according to the polls, 70% of americans believe just that. I am reading a book called 40 days and 40 nights right now about the ID in school controversy, and it is scary that people are that crazed and ignorant. An allegorical account of creation in a bible that is several thousand years old is one thing, "teaching" it in schools is another and is a definite political agenda that must be stomped on before this country becomes a third world backwater.
2007-05-28 14:24:48
answer #1
answered by tomhale138 6
To believe that GOD created the universe in 6 days is not any more "silly" (piffle) than believing that it was created in any other way. You explain to me how you believe it was created and I bet you will sound just as silly if not even more. Have you never thought that GOD may have made the Earth aged. When HE made Adam, Adam was a man, which shows that GOD can make things that are aged. Now this is all going off the belief that the Bible is real, so unfortunately you prolly won't believe anything I say, but hopefully this will help you understand why other people do believe. And no one (at lest that I know of) tells their kids that the Fred Flintstone world is true.
2007-05-28 14:35:07
answer #2
answered by ♥qwerty07♥ 4
In the beginning of this creation – God created everything from nothing! 'God that made the world and all things therein' (Acts 17:24). He spoke and there it was. 'By the word of the Lord were the heavens made' (Ps. 33:6) in a mere six days.
Modern scientists have a bias against God, because they rule out from the beginning the existence of God. The truth is that a godless science approach can not prove with observation what occurred “millions of years ago”. They simply, were not there when it happened. The fossils they study do not have labels attached which say millions of years. They can only look at what exist today and come up with calculations based on a number of unverifiable assumptions (e.g. that Carbon-14 rate of radio active decay has never changed, The ratio of C-12 to C-14 is the same today as it was in the past).
2007-05-28 14:27:50
answer #3
answered by Brian 5
The Earth Not the Universe in 6 days and yes I believe this, Scientist are discovering that the earth is not as old as it appears and that life emerged soon after it's formation.
You cannot think of God on the level as man nor is he subject to the same laws of nature.
God is outside of his creation and not subject to what he has created. That is what's so incredible about Jesus the Christ he proclaims himself as God in the flesh a most humble position to take, if he is speaking the truth for a Mighty God to reduce himself to the level of his own creation, to save it from His own Judgment that he must Honor because of the commandments he must uphold.
Yes he Made the earth In 6 days and resurrected his own flesh after 3 days to pay the penalty of humanity a creation of beings with free-wills.
God is real: Israel
2007-05-28 14:35:12
answer #4
answered by Ophiuchus 3
Perhaps if you asked your question in an appropriate manner
instead of calling people's beliefs piffle you would not irritate people with your rudeness.
Your question doesn't deserve an answer because it implies that people who believe in creation and evolution are just gullible and not knowledgeable. Your humility is not showing but your ignorance and disregard for others is blatantly shouting at everyone that you are highly opinionated.
You are also mixing Christianity and Evolution which shows that you are confused about what you yourself believe. Here is some wisdom I learned a long time ago from a wise man:
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."
2007-05-28 14:33:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If a scientist found Adam immediately after Adam was created that scientist would logically assume that Adam was an infant at some point. However Adam was in fact created as a full grown man as was his wife Eve.
My friend the point is this, God can do the impossible. Yes, the mountains even the universe may "appear" to be much older than it actually is.
2007-05-28 14:43:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Truth is, MILLIONS of people still believe in the Bible. MILLIONS more read it, even if they know that not all stories in there are true. By now, you should've learned that the story of Adam and Eve is only a story (what's more important is the symbolism and lessons learned from it...about man's relationship to God). Even thinking Christians know this. But their faith is not based on hard facts and science. There are many things in life that cannot be exaplained by science. That's why people turn to religion. It gives them hope. Trusting in science is ok too, but when confronted with the unexplainable or matters of the heart, a man of science without faith will break down and crumble.
2007-05-28 14:35:12
answer #7
answered by BiskwitMamaw 4
Are you afraid to study both theories? I mean really study them? Right now you show a great bias towards one system.
Most Creationists have had Evolution shoved down their throats from Grade School. They also independently read and researched other related materials.
Someone who answers a question before getting all the information is a fool. Do not be foolish, do a little research before you post questions like this again.
But you are probably having too much fun watching the 'factual' documentaries like the Flintstones.
2007-05-28 14:34:14
answer #8
answered by realchurchhistorian 4
Some believe in an Old earth creation (billions of years), but reject evolution; some believe in a young earth (thousands of years), and also reject evolution.
For a website of a Christian astrophysicist who believes in creation, but believes the earth is billions of years old, go to:
2007-05-28 14:44:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There are those who believe in 6 of our days. Some believe 6 days - God's time. Regardless, God created; period.
Dinosaurs and humans could and probably did walk the earth at the same time. Nothing in the Bible says otherwise.
I've never lived next door to a polar bear, but I walk the earth as they, too, walk the earth.
2007-05-28 14:28:50
answer #10
answered by howdigethere 5
Standardized Answer:
Atheist, agnostics, believers in alternate religions, R&S trolls and other assorted miscreants: at the top of the Y/A page there is a search box. Type your serial question in there and Yahoo will take you to a page that lists all the questions like yours that have been asked and answered. Believe me YOUR question has been asked and the answer is in there.
But thanks for the new word... piffle and the 2 pts.
2007-05-28 14:29:16
answer #11
answered by John 1:1 4