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tell me some famous product of argentina that will be liked by other countries and can be exported and can be sold to other countries but that should be a particular one

2007-05-29 05:52:39 · 7 answers · asked by saityaar 1 in Local Businesses Argentina Other - Argentina

7 answers

The major exported good from Argentina are:
include edible oils, fuels and energy, cereals, feed, and motor vehicles.

2007-05-29 16:17:55 · answer #1 · answered by mahleezah 7 · 1 1

Country: USA We're famous for Coca-Cola, french fries (which were ironically invented in New York), The Statue of Liberty, the fast-food restaurant chain, and, on a more negative note, obesity, the atom bomb, and being the "World Police". America isn't really as bad as a lot of people make it about to be :) There's lots of bad things about it, but there's bad things about every country, you know? Also, India is a beautiful country! I'd love to go there sometime.

2016-05-20 23:15:51 · answer #2 · answered by gail 3 · 0 0

the wines are your best bet but if you wanna start with something small the "dulce de leche" (milk caramel) and the "alfajores" is like a sandwich with two cookies and has milk caramel in between and covered with chocolate.
very cheap in Argentina and everybody loves it
good luck

2007-05-30 13:55:56 · answer #3 · answered by Gustavo 2 · 0 0

Argentina has an open economy, so if there is something they make that other countries like, it is already being exported.

An example would be their red wine.

2007-05-29 06:00:48 · answer #4 · answered by 2007_Shelby_GT500 7 · 0 1

Nuclear reactors.

2007-05-31 15:50:22 · answer #5 · answered by Philidor 5 · 0 0

Who are interested in the curtain fabric?

2007-05-29 20:29:46 · answer #6 · answered by li d 1 · 0 3

Well, beef... but there could be problems with shipping.

2007-05-29 06:06:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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