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Yeah go ahead and drink to that, but can someone please please explain it? I've heard of it but I don't know what it is.

2007-05-28 12:37:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

Pascal's Wager is the application by the French philosopher, Blaise Pascal, of decision theory to the belief in God (also known as Pascal's Gambit). It was set out in the Pensées, a posthumous collection of notes made by Pascal towards his unfinished treatise on Christian apologetics.

The Wager posits that it is a better "bet" to believe that God exists than not to believe, because the expected value of believing (which Pascal assessed as infinite) is always greater than the expected value of not believing. In Pascal's assessment, it is inexcusable not to investigate this issue:

Before entering into the proofs of the Christian religion, I find it necessary to point out the sinfulness of those men who live in indifference to the search for truth in a matter which is so important to them, and which touches them so nearly.[1]

Variations of this argument may be found in other religious philosophies, such as Islam, Hinduism, and even Buddhism. Pascal's Wager is also similar in structure to the precautionary principle.

The Wager is described by Pascal in the Pensées this way:[2]

Let us consider the paraphrased translation of Pascal. "God either exists or He doesn't. Based on the testimony, both general revelation (nature) and special revelation (Scriptures/Bible), it is safe to assume that God does in fact exist. It is abundantly fair to conceive, that there is at least 50% chance that the Christian Creator God does in fact exist. Therefore, since we stand to gain eternity, and thus infinity, the wise and safe choice is to live as though God does exist. If we are right, we gain everything, and lose nothing. If we are wrong, we lose nothing and gain nothing. Therefore, based on simple mathematics, only the fool would choose to live a Godless life." Let us see. Since you must choose, let us see which interests you least. You have nothing to lose. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation that He is.

In his Wager, Pascal provides an analytical process for a person to evaluate options in regarding belief in God. This is often misinterpreted as simply believing in God or not. As Pascal sets it out, the options are two: live as if God exists, or do not live as if God exists. There is no third possibility.

Therefore, we are faced with the following possibilities:

You live as though God exists.
If God exists, you go to heaven: your gain is infinite.
If God does not exist, your loss is nothing.
You do not live as though God exists.
If God exists, you go to hell: your loss is infinite.
If God does not exist, you gain nothing & lose nothing.
With these possibilities, and the principles of statistics, Pascal has demonstrated that the only prudent course of action is to live as if God exists. It is a simple application of game theory (to which Pascal had made important contributions).

Another way of portraying the Wager is as a decision under uncertainty with the values of the following decision matrix:

God exists (G) God does not exist (~G)
Living as if God exists (B) +∞ (heaven) −N (none)
Not living as if God exists (~B) −∞ (hell) +N (none)

Given the values that Pascal proposes, the option of living as if God exists(B) dominates the option of not living as if God exists (~B). In other words, the expected value gained by choosing B is always greater than or equal to that of choosing ~B, regardless of the likelihood that God exists.

[edit] Rebuttals
Before entering the criticisms of the Wager, one fair and important thing to note is that Pascal hoped that if the wager doesn't convince unbelievers to become Christians, then it would at least show them, especially the "happy agnostics", the meaning, value, and probable necessity of considering the question of the existence of God.

In his other works, Pascal hoped to prove that the Christian faith (and not, for example, Judaism or Paganism, which Pascal himself mentions in his Pensées) is correct. The criticism below works for the most part only when the wager is removed from its original context and considered separately, as many thinkers have done before the original plan of Pascal's apologia was discovered.

Pascal's argument has been severely criticized by many thinkers, including Voltaire. The incompleteness of his argument is the origin of the term Pascal's Flaw. Some criticisms are summarized below:

[edit] Assumes God rewards belief
Some writers[3] suggest that the wager does not account for the possibility that there is a God (or gods) who, rather than behaving as stated in certain parts of the Bible, instead rewards skepticism and punishes blind faith, or rewards honest reasoning and punishes feigned faith.

Suppose there is a god who is watching us and choosing which souls of the deceased to bring to heaven, and this god really does want only the morally good to populate heaven. He will probably select from only those who made a significant and responsible effort to discover the truth. For all others are untrustworthy, being cognitively or morally inferior, or both. They will also be less likely ever to discover and commit to true beliefs about right and wrong. That is, if they have a significant and trustworthy concern for doing right and avoiding wrong, it follows necessarily that they must have a significant and trustworthy concern for knowing right and wrong. Since this knowledge requires knowledge about many fundamental facts of the universe (such as whether there is a god), it follows necessarily that such people must have a significant and trustworthy concern for always seeking out, testing, and confirming that their beliefs about such things are probably correct. Therefore, only such people can be sufficiently moral and trustworthy to deserve a place in heaven — unless god wishes to fill heaven with the morally lazy, irresponsible, or untrustworthy.

—Richard Carrier, The End of Pascal's Wager: Only Nontheists Go to Heaven

However, in contrast to this, it can be seen that this is part of the wager that is the fundamental point of this argument.

[edit] Assumes Christianity is the only religion that makes such a claim
The wager assumes that Christianity is the only religion that claims that a person will be judged, condemned, and punished by God if that person does not believe. However, Christianity is not the only religion that makes such a claim. Other religions which also claim that God will judge, condemn, and punish people who do not believe in him and their religion include Islam and some denominations of Hinduism.

Pascal's Wager can be used to deduce that it is advisable to believe in any or all of a variety of gods. However, the beliefs and claims of many separate religions have mutual exclusivity to each other. This means that they cannot both be true, or at least not both be the "one true religion". Complicating matters further, the belief systems of monotheistic religions require exclusive belief in the god of that religion, so the Wager is invalid when applied to such religions. This is the basis of the argument from inconsistent revelations. However, this problem does not apply to Hinduism and other polytheistic religions. The vast majority of the world's religions have been polytheistic. In polytheistic religions there may or may not be a fixed pantheon of deities; many or most pagan religions are open to the addition of new deities to the pantheon (although these additions are sometimes cast as new aspects of deities that were already in the pantheon). Yet another problem is that Pascal's Wager also encompasses any possible monotheistic religions rather than just current ones giving any possible monotheistic religion an equally tiny chance of being correct without extra evidence to back it up

The Jewish faith expects a Gentile only to obey the Noahide Laws in order to receive reward in afterlife. In addition, some religions, including Buddhism, do not require a focus on a deity. A "many-gods" version of Pascal's Wager is reported by the 10th century Persian chronicler Ibn Rustah to have been taken by a king in the Caucasus, who observed Muslim, Jewish, and Christian rites equally, declaring that "I have decided to hedge my bets."

This argument modifies Pascal's wager as follows:

You believe in a god.
If your god exists, you go to heaven: your gain is infinite.
If you believe in the wrong god and the actual god is monotheistic, your loss may be infinite.

[edit] Does not constitute a true belief
Another common argument against the wager is that if a person is uncertain whether a particular religion is true and the god of that religion is real, but that person still "believes" in them because of the expectation of a reward and the fear of punishment, then that belief is not a true valid belief or a true faith in that religion and its god.

William James, in The Will to Believe, summarized this argument:

Surely Pascal's own personal belief in masses and holy water had far other springs; and this celebrated page of his is but an argument for others, a last desperate snatch at a weapon against the hardness of the unbelieving heart. We feel that a faith in masses and holy water adopted willfully after such a mechanical calculation would lack the inner soul of faith's reality; and if we were ourselves in the place of the Deity, we should probably take particular pleasure in cutting off believers of this pattern from their infinite reward.

In modern times, this criticism is often leveled against evangelistic Christianity, especially those who try to incite fear by portraying such events as the Rapture in popular media. Such a belief is sometimes called "afterlife insurance," "Hell avoidance insurance," or "Heaven insurance."

The fact that a person can not choose to believe something by will alone, but as a consequence of an internal process, is illustrated in humorous terms by Douglas Adams in "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency". In this novel, he describes a fictional device, an "Electric Monk" that can believe things for you; all sort of things, even "things they'd have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City".[4]

[edit] Assumes one can choose belief
This criticism is similar to the last one. The wager says that if one is uncertain whether Christianity is true, then one should still believe in it just in case it is true. But, in order to believe that something is true, then that person must know and be certain that it is true. But if a person doesn't believe that it is true, then that person doesn't know and is uncertain that it is true. But, it is not as if someone doesn't know and is uncertain that something is true, then that person could decide to know and be and become certain that it is true. Basically, this argument says that even with the wager, such a reason to believe, true belief, knowledge, and certainty of something can only come to actually knowing, being certain, and seeing evidences that it is true. But if we can see evidences that it is true, then it is unnecessary to resort to the wager, a precautionary principle, as a reason to decide why we should believe in it.

This is in contrast with the statement made by St. Augustine, "I believe, therefore I understand.".

However, some individuals such as Kierkegaard considered that a faith one has never doubted is of little value, and that doubt and faith are inseparable.

Another point related to this is that some Christians, such as Calvinists, believe that the human will is so affected by sin that God alone can bring about belief. However, they would still affirm that God can use rational arguments as one of his means to this end.

Pascal acknowledged that there would be some difficulty for an atheist intellectual persuaded by this argument, in putting it into effect. Belief may not come. But in such a case, he said, one could begin by acting as if it had come, hear a mass, and take holy water. Belief might then follow.

There is also the argument that one could "game" the wager in a scenario where the deathbed conversion is possible, as is the case in some streams of Christianity. The person who converts on their deathbed could have failed to have been dutiful in fulfilling their doctrinal obligations, and still gain the happiness associated with the Christian concept of "heaven." The danger here is well known to most Christians, as this is a common theme of sermons in a variety of denominations. The risk of taking this gamble only to die suddenly and unexpectedly or to experience the tribulation within one's own lifetime is often portrayed as a risk too great to take. Some others consider that one cannot fool God, and that such deathbed conversions could very well be dishonest. There are also a few Christians, such as Roman Catholics, who disagree with the doctrine of salvation by faith alone and believe that God also rewards good works.

[edit] Measure theory
The wager assumes that God is possible, and hence there is a positive probability of God existing. But this does not work all the time. For instance, in a measure theory conception of probability, one can have infinitely and uncountably many possibilities, each of which has a probability of zero (or "one out of infinity"). This means that, choosing a random real number between 0 and 1, all numbers cannot have positive probability or the probabilities sum up to more than 1. See also almost surely.

It is not clear what is meant when "probability" or "chance" is said in the context of something possibly existing, but probability cannot be used as defined in mathematics to justify the wager as is, since God being possible does not mean that God's existence has positive probability.

[edit] Assumes divine rewards and punishments are infinite
The wager assumes that Christianity does in fact claim that if one is not a Christian, then one will lose the benefits ending up in Hell, and if one is, then one will go on to gain eternal life in Heaven.

However, that is not always the case. Some Christians have argued that the utility of salvation cannot be infinite.

See: Calvinism & Arminianism

They include either strict finitists or people who believe that an infinite utility could only be finitely enjoyed by finite humans.

Others believe that the divine punishment in the afterlife for unbelief is not always infinite either, even though the Bible makes that claim. They state that there is a finite existence to everything, opposing the doctrine of perpetuality.

[edit] Ignores benefits/losses while alive
The wager ignores the lifetime of the person before death. At the very least, it assumes that belief and non-belief are of equal value before death. This ignores the time, money, and effort spent upon worship required to establish belief that could be redirected to other, more beneficial pursuits. Thus, a life spent on belief when there is no god results in a loss while a life spent on non-belief when there is no god results in a gain.

[edit] Atheist's Wager
The Atheist's Wager is an atheistic response to Pascal's Wager. While Pascal suggested that it is better to take the chance of believing in a God that might not exist rather than to risk losing infinite happiness by disbelieving in a god that does, the Atheist's Wager suggests that:

A god may exist who will reward disbelief or punish belief. In the absence of clear knowledge of what if anything will benefit us hereafter it is better to concentrate on improving conditions here. The conditions we live in could be, or couldn't be, generated by us. However, we are still left to affect them any way we can. The Atheist here must then exclude any probability in a mathematical possibility of an external agent affecting their condition.

You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in God. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, he may judge you on your merits coupled with your commitments, and not just on whether or not you believed in him.[5]

[edit] Variations

[edit] Many-way tie
Given that the choice of wagering has an infinite return, then under a mixed strategy the return is also infinite. Flipping a coin and taking the wager based on the result would then have an infinite return, as would the chance that after rejecting the wager you end up taking it after all. The choice would then not be between zero reward (or negative infinite) and infinite reward, but rather between different infinite rewards.

[edit] Decision-theoretic arguments
The above criticisms are addressed explicitly in a generalised decision-theoretic version of Pascal's argument, with probabilities interpreted in the Bayesian sense of expressing degrees of belief, and each option carrying certain utilities or payoffs.

This leads to the following matrix, where a, b, c and d are the utilities arising from each of the four options:

God exists (G) God does not exist (~G)
Belief in God (B) a b
Non-belief in God (~B) c d

The total utility for believing in God is then aP + b( 1 − P ) while the total utility for non-belief is cP + d( 1 − P ), where P is the probability of the existence of God. Belief in God is thus optimal in decision-theoretic terms for all P > 0 if the values for the utilities satisfy the inequalities a > c and b ≥ d. The first inequality is relatively uncontroversial, as it requires simply that one considers a well-founded belief in God to have a higher utility than an ill-founded disbelief in God. However, the second inequality holds only if one regards the benefits of an ill-founded belief in God to be no less than those from a well-founded disbelief in God. This is patently a matter of personal choice. Many people maintain they do indeed get tangible benefits here and now from their belief in God, and that these exceed those that would accrue from not having such a belief (e.g. no requirement for regular observance of religious practices). On the other hand, many agnostics would argue the opposite case. The analysis shows atheists are not absolved from having to assess the utilities through setting P = 0; they must also be confident that d > b.

This requirement for such an assessment of utilities suggests that Pascal's Wager should be regarded as a criterion by which the coherence of one's existing beliefs can be judged, rather than as a method of choosing what to believe.

[edit] Appearances elsewhere

[edit] Other Christian thinkers
The basic premise of the argument is reflected in a passage from C.S. Lewis: "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, is of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."

Another appearance of this argument was in the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by the pastor Jonathan Edwards in 1741 in New England.

In the Evangelical Christian apologetics book Understanding Christian Theology, contributing author J. Carl Laney, Jr. states regarding Pascal's Wager:

Blaise Pascal...proposed that we "wager" on the possibility of God's existence. If our gamble for God is right, we will win everything - happiness and eternal life. But nothing is lost if we turn out to be wrong. In other words it is better to live as God exists and discover that He doesn't, than to live as if He doesn't exist and discover that He does!"[6]

[edit] Buddhism
The decision-theoretic approach to Pascal's Wager appears explicitly in the 6th Century BC Buddhist Kalama Sutta, in which the Buddha argues that regardless of whether the concepts of reincarnation and karma are valid, acting as if they are brings tangible rewards here and now. However it is possible to see how this isn't an exact application of Pascal's wager. Most notably the benefit does fall onto others, as the idea of Karma is that good will to other means good will to you in return. Also, it isn't an argument to become Buddhist or to follow Buddhist thought but just to see the good in it.

[edit] References in popular culture
In an episode of the television show Father Dowling Mysteries, the title character makes reference to Pascal's wager, summarizing the argument. The woman he explains this to responds that she doesn't gamble.
In The Quiet American by Grahame Greene the main protagonist Fowler refers to Pascal numerous times in relation to Vigot, the police chief investigating Pyle's death.

2007-05-28 12:42:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Pascal's wager is more than just acting as if you believe because it's the most advantageous approach given the objective uncertainty of faith. It's also an attempt to actually acquire faith.

The experiment was to see if living for a year as if you believed would actually lead to a change of heart, i.e., lead you to truly believe.

If it doesn't, you haven't really lost anything. If it does, you've found your faith.

2007-05-28 12:59:13 · answer #2 · answered by Kenneth 3 · 0 1

Oh dear :)

No, just kidding.

Put very simply, it states that believing in God is more advantageous than not believing in God because the odds are better. If you believe in God, you have the possibility of going to Heaven. But if God is not real, then there's just nothing. But, if you don't believe in God and you're wrong, then you go to Hell.

One of the problems with this is the number of Gods and the number of religions which exist-if you were following a God, how would you know you were following the correct God?

Another problem is that if someone believes in God simply because the odds were better, does that really count as a sincere conversion?

Hope this helps.

2007-05-28 12:43:51 · answer #3 · answered by Julia Sugarbaker 7 · 1 1

That's the idea that it's either the christian god or nothing, so you don't lose anything by believing (not counting the time and money and frontal lobotomy), but you lose everything by not believing and being wrong. It doesn't take into account that there were over 10,000 gods worshiped in history, and it doesn't take into account that there is not a 50/50 chance of their being a god or not.

2007-05-28 12:42:13 · answer #4 · answered by eri 7 · 2 1

A diligent coworker used a similar argument with me. He shared the gospel with me after work and asked me if I wanted to receive Jesus as my Savior. I told him that I did not believe in God and he continued to witness to me anyways. He asked again and after I realized that he would not stop, I told him that I needed to pray about it first. I thought that this would satisfy him and get him off my back. He continued and made me an offer that I could not refuse. He said that if I prayed the salvation prayer with him and if he was right, I would gain eternal life, and he proceeded that if I was right, I only wasted a few minutes of my life. I did have some time and the offer was too irresistible. Only a fool would refuse. I did the prayer even though I did not believe in it. Afterwards, God proved to me that He was real and I am very thankful that Christian did not let me go. We need to give God the authority to manifest Himself in our lives before we can see Him because Satan is the god of this world and he blinds those who are his, to the truth.

2016-03-13 01:04:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2007-05-28 12:40:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Basically it says If there isn't God what do you lose by choosing Him. And if there is God, you win all.

2007-05-28 12:42:24 · answer #7 · answered by RB 7 · 6 0

thanks, i'll take a beer.

it's a drinking game - the rest has been explained in the other answers, so i will spare you the repetition

2007-05-28 12:45:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is the better safe than sorry stuff. I do not take part of it. I would be drunk by noon and that is not a good thing.

2007-05-28 12:44:58 · answer #9 · answered by Nina, BaC 7 · 0 2

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