I know you said that doctors freak you out. However, they are just common folks like you and me. They will listen and understand. I've been taking a mild antidepressant (for stress and nerves) for awhile and it's pretty good. With that said, I have a friend who takes a much stronger one and that helped her pull through a very difficult situation. I know it sounds like I'm saying that there's a "magic pill", but you may be surprised at what anti-depressants can do for you positively. Good Luck! I hope you feel better :)
2007-05-30 02:56:02
answer #1
answered by amytims 2
Go see a doctor immediately! Don't wait another day! A doctor will not belittle you, and there is nothing wrong with him/her simply writing out a prescription. Depression is difficult and you don't need to suffer one more day with it. The right medication is a very effective treatment. Your life is worth it! The doctor may also encourage you to see a counselor, which will help you, too. The counselor won't belittle you either.
2007-05-30 10:07:41
answer #2
answered by Andee 6
I completely agree with your statement about doctors and simply writing out a prescription. I think that happens way too much. The best thing for you to do is help other people. If you could volunteer some of your time to helping others you would feel so good. If you're nervous about that try volunteering to help animals. Look in your local paper about volunteer opportunities which you can do to suit your work schedule.
You also need to take control of your life, no one else is going to do it for you. Realize how really important you are to your family and friends, you said it yourself, you love them too much to do anything to yourself. You mostly need to love yourself for who you are and who you can be and run with it. Be proud, hold your head high and get out there!!
2007-05-30 09:50:32
answer #3
answered by QWERTY 6
you said your not suicidal and i believe you but you should see some help for your depression instead of trying to solve it on yahoo answers what the hell do we know about this kinda stuff. But if i were you and i don't want to see a doctor you should try talking to a priest they are actually very understanding in issues of life and family and talking to them would be a good start. Preists also keep a secret like a doctor if you ask them too. wish you the best of luck.
2007-05-30 09:49:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Look for someone that needs help in some area. Maybe food, maybe a brief visit, try going to a nursing home and visiting a patient for 30 minutes, prepared to read to them a few minutes, visit a surgery waiting room, take a seat and just observe your surroundings for some 30 minutes and see how many people are "really hurting" and dealing with life and death issues. Change your routine, if you havent been going to a church of worship, do that. "for me to live is Christ but to die is gain"----which means----start living for others for a while and your life will take on new meaning. Been there, done that.
2007-05-30 09:54:27
answer #5
answered by glenn t 4
go see a doctor right now .the doctor will not belittle you sweetie.you need to be on medction.it will really help you ,you will feel better about your self an other .you also need to find someone you can really talk too,it will make you feel better to be able to talk out your problems.I will be praying for you!
2007-05-30 09:59:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Find some to talk to. Most of the time you can solve your own proplems if only you can hear yourself say them out loud.
Find a new hobby or activity where you can meet new people. My hobby lets me meet people from around the world, which I think is very cool.
Cheer up & good luck.
2007-05-30 09:55:13
answer #7
answered by jon_mac_usa_007 7
The first step for you is getting professional help. At least get a consultation from a mental health physician. It sounds like you are in a black hole of depression. Dint be afraid there people there to help.
2007-05-30 13:41:16
answer #8
answered by hollygolightly 5
tasking God for help is a good thing.he knows whats right and wrong,he and only he can really help,and by your question i believe there is some wrong with you,and you are aware of it.i think it,s a good idea to talk to some one you can trust,and some times we need a prescribed pill by the doctor to help calm as down and be able to think better
2007-05-30 09:51:06
answer #9
answered by what is the good word? 4
If you have a good job, your insurance will pay so talk to a professional. A doctor will help and put you on medication,. Don't knock medicne till you have tried it. But get help now! You truly need it.
Was there once...............
2007-05-30 09:53:24
answer #10
answered by PATRICIA MS 6