The main differences are this
A. The Catholic Church has a very organized hierarchy, most other Christian denominations do not have as much of a hierarchy.
B. The Catholic Church believes that the Eucharist is literally transformed into Jesus' Body and Blood following transubstantiation. Other Christian denominations believes that the Last Supper is symbolic (Makes no sense since they claim everything in the Bible is literal). Some do not even partake in any form of the Eucharist.
C. The Catholic Church believes that you receive extra graces when confessing to a member of clergy (God still forgives sins if you come straight to him, but you do not get the graces found in the sacraments. Other denominations only confess to God.
D. The Catholic Church believes the pope is infallible when he speaks from the chair of St.Peter on matters of faith and morals. Other denominations believe no man can ever be infallible.
E. The Catholic Church venerates (not worship) saints and the Virgin Mary. Other denominations condemn this as idolatry.
F. The Catholic Church believes that sacred Tradition is also important as well as the teachings found in the Bible. Other denominations frown on "man-made traditions."
G. The Catholic Church believes that faith and good works are necessary to enter heaven. Other denominations believe only faith is necessary.
There are other issues of dogma (clergical celibacy, purgatory) that are disagreed on, however, those seven are the primary differences.
Also generally I mean Protestant churches when I say other denominations, Eastern Orthodox Churches agree on several of the points, and disagree on others.
2007-05-28 12:59:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Some of the primary differences include the Roman Catholic Church's recognition of the Pope as the head of the Church, the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a belief in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, the Seven Sacraments, a celibate priesthood, the communion of saints (including the process of beatifying and canonizing saints), a belief in the perpetual virginity of Mary, the rosary, the Catholic magisterium, and more.
2007-05-28 13:02:10
answer #2
answered by solarius 7
One of the primary differences is the hierarchy of the church. In most Protestant churches "power" is from the people, (parishioners), up. They hire and pay their own pastors, form area, regional, state, national , etc councils/ conferences and in essence "govern" themselves within the framework of the beliefs of the particular denomination.
In the Catholic church the "power" comes from the Pope down through several levels of "authority". Parishoners do not choose their priests, they are assigned, and unless there is a problem they have no say in their tenure.
Another difference would be the symbol of the Cross. Catholics have a Crucifix symbolizing Jesus' death. In most protestant churches it is an "empty" cross signifying His Resurrection.
There are many different practices, based on their "tenants of faith", within the various Protestant denominations, but generally, unlike Catholics, most do not believe in "confession" to another human being, (a Priest), or that they must perform "acts of contrition", or repeat a certain number of prayers., in order to be forgiven for their sins. They pray directly to God and few, if any, pray to "saints" for intervention, and do not believe in "Limbo" or "Purgatory" , or the necessity of "last rites" to enter Heaven.
There are a lot of other differences but it would take forever to list them.
2007-05-28 13:16:18
answer #3
answered by worldhq101 4
Some religions follow the teachings of the New Testament bible, (follow the teachings of Jesus) and others follow the teachings and doctrines of 'man'.... man made traditions with no bible origins.
While all Christian based religions say they follow the teachings of Christ, many many don't.
I suggest you read the teachings of Jesus and then find a church who actually follows New Testament teachings... I did.
Jesus taught baptism by immersion in water... i.e. he asked John to baptize him in the Jordon River.
So, all churches who teach sprinkling are....
right or wrong?
Jesus was an itinerant preacher without a huge bank account, without a home, without pompous robes.... he washed the feet of the disciples like a servant... so all Christian preachers who have huge bank accounts, homes, ("birds of the air have nests, foxes have lairs, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head") pompous robes... (Judas had to identify him, with a kiss, to betray him.. i.e. show others who he was... So if Jesus' followers don't follow his teachings... are they right or wrong?
Jesus said "Don't call me good (after someone called him Good Master.. i.e. a title) Only God is good... only God should have a title!
Christians should take Jesus' teaching as their example, and then they will all be in harmony.
The famous Gandhi of India once said: "I would be a Christian if it wasn't for the Christians!"
Ooopps! Like road signs, they often show the way but don't go there themselves.
So if what Churches practise is according to the teachings of Jesus, it must be right. Jesus never said people should worship his mother either.....
2007-05-28 13:16:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
While Christianity and Catholicism share many of the same core beliefs, Christianity separates itself from righteousness before God by "Works"
The Catholic church has added it's own "Doctrine of Works" in addition to the Bible. I was born and raised a Catholic and spent many years in the Catholic church. I know that Christianity is based on Gods Word and Catholicism is based on a mix of Gods Word and many man made additions to Gods Word. One of these additions is "Praying To The Saints" The bible tells us to pray to the Father only, Christ Jesus is our intercessor before God, not Mary or any other human being. I also do not believe that a priest can absolve me of my sins. Once again, I believe only Christ Jesus can do this for us. As a child, I remember my dad and all us kids going up to receive communion always wondering why mom never came up with us. I asked her one day why she never came up for communion, her answer infuriated me. She told me that she had decided to have no more children and according to the Catholic church, by doing so, she could no longer receive the sacrament of communion. I asked our priest about this and he confirmed that she could no longer receive the sacrament of communion because she had decided to stop having children. Even as a child I knew that God invites all to receive Him and the Catholic church was wrong. I believe all the problems that the Catholic church has encountered over the last 40 years is a judgment of God upon them for their hypocrisy and false teachings. A person cannot make themself more holy by reciting the rosary, or by saying repetitious prayers week after week. God wants our true worship of Him, not mindless repetition. We cannot cleanse ourselves of sin by saying 5 Our Fathers and 5 hail Mary's. What does this practice teach our children, when they fail, we punish them by making them pray? Prayer is not a punishment, it is a gift from God for those who believe. Prayer is an honor and a blessing, not a punishment.
Jesus taught us about those who preach "Do this and Don't do that" He told us to stay away from these teachings, nothing but rules taught by men. We are saved by faith and by Gods free gift of grace. I hope this helps you understand the significant differences between true Christianity and Catholicism. God Bless You....Peace.
2007-05-28 13:17:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
To be a True Christian( one who has come to God as He prescribes) is to be one who strives to follow the teachings of Jesus The Christ.... The Roman Catholic cult dose not do this... God dose not concern Himself with "denominations"... There is only One Church.... All who come to God in The Way He prescribes will receive His free gift of Salvation. Those become part of The Body of The Church of which Jesus The Christ is The Head. Those are the ones of The True Christian Faith. Only those of The Church will enter Heaven.
2007-05-28 12:56:43
answer #6
answered by idahomike2 6
Catholics don't have an issue with pagans, they know where the history of thier faith originated from
Christians try to deny it's pagan origins
see also Isis and Osiris, Cybil and Attis, or other mother and son pagan worshipped deities
2007-05-28 12:54:38
answer #7
answered by voice_of_reason 6
hi. i am a roman catholic. i would say like i learned: our Roman Catholic religion is the beautiful religion, i am proud of it , and it's the world's first religion and it still is. I would say it leads the way to true truth, everything Jesus did, all others are wicked ways to live. Roman Catholic (Catholic religion) is the only true way that leads to Jesus, the kingdom of heaven.
2007-05-28 12:58:17
answer #8
answered by Jelena V 4
We believe that God is present at our Eucharist every Sunday.
We believe that we should confess our sins to a priest.
It's all in the Bible.
These are just two of many.
2007-05-28 13:00:00
answer #9
answered by gardensfinewine 2
Orthodox priests can marry.
2007-05-28 12:52:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous