They assume we hate them because the bible says if you don't follow Jesus you will not go to heaven. This has been a stumbling block for 2000 years.
"I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but through me."...Jesus, Was he a liar, a nut or who he claimed to be?
2007-05-31 03:29:01
answer #1
answered by Jeanmarie 7
For those who think it is hatred when we do not agree with everything someone does , let me be a bit simplistic here-
If you are a mother or father, you love your children, right? I would certainly hope this gets a yes- but do you agree with everything they do? Just because you do not want your kids to do drugs, or whatever is going on, does not mean you hate them. Some of my non-Christian friends are living lives that I disagree with- they know without me telling them, but we are friends. I think what needs to happen in the life of a believer is this- love those people who's beliefs are different- maybe one day those people will REALLY see Jesus in us, and want to know Him too- sometimes people hate us, because they really know the truth, but they do not want to face it. Great question, by the way!!
2007-05-31 03:46:41
answer #2
answered by AdoreHim 7
Gays are not a relgion. Some say they are Christians.
I cannot, however, as a Christian like Islam when it openly calls me a blaphemer and openly says Jesus did not die for our sins. Their UNCHANGABLE book says just that.
I have not found, nor have I looked much, at finding anything wrong wtih Shiks or Hindus or Buddhists.
I do have a problem with Communists, although I don't worry much about it because I know the belief system is totally unworkable.
2007-05-31 03:39:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Whatever a persons religous background is, there are still bad people in this world. They can be christial, muslim, jewish, buddhist. For the multitude of good, faithful and peacful people in any one religious group there are ALWAYS so who are extremeists. They bash anyone who has beliefs other than their own. It's a fact of life, like people based on their actions and not their beleifs, this whole world could get along better if we all did it.
2007-05-31 03:29:24
answer #4
answered by skylark455st2 4
Nightwish is my well known band next to crimson Floyd, and that i'm a Christian. i'm appropriate there with you. i admire metallic, and yet human beings assume that me being a Christian skill I pay attention to hymns each and every of the time. Granted, on account that I grew up with hymns, they carry a undeniable place in my coronary heart, yet I want rock. appropriate now i'm listening to Arcade hearth...and that i'm valuable in a speedy time i'm going to be listening to Down, Nightwish, interior Temptation, Leaves Eyes, Lacuna Coil, Iced Earth, Kamelot, or Sonata Arctica. I desire human beings might stop assuming.
2016-10-09 04:45:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Because there are so many self-righteous, holier than thou Christians out there spewing hatred instead of love.
Christ did not walk this earth screaming and shouting at people that they will burn in hell, but yet some of our brothers/sisters think it's the best way to show God's love.
Terrible! We should live our lives as Jesus did. With love and compassion for everyone!!!
2007-05-31 03:28:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It is based upon ancient beliefs......all religions are man made. Therefore there are rules that people are forced to live by that their ancestors have set before them. That and accountability are the two elements that put together result into the actions of these people.
2007-05-31 03:38:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think other religions get upset with the bible verse that says there is no other way to God except through Jesus Christ. That can be very offensive. I have found that atheists are jealous of how I live my life and can be very critical at times - apparently thinking I should be perfect which I am not.
2007-05-31 03:27:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think that people of other religions hate us because of our close relationship with God. To me, God is a loving, caring father that listens to my problems and gives me advise. I know that he holds me close and protects me. I know that he won't give me anything I can't handle.
I think that people hate us, because of our strong moral stance. We are for the sanctity of life, (So we take a stand against abortion and murder.) We believe that God is the source of morality, and that it's not relative to the rest of the world. We believe in a right and wrong and that anything that is contrary to God's word is a sin.
I think certain liberals hate us because we think that each person can take care of themselves and doesn't need to depend upon a government handout, and that we don't need to be taxed in order to feed the poor and homeless, and that we willingly do it out of our own money.
2007-05-31 04:17:17
answer #9
answered by josephwiess 3
they have one bad experience and they think all Christians are like that.
then their are some who just hide behind their sexual orientation and use it as a shield to bash others.
just because your an atheist or gay person does not give you the right to belittle others.
God Bless
2007-05-31 07:36:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous