Sorry to so this to you. But I look in the dictionary . . . go figure.
I will give you my rendition first, maybe you don't want to read all that below this! lol
Natural means that it happens spontaneously. Examples: A natural rock formation. A natural ejaculation. Etc.
What I won't do is commit our current sin nature as being spontaneous without the act that occured way back when. It's not something that I would ascribe to. There had to be an origin to it, God allowing us to be corruptable, but not corrupted until then. ( To keep it in 'Religious' context) .
–adjective 1. existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge.
2. based on the state of things in nature; constituted by nature: Growth is a natural process.
3. of or pertaining to nature or the universe: natural beauty.
4. of, pertaining to, or occupied with the study of natural science: conducting natural experiments.
5. in a state of nature; uncultivated, as land.
6. growing spontaneously, without being planted or tended by human hand, as vegetation.
7. having undergone little or no processing and containing no chemical additives: natural food; natural ingredients. Compare organic (def. 11).
8. having a real or physical existence, as opposed to one that is spiritual, intellectual, fictitious, etc.
9. of, pertaining to, or proper to the nature or essential constitution: natural ability.
10. proper to the circumstances of the case: a natural result of his greed.
11. free from affectation or constraint: a natural manner.
12. arising easily or spontaneously: a natural courtesy to strangers.
13. consonant with the nature or character of.
14. in accordance with the nature of things: It was natural that he should hit back.
15. based upon the innate moral feeling of humankind: natural justice.
16. in conformity with the ordinary course of nature; not unusual or exceptional.
17. happening in the ordinary or usual course of things, without the intervention of accident, violence, etc.
18. related only by birth; of no legal relationship; illegitimate: a natural son.
19. related by blood rather than by adoption.
20. based on what is learned from nature rather than on revelation.
21. true to or closely imitating nature: a natural representation.
22. unenlightened or unregenerate: the natural man.
23. being such by nature; born such: a natural fool.
24. Music. a. neither sharp nor flat.
b. changed in pitch by the sign ♮.
25. not treated, tanned, refined, etc.; in its original or raw state: natural wood; natural cowhide.
26. (of a horn or trumpet) having neither side holes nor valves.
27. not tinted or colored; undyed.
28. having a pale tannish or grayish-yellow color, as many woods and untreated animal skins.
29. Cards. a. being a card other than a wild card or joker.
b. (of a set or sequence of cards) containing no wild cards.
30. having or showing feelings, as affection, gratitude, or kindness, considered part of basic human nature.
31. Afro (def. 1).
–noun 32. any person or thing that is or is likely or certain to be very suitable to and successful in an endeavor without much training or difficulty.
33. Music. a. a white key on a piano, organ, or the like.
b. the sign ♮, placed before a note, canceling the effect of a previous sharp or flat.
c. a note affected by a ♮, or a tone thus represented.
34. an idiot.
35. Cards. blackjack (def. 2b).
36. Afro (def. 2).
37. (in craps) a winning combination of seven or eleven made on the first cast.
38. a natural substance or a product made with such a substance: an ointment containing mink oil and other naturals.
2007-05-30 09:22:07
answer #1
answered by Christian Sinner 7
Natural: anything that follows a normal order according to its design and purpose.
example: an egg laid by a chicken that has been fertilized by a male rooster produces a chick of the same species. This is considered a "natural" order in the reproduction of chickens. just an example. there are many other examples of "Natural"
2007-05-30 09:15:06
answer #2
answered by Whitehorse 2
Sorry, but please define in what context you are referring to the use of the word "natural". It has so many uses in our society today that it has almost become meaningless.
I saw a sign in Houston that advertises "Natural Plastic Surgery"...
So, if you could narrow the scope of your question, it would be helpful.
2007-05-30 09:10:37
answer #3
answered by doc in dallas 3
natural: based on or relating to the normal processes or actions associated with common biological systems or human psychological norms
2007-05-30 09:06:16
answer #4
answered by Hey, Ray 6
rational and instinctive qualities and manners of nature denoting ordinary tendencies and dispositions of the phenomenon in humans.
2007-05-30 09:19:43
answer #5
answered by Who's got my back? 5
All things created by God through the supernatural process.
2007-05-30 09:05:36
answer #6
answered by crimthann69 6
science does this..........
2007-05-30 09:05:15
answer #7
answered by The Angry Stick Man 6
2007-05-30 09:04:50
answer #8
answered by jonny c 2