Bend-overs, but backwards........we used to do them many years ago, when I was in Jr.high school.. And they are effective, believe me!! Now for under your arms, in the back, just do arm lift's, but backwards, too... Like, you will need to have your elbows up level with your shoulders, right.. then make like fist's meeting one another, with your hands, then take those fists and throw them backwards, and do these about 30 of them a day.. If its hard for your back, then do less, for awhile until your back gets used to these.. For the "Love-Handles" do sideways one's.... But, when you do the sideways ones, you will need to put your arm lying down on the sides of your body, and whatever side your bending towards, bring the other arm up, so that its more preasure on the side your leaning against.. And then do the other side the same way... Put your hands on your hips for the bend-over's that are backwards, and do them in a rocking motion, as far back as you can take... Then repeat.. The same thing with your upper area, do them as hard as you can bare.... Then there's another one, you can do, that is really beneficial for your whole upper body.. And that is to pretend there's a pole standing right in the middle of your breast area, but in front of you a bit, right... Then what you do, is get your arms up shoulder length again, and punch the other side of this pole but you bring your arm back behind you, to do the punching really good... And do both in alternating directions, as hard as you can with your hands in a fist..... That one is really effective for your waist, and your upper body, as well as your arms, and tummy........Good Luck, hun.. You just got me wanting to start doing mine again.. So, thanx for the reminder!! Smile!!!
2007-05-30 02:51:51
answer #1
answered by Hmg♥Brd 6
I had a bit of a fat back but going swimming and some resistance weights at the gym really helped to tone up.
you cant lose fat off a specific place tho so if you feel you need to lose fat (altho im sure you dont at that size) eat a healthier diet and fat from everywhere will be reduced
2007-05-30 02:37:58
answer #2
answered by Carrot 4
Actually you have fat everywhere and you can not lose fat in only one or a few places on your body. The fat may appear to be only on your back, but it is not only there. You must lose fat over your entire body.
2007-05-30 02:33:48
answer #3
answered by lestermount 7
What you need to do is loose fat everywhere, but to make the fat less obvious try toning up your back by doing back excersizes
2007-06-02 12:13:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Dont cook while stripped to the waist for a start.
Frying eggs like that is bound to hurt even with your back turned.
Take a shower and use one of those brush-things to get the fat off.
2007-05-30 02:34:51
answer #5
answered by philip_jones2003 5
If you are a lard bar (skinny fat person) you simply need exercise and resistance training.
2007-05-30 02:34:25
answer #6
answered by ★Greed★ 7