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First I think most everyone has had the opportunity to hear the Gospels and make a decision to believe in GOD or deny his exsistence, no argument your destiny is your business and as Jesus said when they mock walk away..

My Beef is why The GOD deniers are trying to change the American Way of Life, that has ALWAYS included GOD If Americans think Europe is so Groovy then why not move there?
Most everyone on this site has grown up if you lived in America all your life, with no problems having an America that embraces right from wrong and GOD as the center. When retail stores are afraid to say Merry Christmas and Chaplains are being fired for saying Jesus and the 10 Commandments are being removed from the Public Square we have a PROBLEM.

The greatest GENERATION (WW2) is almost gone which is my parents only Mom left now and we have some in leadership Aging hippies that should of known that GOD could reedem the world not all the drugs they used.

Who will help the USA?

2007-05-30 05:44:37 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

The problem people have is that they don't want God telling them what to do. No matter what they say, that is the issue.

2007-05-30 05:48:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

"Most everyone on this site has grown up if you lived in America all your life, with no problems having an America that embraces right from wrong and GOD as the center."

I was born and raised in the USA. But Christians like you who want to shove their religion down people's throat *have* caused me a lot of trouble over the years because I don't fit into your nice little box of what a person should be.

2007-05-30 12:53:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

Part of the beauty of the U.S.A., for me, is that it *is* a country of mixed culture, religion, and non-religion. It is important that all are allowed to practice their beliefs without harassment, and also to not practice at all if they wish.

I disagree that this country was founded as a Christian nation - but in reality, it doesn't matter. What it has evolved into is a nation that I was taught accepted all faiths, all races, all cultures. Like it or not, this is what the U.S. is, right here, right now. It's not a theocracy, as others have said. Theocracies these days seem to turn into dictatorships that oppress their citizens to keep them in line. Wouldn't that be fun...

You cry persecution, but others cry, "give us respect." You can live however you choose to live, within the limits of the law. Let others do the same.

2007-05-30 13:04:39 · answer #3 · answered by milomax 6 · 2 0

The American way of life that has always included god?
Native Americans? Or what they aren't people? Did we start to include God only when we gave the Native tribal population blankets infected with small pox, or when we forced them on to reservations? Or maybe when we rounded them up and walked them down the trail of tears. Or are you referring to the many wars fought since God came to America? Or do you not know anything about American history? Or, have you never read the constitution?

2007-05-30 12:52:24 · answer #4 · answered by Sara 5 · 7 0

First of all... buy a comma...

Secondly...there is, like, one atheist in congress...everyone else is some-form of christian....

The people destroying America are Christians...

As for retail stores not saying Merry Christmas...that has to do with other religions not atheists. I don't care if they say Merry Christmas (I celebrate christmas with my family). And I think that many of the christian-mythos are good ways to teach morality and values to little children...

As for the "greates generation"...maybe they were greater than your generation... But they sure as hell aren't greater than my generation: They were racists, and religious freaks, and their children were all hippies....

Lastly, what does your actual question about a forest have to do with anything...i'm guessing is some sort of metaphor, but its very poorly worded.

2007-05-30 12:53:30 · answer #5 · answered by Julian X 5 · 6 0

It has NOT always included god. The Constitution specifically guarantees that they will be separate. America is the most religious nation in the world and its getting worse.

Keep your god in your home where it belongs. The world is alot wider place than you are willing to accept. Not everyone is Christian, you're losing more and more members every day, and those that aren't Christian are sick to death of Christian hatred and power. The sooner you accept that you need to keep your religion to yourself, the better we'll all be.

2007-05-30 12:53:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

it's quite hard to see the forest if you're actually in the forest if you know what I mean

you need to be at quite a distance from the forest to be actually able to see it as such

So you think you have a right to force your dogma on other people......no chance of you making an effort in proving your god exists? No? Didn't think so.

Its funny when the majority whines about being persecuted for not being allowed to force others to submit to their beliefs

2007-05-30 13:32:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Why is it that so-called Christians feel it necessary to contrive offense and fear so-called godlessness around every nook and cranny? Look, we still use God in the pledge, it is still printed on money and most people, even atheists don't take offense to those things. What atheists do take offense to is YOU cramming YOUR beliefs down their throats and then feigning offense of the opposite. Man, you people have some nerve. Did God tell you to take offense in your prayers? Is it because he is a jealous God?

2007-05-30 13:01:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I am a lover of Old Glory. The Constitution and the country it created are beautiful to me. I've served, and would be proud for my sons to serve.

I'm no hippie. I never used drugs. I stand when the flag passes and uncover my head. If you called me a Liberal or progressive, or what ever they are hiding behind these days, I'd cut you down to size. I'm also not a Christian. So a little less finger wagging, if you please.

2007-05-30 12:59:08 · answer #9 · answered by Herodotus 7 · 5 0

Ahhh, you are making a very common mistake. You are thinking that the US was founded on christian beliefs. It wasn't. The religious beliefs of our founding father was very diverse. Most of them were not christians at all or that had a polytheistic veiw of the christian religion. If they were christians why are most of the oldest federal building and monuments Greek in nature? Why are all the symbols we use pagan in nature. ie lady liberty is a greek goddess, the all seeing eye of Ra on the pyramid on out money. This country was not founded on the christian religion, It was founded on the freedom of religion (all of them, not just your) the Christian influence did not come untill later when the zelots started to get into politics.

2007-05-30 13:02:58 · answer #10 · answered by Matt - 3 · 4 0

the aging hippies used to believe in peace and love ... kinda of like the stuff Jesus preached. then many grew up and became Republicans ... even the virulent neoCon kind and voted a "born again" dry drunk to run our country like he ran his businesses into the ground ... all the while wearing Jesus as like a beauty queen's sash and claiming God whispers in his ear.

Who Would Jesus Shock and Awe? Who Would Jesus Torture? Who Would Jesus Leave to Drown in the Flood Waters of a Hurricane?

2007-05-30 13:01:25 · answer #11 · answered by nebtet 6 · 2 1

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