to find new oil fields. The rest of us suffer at the pump. Here is what you can do. Stop buying gas. Drive as little as possible. Walk down to the corner store. You'll save money on gas, and you'll save money on a gym membership. Only in America do so many waste so much. We pay to walk on a treadmill when we could walk outside. My seven year old nephew can tell you how stupid that is. Write to Congress. They are powerless without the people. Congress is supposed to be a medium through which the ideas of the people pass on to OUR government. We the people have to take it back. Get active, get involved. Whether you agree that global warming is a problem caused by humans or not, it is still a good idea to get off foriegn oil. We could all drive electric cars powered by solar power plants. If only our leaders cared about the majority of the people, rather than the richest of the rich who are in charge of the oil companies.
2007-05-31 05:18:24
answer #4
answered by cletusj 2
Global warming is one of the hugest problems facing the earth today. In answer to your first question, yes, it is a problem, a huge problem. There are lots of things we can do, some harder than others, and it will take a world-wide effort to turn global warming back. That starts with you. google or yahoo 'an inconvinient truth' and go to thier official web site (something like ''). they have lots of tips. do reaserch. oppose deforestation, polution, and say yes to electric cars, fuel efficient appliances, etc. In answer to your third question: global warming is everyone's responsibility. the whole world is contributing - you are, your great uncle is, I am, my best friend's sister's cousin's mother-in-law is, so we all need to work to turn the effect around. Humans are such a powerful force - we have nearly destroyed the earth. Think what we could do if we used all the power to make things better, and improve the world? It would be very impressive. And it needs to happen.
2007-05-31 07:38:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I personally feel that this so called 'Global Warming' is all about the Earth changing. We've made such a mess of things that nature has supplied that the Earth has to change in order to keep up. The Ozone is in bad shape, the waterways, the air. Think about it.
If we don't take care of our bodies what happens? The body begins to change, right? Not for the good either. This is what I believe is happening to us here and now. I love my country, but unfortunately human nature in the United States is all about greed.
I believe George Carlin was right when he said, "the Earth has had enough. It created all these diseases to get rid of a lot of people. This is the Earth's way of defending itself against creation."
I repeat: Think about it!
2007-05-31 05:17:28
answer #6
answered by pj m 7
Yes, it is a problem. And every single one of us is responsible. The reason why we are going though global warming is because human kind (yes us) have been taking advantage and being lazy. Think about it… people use to ride horses and walk to their destination but now we have cars because we don’t want to deal with horse ****, hay and blisters. We have washing-machines when we as humans use to wash cloths by hand… we have been very lazy and in turn created theology without consideration on how it would affect the planet. And again we are being lazy by not correcting our mistakes because that would mean we would have to reinvent everything (which to me seems very interesting and fun and a way to improve.. you never know we may be in eco-friendly flying cars if they try hard enough.)
The way to help is easy but all of us are too lazy to do them.
1)Turn off the lights when we don’t use them (oh, and change the light bulbs to CFL bulbs instead.)
2)Buy recycled paper.
3)Don’t buy poison products (although they are maybe just to wash windows but you can check)
4)Recycle everything you possibly can. I have 4 different garbage’s where they are needed the most. One is for paper (usually next to my computer) then there one for is tin cans, then there is one for plastics and then there is the normal garbage with stuff not recyclable. (all 3 of them are the kitchen)
5)Take 5 minutes of your day to voice it out. Tell people about it. Get your town to do something to help the planet. Do what ever you can.
Also check out this link, it has more how to’s and maybe even save you money while being eco-friendly ^_^
2007-05-31 05:46:39
answer #7
answered by fiirefly 2
Since Global Warming has, now, been proved to be an ultimate threat to oil stockpiles even G.W Bush has signed up for tutoring in geography and geology so he is sure to understand when scientists sat him down and explained terms like: Climate, Ecology, Ozone Layer and etc.
Do the 3 R's READ, RESEARCH, and ROARRR ;0
U.S. hurricane forecasters urge safety on oil stockpiles Oil storage tanks, partly submerged by floodwaters, on the outskirts of Beaumont, Texas, following Hurricane Katrina, September 27, 2005. Forecasters urged the oil industry this summer to stockpile supplies away from the Gulf Coast, which they predict will be hit by hurricane-force winds, potentially sending sky-high gas prices even higher, according to hazard models released on Wednesday. REUTERS/Jason Reed
2007-05-31 06:08:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Global warming, ahhh there's the rub. It is a theory that states that greenhouse gasses are causing the earth to heat up causing sea levels to change and such. The scientific community is split some say it's natural while others say it's mankinds fault. If it is man's fault then we need to find a way to eliminate greenhouse gases. So Earth can heal itself. China is the worst pollution generating country on Earth so start there.
2007-05-31 05:07:26
answer #9
answered by wolfmano 7
For every terrible disaster that may be caused by Global Warming, there's an equally wonderful benefit.
2007-06-02 21:37:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous