Well I don't...... lol
2007-05-29 23:41:50
answer #1
answered by Janbull 5
Right! I noticed that too............. But I guess it's easy this day's for a younger women to get a breast enlargement than 20 yr's ago. Look, most of them see FALSE...... advertising & automatically want or interested in getting their Boobs done etc. They should enforce a Law that will protect this younger women from going through the "knife". I am not surprise........... at all?
2007-05-29 23:56:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Having boobs isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'm a natural 30FF and its a pain getting bras and I can look slutty in tops that would just look pretty on someone with smaller boobs so thats annoying too. I think that a scarily large proportion of these girls who go and have ops done probably want to look slutty and show off their boobs though and become glamour models. I have just bought one of the bras from the Katie Price (jordan) range which does D - G cups and it is a really nice fitting pretty bra. What makes me laugh though is she designed the range for people like her because she has trouble finding bras...... but hers are implants?!?!? lol I don't feel like I can relate to her at all, lol although the bras are nice:)
2007-05-30 00:26:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
NO! i think this is a classic case of " the grass is always greener on the other side"... girls with smaller breasts want larger and women with larger breasts want smaller ones.... as a woman with large breasts, i would much rather have smaller ones! now that its summer, its hard to find cute tops that dont make me look like im trying to show off cleavage to everyone :(
2007-05-29 23:50:45
answer #4
answered by jxxlxxs 1
I would NEVER have any kind of surgery, but if by magic without pain or danger of surgical mistake I could go up a size I wouldn't say no.
This is probably because its made so public that blokes like large breasted women (you made the statement yourself) over the smaller of us. I'm sure there are guys that like smaller breasts but we aren't lead to believe this fact.
2007-05-30 00:03:14
answer #5
answered by truth_and_time_tells_all 6
I have always wanted bigger boobs - not huge Jordan style ones but just a DD or something. I think it comes from being a late developer in my teens and even though I am an okay size now I still would love to have a bigger pair! I think it is probably a case of grass is always greener though.
2007-05-30 02:07:16
answer #6
answered by J'LU 2
Mine are a C cup which is average, an I love them an so do the men I have dated ;~) women with overly large breasts can look fat. An smaller breasts look designer ;~)
I would never have any kind of plastic surgery as I think we have all been given a certain look to make us look unique, why play god? An look like everyone else.
2007-05-29 23:44:35
answer #7
answered by Bonnie B 4
No, I'm only a 32B and I wish they were smaller. I think with more and more women becoming interested in fashion, role models are changing. Women are aspiring to be thin like Kate Moss and Lily Cole rather than curvaceous like movie stars such as Kate Winslet.
2007-05-30 00:04:42
answer #8
answered by xjazzbabyx 2
Not all women want a larger bust. I was a DD and now am a C. I can wear all sorts of cute bras now.
2007-05-29 23:51:33
answer #9
answered by Sharyn 5
smaller bust are more sensitive to touch as they have more nerve endings reaching the skin.Hence its more sensual during *ahem*..so nope..women wont want that.
Also athelete women have discomfort if they have larger bust.
Women with too large busts have chronic back pains in their old ages.
But then in some professions like modeling or pornstars :P
may wanna big busts for the sake of their professions.
2007-05-29 23:51:29
answer #10
answered by crenshaw_jo 2
It;s funny cause my friends with large boobs would give anything to wear cute tanks and shirts without looking slutty. Plus alot have back problems. Boob jobs tho are more controlled. When I was a personal trainer, I had nothing, boobs are made of fat,but now that I'm not, I'm a 36C and feel more womanly other than a little boy. I've been on both ends...
2007-05-29 23:48:50
answer #11
answered by Kelly B 2