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(The response below is simply to provide additional thoughts to our evolving conversation about homosexuality, I am not really trying to respond to any particular persons post. Although I do respond to some general ideas that many have shared in previous postings.)


We need to learn to be open minded enough to discuss this issue based on rational grounds. I do not feel that homosexuality is a manifastation of a deficit in character or emotional or mental ability. A person who is gay or has gay tendencies may be "wired" differently from birth. I know this is a throw back to the nature versus nurture argument.

We must come to grips with the reality that the human sexuality is the most complex of any animal. This is probably because we as humans have the most complex and higly evolved minds. Therefore, unlike most species our sexual envolvement is not simply an act of procreation but it is also an expression of love and communication on a very intimate level. Sometimes our interest or connection with others does not come in the package of the opposite gender.

In addition, the psychologists "Freud and Erikson" suggest that the lines human sexuality are not clearly marked. (Most people are not 100% heterosexual or 100% homosexual) Most people are some where right or left of center along a continuem.

Culture, tradition and religion has created taboos that have discriminated against certain groups based on unrational grounds. We all know that homosexuality will never be normal or normative behavior in western and especial American culture. However, homosexuality should not be viewed as an act or a transgression against God and Humanity.

I know that many of you are going to tow the line with a literalistic interpretation of scripture from the Old Testament to the New Testament. However, I will caution you, that the same scriptures were used to justify African/African American oppression from Leviticus, to the Letters of Paul. So I do not think that we should use, misuse and abuse the Sacred scriptures to justify anyone elses oppression; homosexuals.

We must be broad minded enough to look at the big picture. The cooresponding theme from the Old Testament to the New Testament is a theme of Liberation. In a literal since, in the Old Testment, the Bible talks about the Liberation of a wayward people who are looking to a Messiah to help them re-establish the Kingdom of Yehwah and deliver them from their multiple international enemies. The Gospel shares with us a Savior who will bring this Kingdom down through an act of LOVE, which led to His death on the Cross!!!! (John 3:16)
(Yes, Jesus died to liberate his people and all people)

I believe that we should share in the mission of the Long awaited Messiah. We should embrace God's Kingdom, expressed through Jesus Christ and share it with others. Abernachy called The Kingdom, "God's Beloved Kingdom."

One way to share in the Kingdom of God is to untie ourselves from the cultural and religious chains that oppress other people. We need to fight for the cause of liberation of everyone even if it leads to our own cross and blood shed.



“Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.” ---Amos 5:24
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God.” ---Matthew 5:9


“There is no way of peace along the way of safety. For peace must be dared, it is itself the great venture, and can never be safe. Peace is the opposite of security.” ---Dietrich Bonhoeffer

2007-05-30 06:00:51 · 7 answers · asked by Andre L 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

You lost me when you said they were "wired" differently. You quote Scripture yet don't believe homosexuallity is a sin and a choice which your Bible also tells you. Tell the truth brother.

2007-05-30 06:07:41 · answer #1 · answered by Fish <>< 7 · 3 3

I agree with what you said except for this:
" However, homosexuality should not be viewed as an act or a transgression against God and Humanity."

Against Humanity, I agree. Against God, I do not agree.

The reason why I say this ( I am a Bisexual Christian) is because we suffer from a nature that is naturally against God. The nature itself is an abomination against God. What I figure we have is evidence of the nature being something that we cannot help. We are hopeless in combatting sin itself. We might be able to stop ourselves from certain sins, by that doesn't mean that we are not a sinner any more, we just stopped something.

I believe that this nature shows up in the way we are born. Some people are born without limbs, some born dead, while some are born with certain other problems that might not be so physical, like being Mongoloid for instance. All those things are conditions that I cannot believe were a part of perfection.

What all of this, including the inability of us to live by the Law of Moses, was to chase us to Christ. To give us not doubt that we are hopeless without him. Some make the connection and some don't.

So I have to go against my Christian bretheren in their insistance that Gay Marriage is something to fight against. Rather, I would believe that it is driving a wedge between the Christians and their ability to communicate the Gospel. It's like those Christians are attempting to cause repentance, rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to do that part.

I have so much more to write on this, I am truncating what I would write to keep this post down the question at hand. But at least you know that there are more of us out there.

EDIT: God save us from the RedBONES of the world! lol Okay, Mongolism is not a good example of non physical differences! lol

2007-05-30 06:23:05 · answer #2 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 2

May be people that are gay can be christians. I won't judge anyone. We all can call ourselves christians but God knows his people. We have to prove ourselves to God that we are striving to live for him him and not fulfilling our own lust. I'm not judging anyone don't get me wrong because I have sinned myself and it seemed like i could not control it. And somtimes i still do sin. And no sin is greater than the other. I read Psalm 51. And that is a scripture when David repented for getting a man killed and stealing his wife. I thank Jesus he gave us grace. There is a scripture in the Bible that speaks on men with men and woman with woman in Romans 1:27 and 28 just read it and pray about it. If you ask God to change you he'll do it. And don't think it will be instantly because it won't.
We must perservere at it and keep believing.
God knows when your'e serious. (example)
If someone wants to stop smoking, pray about it and put the ciggaretts down and don't touch them anymore. And ask God for strength to stop now that won't mean that you won't go back and take another puff or two later because the flesh is weak. your mind have to be made up. I'm saying this from experience. When you want to stop something that is not right or good you will suffer because somtimes thats all you know or you've accepted that thing as a way of life. But God can work it out for the good and you can make it a testimony that can help someone else. No matter if your'e gay or straight right or wrong God still loves you
everyday we wake up and pray for the things we don't have the strength to change and give it to God. And as being christians we will learn as we walk with God the true meaning of being christians. I don't know everything and no one probably won't know everything in this life time but as long as were striving God is pleased and he'll help us through our tough times. Just remembe everything we need to run life's race is in the bible and if there are somthings you don't understand (guess what) we can go on the internet and ask the question of what we don't understand you can also look up scriptures too. And also when you read pray before you read and ask the holy spirit to minister to you. keep the faith, run the race and fight a good fight. stay prayed up.
God bless You. I hope this anwer is not taken in the wrong way i come in peace.
I'm not perfect and never will be i just apply the scriptures to life's situation. and i have alot of them that can be applied to my life good and bad. Stay prayed up.

2007-05-30 07:06:19 · answer #3 · answered by child of GOD 1 · 0 0

i think of questioning is extremely mandatory, whether, you are able to not do it on my own with the Bible except you have know-how interior here areas: Linguistics/language Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Criticizing the Bible in English is an indicator of critics, who could desire to unavoidably hotel to one among numerous excuses: "The translators for sure theory this became into good adequate, so as that settles it." It never happens to them to ask why a undeniable translation decision became into made, or to make a serious study of the be conscious in question as mandatory. Literature some human beings "study the Bible like a newspaper." it fairly is the absolute worst suggestion which could take transport of for examining any text fabric that's not a newspaper. The genres of the Bible incorporate narrative, poetry, proverbial literature, know-how discourse, a treaty (that's what Deuteronomy is, have faith it or not!), criminal codes, genealogies, biography (that's what the Gospels are!), own letters and time-honored letters, rhetoric (an artwork variety in the classic worldwide), riposte, and apocalyptic. Textual complaint this could be a remarkable field of figuring out the unique state of a text fabric. seek for help from good materials.

2016-10-30 05:28:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I like peace and I also respect the Lord and His position on areas of what He considers acceptable and detestable.
Man has always compromised away from God's pure and Holy word.
I take no offensive approach to condemn anyone, for it is every persons will to condemn himself by not following God's word. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah after allowing the righteous to flee and not look back. So I take no fear in the judgment to come. To condone this is set yourself apart from God's creation plan, word and acceptable actions.

Although I get your desire for expressing compassion, to accept and make tolerance and worship among them is to defile God's house of worship. We are to judge those among us that call themselves brothers in Christ. They ( believers) should be cast out from among us after they accept Jesus and yet openly sin and continue to act on their sexual nature.

I respect your desire to be reaching out to reach lost souls but one can not compromise God's worship with acceptance of His word in this matter.

2007-05-30 06:20:07 · answer #5 · answered by Dennis James 5 · 0 1

All that I have to say is that "IF" you are a true believer of God and you read the Bible, then you should know that being gay is an abomintion towards God!

I will also close by saying read thee entire book of revelation!

2007-05-30 06:08:49 · answer #6 · answered by redbone 3 · 2 4

Very well written and thought out. It's nice to see this kind of support.

2007-05-30 06:05:08 · answer #7 · answered by vinster82 5 · 1 1

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