Weekly growth is normal for algae. It's not like cleaning your windows off....it is a constant battle to keep it out of the tank.
Having a clean tank filled with healthy, colorful fish provides a fun and relaxing experience.
The schedule for cleaning your fish tank will depend primarily on:
Tank Placement - The reason the setup is important when it comes to maintenance and cleaning is that if you place the tank in a location hard to get to, chances are it will not be cleaned on a regular schedule. Therefore, make sure the placement of the tank is such to give you adequate room.
Tank Size - Interestingly, a larger tank actually requires less maintenance than a smaller tank. The reason is that the larger tank has more water volume, meaning the waste excreted by the fish along with chemicals and other particles are dispersed over a much larger area. Therefore, if you buy a 10-gallon tank opposed to a 50-gallon tank, you can expect to clean the smaller one more often.
Filtration System - A filtration system is crucial to keeping the tank clean and the environment healthy. Many people will use biological filtration, which allows the right amount of "good" bacteria to grow while maintaining the proper level of Nitrite coupled with a mechanical filter or chemical filter. The mechanical consists of a box that fits within the tank in which some type of media is used to filter out waste and other particles. The chemical filter uses chemical media such as carbon or chemical resins to absorb the waste.
Feeding Habits - One of the most common mistakes made by fish owners is that they feed the fish too much and too often. When there is excess food in the water, it causes pollution. Therefore, purchase the appropriate food for the fish you have and read the instructions to feed them only as much as they will eat in one setting and to know how often they should be fed.
Number of Fish - The general rule for fish is that for every gallon of water, you should have no more than one-inch of slim-bodied fish. When a tank is filled with too many fish, there is excessive waste, food particles, and chemicals floating around, making maintenance difficult as well as the tank unhealthy
The key is that you do not want overfeed the fish, maintain a quality filtration system, and keep the number of
fish down to a manageable number. The easiest way to stay on track is to follow the simply guideline below:
Fish, just like any other pet, need to be cared for on a daily basis. Although fish do not have the same level of requirements for daily care, they do need to be looked after on a consistent basis.
Feeding - Feed the fish, again taking care to feed only as much as what will be eaten immediately
Water Temperature - Check the water temperature, keeping in mind temperatures will fluctuate throughout the day. Therefore, test the water each morning and then again in the evening. To maintain a healthy tank, you should keep a chart of your findings so you can identify any problems before they turn out of control.
Equipment Check - Make sure the filter, heater, and lights are working properly
Behavior Check - Take a few minutes to watch the fish to see if they are swimming normally. Additionally, look at their skin, looking for any sign of disease.
Water Check - Look at the water to ensure it is not cloudy, does not have a foul odor, and
that nothing out of the norm is floating around
In addition to the daily responsibilities of owning fish, there are certain things that will need to be done on a weekly basis as well.
Plants - If you keep live plants in your fish tank, be sure any dead leaves are removed and excess plant growth trimmed
Algae - Using an algae magnet or scraper, clean off algae from the front glass as well as decorations
Water Change - Using a siphon hose, remove large debris from the surface and then with a bucket nearby, siphon about 15% of the tank's water into the bucket. When finished, replace the water with clean tap water that has been treated for chlorine or chloramines. While doing this, you might place a stiff plastic divider between the area you are cleaning and the fish so that you do not accidentally suck any up in the tubing. Additionally, with the siphon running, you can tap the tip down into the gravel to help remove any fallen debris.
Glass - Take a clean cloth and spray it with window cleaner, away from the tank so that none gets in the water and then, simply clean off the front and side glass areas.
Every Two to Three Weeks
Finally, about every two to three weeks, you will need to do another water change but this time, siphoning out more water. It is important to understand that regardless of the type of tank or filtration system you have, every tank needs to be thoroughly cleaned at least once a month. By doing this on a regular basis, you will keep the level of nutrients where they should be, eliminate waste and other particulate matter, reduce microbe populations, and maintain the fish?s metabolism. When this type of cleaning has been performed, you will notice happier and healthier fish, a fresher smelling tank, low levels of algae growth, and brighter and clearer water.
What happens if the tank is not cleaned on a regular basis is that high levels of ammonia and toxic Nitrite develop, killing off the fish. Remember, it is imperative that as much food, décor dirt, fish excrement, and other floating particles are removed. While there are several ways this type of water change could be done, we will share with you our recommendation.
Now, remember that this water change will be done in addition to the weekly partial change. The weekly change, as mentioned, will only remove about 15% of the water while this water change will remove as much as 50%. However, to ensure you do not put your fish into shock or remove too much of the good bacterium, you should not go above the 50% level. Additionally, the best way to stay on track with this schedule is to keep a log of when the water changes are made. This way, you will change the water often enough without changing it too often.
In this case, you will siphon out the water, allowing it to flow into a clean bucket. During the siphoning process, you can remove some of the debris from the bottom by tapping the tip of the siphon hose on the bottom of the tank. Take care not to siphon any fish out as well as plants or gravel. This is also the perfect opportunity to scrap off any excess algae from the glass or decorations. You can also add new gravel if necessary and replace any filter media.
When done, dump the dirty water, rinse the bucket, and refill it with clean tap water. If the water has chlorine in it, you will need to treat it prior to adding it back into the tank. Additionally, you want to try to get the water temperature of the new water as close as possible to the water left in the tank so the fish do not become overly stressed.
Then very slowly pour the water from the bucket back into the tank, taking care not to dump it on the fish. If you notice some of the debris being stirred up, do not be alarmed in that you cannot remove all the waste, nor would you want to. Be sure you leave about two inches of space at the top of the tank, giving the fish oxygenation. Once the tank is filled, you can sit back and enjoy a beautiful, clean tank.
Twice a Year
Finally, in addition to the above maintenance schedule, you will also need to perform some tasks for your fish tank on a bi-weekly basis.
Filters will need to be cleaned but not too clean. Since filters consist of bacteria needed to eliminate ammonia and keep Nitrite at a healthy level for the fish, you do not want to clean the filters thoroughly. Instead, tap the filter plates or grids off and then run them through running tap water. Another option is to dip the plates or grids in a clean bucket of water, dipping them in and out a few times to remove the larger pieces of debris. The important thing is that you never scrub the filter plates or grids to keep the integrity of the "good" bacteria.
If the filter media, whether carbon, a sponge, or floss is beyond a point of rinsing, you want to replace it. However, you do not want to replace all of the media at once. Instead, replace one, wait a week, and then replace another.
To keep as much bacteria as possible on the filter without it dying, conduct any filter maintenance quickly. The less time you keep the plates or grids and media out of the water the better.
Lights - If your fish tank has fluorescent lighting, be sure the bulbs are replaced every six months, even if they have not gone out.
Heater ? Check the heater and thermostat again, making sure they are in excellent working order.
Other tips to make the maintenance and cleaning process easier would include the following:
Siphoning - If your regular water siphon does not clean the gravel well, you can purchase a hose that is about two to three inches in diameter to do the job. These extensions are sold at most pet stores and simply fit onto the end of the siphon hose.
Bacteria - Not every piece of dirt has to be removed to have a clean tank. Remember, you want a certain degree of bacteria in your tank, which is what keeps the ammonia and nitrite levels where they should be.
Water Level - If you have a glass tank, when you do siphon out the water, take care that the level does not go below the heater thermostat in that the temperature chance might cause the glass to crack.
Tap Water - Depending on the speed in which the water is replaced and the size of your fish tank, the tap water you add might need to be heated first, which can be done simply by turning it to warm instead of cool. Keep in mind that most fish can handle a two to three degree drop in temperature without any problem but anything more could cause the fish to go into shock.
With a clean tank, you will actually enjoy it far more. First, you will be able to see the fish, plants, decorations, and so on. Two, the fish will be more active because they will be healthy and happy. With a little bit of care on a consistent basis, you should not have any major problems with your fish tank!
Alternatively get an algae eater. A whole range on the 2nd link below and some very good advice on how to keep them fed if there isn't enough algae just yet.
2007-05-29 01:16:35
answer #10
answered by Confuzzled 6