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she had a appendicitis operation about 10 years ago. we dont know if it is related to this.
she took a tablet called myospa last time but only got momentary relief. The doctor says its a muscle strain. But she never does anything to sprain her muscle.
She gets this sever pain all of a sudden . But it subsides on its own.
We are confused . Plz tell us wt to do.

2007-05-31 02:25:43 · 3 answers · asked by bruno 2 in Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

3 answers

Muscle spasms can occur out of the blue. It's not uncommon. I doubt if it's related to the surgery. I recommend a chiropractor to sort out the problem so you will know exactly what is going on.

2007-05-31 02:55:13 · answer #1 · answered by Cherokee Billie 7 · 0 1

It is kinda unlikely that it is a muscle pull, but you can pull a muscle randomly without strain. If the pain runs on the outside of her right leg, it could be related to her sciatic nerve. When this nerve is irritated it causes alot of displaced pain. If it is the inside of her right leg, it could very possibly be something gynecological.
Wish I had more answers for ya!!
Hope she gets some relief soon!!

2007-05-31 06:27:49 · answer #2 · answered by DeltaQueen 6 · 0 0

it fairly is kinda not likely that it fairly is a muscle pull, yet you're able to pull a muscle randomly with out rigidity. If the discomfort runs on the exterior of her ideal leg, it may prefer to be on the problem of her sciatic nerve. at the same time as this nerve is aggravated it motives alot of displaced discomfort. if it truly is the interior her ideal leg, it may prefer to very probably be something gynecological. choose I had more beneficial ideas for ya!! choose she receives some alleviation right away!!

2016-10-18 11:53:19 · answer #3 · answered by stever 4 · 0 0

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