Hey, if that is what you feel good about yourself in and it makes you feel pretty, why not wear that little black dress. Personally, I see nothing wrong with wearing a little black dress to an evening wedding reception. I personally believe people should be themselves without harming anybody else.
If you are that concerned about whether it is acceptable or not, call the bride and groom and see if it is okay with them. I don't really know all these social norms stuff when I just be myself and live life authentically. I can understand you don't want to offend anybody. This is a special event and a big deal, so I can appreciate your concerns. This is a good question.
2007-05-30 22:45:17
answer #1
answered by KJ 2
Go for it! I'm wearing a "little black dress" to a semi-formal evening wedding in a few weeks. Mine has some blue in it, but I think if you use a brightly coloured necklace as well as a bright shawl or something (I also have a blue shawl I'll be wearing) then that should be fine. Black used to be quite taboo for a wedding, but now a lot of people wear black to a wedding and even have the bride's maids dressed all in black! I've been to three weddings like that.
2007-05-31 01:36:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Old school says that black at a wedding is bad luck. Some will judge you harshly if you wear black.
On the other hand, many weddings are done in black and white more recently. So it is your call. You might think about who will be there. The young and the hip will think it is appropriate. The old guys might have an issue..
2007-05-30 22:41:44
answer #3
answered by Goddess of Laundry 6
It's fine for an evening wedding/reception. I promise you won't be the only one there wearing a black dress - it is pretty common now and no longer a faux pas. Dress it up with colorful accessories.
2007-05-31 01:32:49
answer #4
answered by duritzgirl4 5
The three colors that should NEVER be worn to a wedding are as follows: white, red, and BLACK!
White is the color the BRIDE should wear. No one else. Just the bride.
Red is very bright and could distract attention away from the bride on her day. No one wants that.
And black is the color of mourning. Weddings are a celebration of love and happiness and black is a very depressing color.
I'm sure you could find the same style dress in a different color.
2007-05-31 02:59:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
black at a wedding is not proper etiquette, sorry, and the LBD isn't what you wear to a funeral, it's a dinner party dress. you can change into it for the reception however, probably get yourself a date, if you're looking for one
2007-05-30 22:39:59
answer #6
answered by TRboi 4
As long as it's not black tie, it's perfectly appropriate for an evening wedding.
2007-05-31 03:34:52
answer #7
answered by zippythejessi 7
you said its for a reception so I think you should go do it.
Jazz it up with the accessories and have fun
2007-05-30 22:53:52
answer #8
answered by bandyt 5
Yes, just don't be surprised if your gorgeous ensamble is ignored.... afterall, it IS the Bride's day to be the absolute center of attention.
2007-05-30 22:37:01
answer #9
answered by ravenna_wing1 4
no...save it for the reception. not cool to wear that in a church.
2007-05-30 22:36:17
answer #10
answered by LaPalma 2