similar enough...they hate anything remotely religious or that tells them they're doing wrong...pharisees and saducees were the same....jesus told them plenty was wrong with what they were doing etc...."you shall be hated for my namesake" nothing new.
2007-05-30 08:42:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Jesus was hated by the Jews, (of which he was one) because he exposed all of their false teachings, (like christendom today) they really hate it when someone proves their doctrines false by using the scriptures they tried to trick him but he knew what the Law (of Moses) really meant & he out foxed them in fact in
(John 11:45-50) 45Â Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him; 46Â but some of them went off to the Pharisees and told them the things Jesus did. 47Â Consequently the chief priests and the “What are we to do, because this man performs many signs? 48Â If we let him alone this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.” .” 49Â But a certain one of them, Ca′ia‧phas, who was high priest that year, said to them: “YOU do not know anything at all, 50Â and YOU do not reason out that it is to YOUR benefit for one man to die in behalf of the people and not for the whole nation to be destroyed.”
2007-05-30 16:11:30
answer #2
answered by zorrro857 4
No, the scribes mentioned were the "supposed" learned clergymen.
I would equate television evangelist to scribes today.
2007-05-30 15:41:40
answer #3
answered by joe s 6
The media is very friendly to Christians. You can cherry-pick an article or two and say that you're being persecuted, but the vast majority of the articles are pro-Christianity.
2007-05-30 15:41:59
answer #4
answered by S K 7
Yes, the scribes hated Jesus because he told his followers the Bible wasn't literally true; that it was parables.
Now, two thousand years later, his 'followers' claim the Bible is literally true.
Don't you love how they serve their Christ?
2007-05-30 15:44:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No, they have no religious order but they are used of Satan to usher in the kingdom of the Antichrist which will last for seven years and he will cause all to receive a mark and it is now here...Go to click Could this be the mark?
2007-05-30 15:44:06
answer #6
answered by *DestinyPrince* 6
The Secular Media and Christianity
I would be amused, if it weren't so distasteful, at the total lack of understanding demonstrated by the Secular Media concerning Christians and what they believe concerning various issues. It is akin to aliens coming from space, looking over our society and explaining it from their other worldly point of view. The absurdity of it all would be plain to anyone who lives on this planet.
I believe the reason for this is that the media think everyone who wears the title Protestant or Catholic or a host of other groups is Christian without the most important qualification that they become part of the family of God. Tragically some even think that the entire human race is part of God's family which is a grave error. The Bible clearly delineates between children of light and children of darkness -- the only two spiritual families in the universe.
To become a child of God involves repentance for our sinful ways, acceptance of Christ as Saviour and Lord and a lifetime of loving and serving God and dealing with the sin nature that lives within all of us. Of course, many believe that there are many ways to God, however Jesus eliminated that possibility by proclaiming Himself as the only way -- John 14:6 clearly states, "Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the Father but by me." Further, it is stated in Acts 4:12, "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." When a person accepts this in their hearts and allows God to do the deep cleansing work that adoption into His family involves they are given the gift of the Holy Spirit to teach and guide them in the things of God. This is where the seperation comes between darkness (false spiritual understanding, knowledge and wisdumb) and light (true spiritual understanding, knowledge and wisdom). Apart from the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit there is no real understanding of truth.
For the secular media to attempt to understand Christianity apart from this conversion experience is ludicrous, and much that is written in the press bears this out.
Christian convictions based upon the Word of God are smeared openly and we are accused of being hate mongers, homophobics, and whatever the press deems to be appropriate including anti-abortionists instead of pro life. (A subtle form of word twisting called semantics).
The press confuses our stance because they do not understand that our real concern is not the issues themselves but the eternal destiny of those who continue to pursue what the Bible calls sin. They do not understand that God's love working through His people will always stand against that which will destroy individuals and the nation they live in for the sake of those who do not understand God's mercy toward a wicked and perverse generation. In a world that has gone mad with liberalism Christians must of necessity fulfill Christ's words, "If they hated me, they will hate you also because as I am not of this world neither are you."
Before writing off this letter as uncharitable, understand that this writer followed the ways of the world for many years before coming to a saving knowledge of Christ. I am very familiar with the spirit that rules those who have not come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and certainly grieve over those of you who will read this and reject it because you would rather follow your opinion than accept the truth that is presented here. Spiritual darkness is the worst sickness on this planet -- all other evils come from it, and the only solution to it is deliverance through Jesus Christ.
It is my earnest hope that some who read this letter from my heart will trust Him to deliver them and guide them through this life and throughout eternity.
2007-05-30 15:47:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No. The media puts down everything not just christians. Get rid of your persecution complex.
2007-05-30 15:42:03
answer #8
answered by Conscious-X 4
Yeah, deffinitely! Good observation!
2007-05-30 15:43:30
answer #9
answered by Meggie Beth 3
Yes, christians are really persecuted, aren't they?
Please note the sarcasm.
2007-05-30 15:41:58
answer #10
answered by glitterkittyy 7