Think of a time-lapse photograph of a firecracker exploding. All the bits that make up the firecracker are seen moving through time as a result of the explosion. Each bit is a 'stream' connected to every other bit at the centre of the explosion.
In the same way, every bit of us and the the rest of the universe is connected at the centre of our explosion: the Big Bang.
And as we are self-aware and sentient, and we are connected to the rest of the universe in the fourth-dimension, it seems reasonable to assume the universe is also sentient and self-aware.
Here's where things get interesting:
If our 3-dimensional bodies are a cross-section of our physical form through the fourth-dimensional axis, would it not also seem reasonable to assume our sentience and self-awareness are the result of a cross-section of the sentience /self-awareness of the fourth-dimensional entity?
Would it be like each cell in our brain contributing to our ability to be sentient and self-aware?
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