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obviously There Can Be Only One. Haven't you watched Highlander?

2007-05-28 05:09:22 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Read the Qur'an, the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the works of the Sunni scholars. Here is the Sunni doctrine known as the Jerusalem Treatise by Imam Al-Ghazali:

By Imam al-Ghazali
The Jerusalem Treatise

excerpt from the The Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya' 'ulum al-din)

His Oneness
He is one in being without partner, unique without peer, ultimate without opposite, alone without equal. He is one, preeternal, beginninglessly uncreate, everlastingly abiding, unceasingly existent, eternally limitless, the ever self-subsisting through whom all else subsists, ever enduring, without end. He is, was, and ever will be possessed of all attributes of majesty, unannihilated by dissolution or separation through the passage of eons or terminus of interims. He is the First and Last, the Outward and Inward, and He has knowledge of everything.

His Transcendence
He is not a body with a form, or a limitary, quantitative substance, not resembling bodies in quantifiability or divisibility, or in being a substance or qualified by substance, or being an accident or qualified by accidents. He does not resemble anything that exists, nor anything that exists resemble Him. There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, nor is He like unto anything. He is not delimited by magnitude, contained by places, encompassed by directions, or bounded by heavens or earth. He is 'ascendant over the Throne' (mustawin, Koran 20:5) in the way He says and the meaning He intends, 'ascendant' in a manner transcending contact, settledness, position, indwelling, or movement. The Throne does not bear Him up, but is borne up by the subtlety of His infinite power, as are the angels who carry it, and all are powerless in His grasp. He is above the Throne, the heavens, and all else to the farthest reaches of the stars, with an aboveness that does not increase His nearness to the Throne or the heavens, or His distance from the earth and what lies beneath it. He is as exalted in degree above the Throne and the heavens as He is above the earth and its depths, though He is near to everything in existence, nearer to a servant than his own jugular vein, and is witness to everything. His nearness no more resembles the nearness of objects to one another than His entity resembles the entities of objects. He does not indwell in anything, nor anything indwell in Him. He is as exalted above containment in space as He is above confinement in time. He was, before creating time and space, and is now even as He was. He is distinguished from His creation by His attributes. There is nothing in His entity other than Him, nor is His entity in what is other than Him. He is beyond change and motion: events neither occur within Him nor changes befall Him. He remains in His attributes of majesty exalted above change, and in the attributes of His perfection beyond needing any increase in perfection. The existence of His entity is known by human reason, and in the afterlife is beheld by the eyesight of the righteous as a beatitude and favor, to consummate their perfect joy with the sight of His Noble Countenance.

His Life and Almighty Power
He Most High is living, almighty, overmastering, triumphant, unaffected by inability or weakness; unsusceptible to drowsiness, sleep, annihilation, or death; possessed of absolute sovereignty and might, of irresistible power and force. His is the majesty and sway, the creation and command. The heavens are enfolded in His right hand and all beings are powerless in His grasp. He alone creates, begins, gives existence, and originates. He creates all beings and their acts, ordains their sustenance and terms. Nothing possible is out of His grasp, the disposal of no matter is beyond His power. The number of things He can do is limitless, the amount He knows is infinite.

His Knowledge
He knows all things knowable, encompassing all that takes place from the depths of the earth to the highest heaven. He knows without an atom's weight in the earth or heavens escaping His knowledge. He knows the creeping of a black ant across a great stone on a lightless night, and the motion in the air of a particle of dust on a windy day. He knows the concealed and the yet more hidden, the buried recesses of hearts, the movement of thought, and the opacities of the inmost soul; with preeternal, beginningless knowledge that He has always possessed from the limitless reaches of past eternity, not with awareness originating within Him through being imparted or conveyed.

His Will
He Most High wills all that exists and directs all events. Nothing occurs in the physical or spiritual world, be it meager or much, little or great, good or evil, of benefit or detriment, faith or unbelief, knowledge or ignorance, triumph or ruin, increase or decrease, obedience or sin; save through His ordinance, apportionment, wisdom, and decision. What He wills is, and what He does not will is not. Neither sidelong glance nor passing thought is beyond His design. He originates all and returns it, does what He wills, and none can repulse His command. There is no rescinding His destiny, no flight for a servant from disobeying Him except through divinely given success therein and mercy, and no strength to obey Him save through His choice and decree. If all mankind, jinn, angels, and devils combined their efforts to move or to still a single particle of the universe without His will and choice, they would be unable to. His will, like His other attributes, exists in His entity and He ever possesses it. He has willed from preeternity the existence of all things at the times He has chosen. They occur at the times which He has destined from beginingless eternity, occurring neither before nor after, but taking place in accordance with His knowledge and will, without substitution or alteration. He directs events without successive thoughts or waiting for time to elapse, which is why nothing diverts Him from anything else.

His Hearing and Sight
He Most High is all-hearing and all-seeing. He hears and sees, no sound however slight eluding His hearing, and no sight however minute escaping His vision. Distance does not obscure His hearing nor darkness hinder His vision. He sees without pupil or eyelids, and hears without ear canal or ears, just as He knows without a heart, seizes without limb, and creates without implement. His attributes no more resemble the attributes of His creatures than His entity resembles the entity of His creatures.

His Speech
He Most High speaks, commands, forbids, promises, and warns with beginninglessly eternal speech that is an attribute of His entity, not resembling the speech of creatures in being a sound generated by the passage of air or impact of bodies nor in letters articulated by compressing the lips or moving the tongue. The Koran, Torah, Evangel, and Psalms are His Books, revealed to His messengers (upon whom be peace). The Koran is recited with tongues, written in books, and memorized in hearts despite being beginninglessly eternal, an attribute of the entity of Allah Most High, unsubject to disseverance and separation by conveyance to hearts or pages. Moses (Allah bless him and give him peace) heard the speech of Allah without sound or letter, just as the righteous see the entity of Allah Most High in the afterlife without substance or accident.
Since Allah possesses all of the above attributes, He is living, knowing, omnipotent, willing, hearing, seeing, and speaking by virtue of His life, power, knowledge, will, hearing, sight, and speech, not merely by virtue of His entity.

His Acts
Everything besides Him Glorious and Exalted exists through His action, proceeding from His justice in the best, fullest, most perfect and equitable way. He is wise in His acts and just in His decrees. His justice is not comparable to the justice of His servants, since injustice may only be imagined from a servant through his disposal of what belongs to another, while this is inconceivable from Allah Most High, since nothing belongs to anyone besides Him that He should unjustly dispose of it.
Everything besides Him, be it human, jinn, angel, devil, heaven, earth, animal, vegetable, mineral, substance, accident, intelligible, or sensory, is contingent, and was brought into existence through His power after not being, created by Him after it was nothing. He alone existed in preeternity, and nothing else. He then originated creation, that His omnipotence might be manifest, His prior decree effected and His eternal word realized; not from needing or requiring anything in creation. Our origination, beginning, and responsibility are of Allah's generosity, not because of their being obligatory for Him, and His blessings and benefaction exist because of His favor, not because of being due from Him. Everything that exists is indebted to Him for His generosity and goodness, His blessings and benevolence; for He is well able to pour all manner of torments upon His servants and try them with every variety of suffering and illness, and were He to do so, it would be just on His part and not wicked or unfair. He Mighty and Majestic rewards His servants, the believers, for their acts of obedience because of His generosity and in fulfillment of His word, not because of their deserving it or His owing it to them. He is not obliged to anyone to do anything, nor is injustice on His part conceivable, for He does not owe any rights to anyone. The obligation of men and jinn to perform acts of obedience is established by His having informed them of it upon the tongues of the prophets (upon whom be peace), and not by unaided human reason. He sent the prophets and manifested the truth of their messages by unmistakable, inimitable miracles. They have communicated His commands, prohibitions, promises, and warnings, and it is obligatory for mankind and jinn to believe in what they have conveyed.

2007-05-28 19:19:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi there,

My way, and by no means is it the best or only way, was/is to discover him/her on my own my way. I will preface by saying that I define myself as a spiritual heathen. Heathen, not pagan. To me, paganism is simply the "organized religion" of the pre-Christian time. By definition, according to the New Webster's dictionary, a heathen is a person who does not worship the God of the Christians, Jews, or Moslems. To me, spirituality is a personal journey to make sense of the unknowable divine. And a very much part of that search is also a search for self. My main tool I use is meditation; I get in touch with my inner voice and allow my intuition to feel it's away around with ideas, concepts, emotions, feelings till I finally find something that just feels "right". How long that takes no one can predict as for me, it's not about the end product but the process involved.

There is no one "right" or "correct" path for everyone. I have done much reading and have explored various faith traditions (I was raised Catholic, have been to a variety of different Christian denomination services, have been Wiccan, have read the the Koran and the Cabala, etc). For me, I have found that these organizations all lacked an element that I could not put my finger on but I knew I was not happy with. In hindsite, many organized religions were just to impersonal and far too ritualistic: I always felt apart from rather than apart of. Further, many organized religions take the stance that God is above looking down judging our behaviours and punishing or rewarding accordingly. The god I believe in is not that "father figure".

The "One True God" is the same entity for all of us but we each call it by a different name depending on our culture and our upbringing. Yes, organized religions have done wonders in separating spirituality from religion as well as dividing the various groups of faith amongst each other (the Crusades didn't end in the 1200s; Muslim v. Christianity, Allah v. God still rages on today as only one example). For me, religion is simply a list of rules and regulations dictated by someone else who is telling you how to find god. No one has the right to inforce their will upon anyone or anything and churches and religion are not exempt; anyone who tells you that they have the only Way - run away!. Nor are churches the only "group" that has the right to acclaim that they are the sole holders of the "truth". God gave all of us free will and loves us unconditionally. With free will can we not then have the freedom to choose how we view God in order to help make sense of our lives? If that view happens to be different from an organized religion's stance that's ok, or at least I believe so. Further, if you don't follow their rules you're going to be punished; to me, that is nothing more than control and manipulation. I don't believe that. Nothing wrong for people who do but that is not for me; that is not the God I believe in.

We each find god in our own way if we want to go looking. In the process we each have our own hurdles and mountains to climb. But in the end, it's the proces that is the most enlightening. Not only do we learn more about who we are as a person and how we fit into the larger scheme of things but hopefully we also grow that much closer to the entity which we call God.


2007-05-28 13:24:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, very good movie. Who knows though. Each of us must find our own path. We all must believe what we think is right and true not what others tell us to believe.
I would rather go through life believing what i believe rather than find out on my death bed that everything i have been told to believe is a lie.
God will make himself known to you if you seek him out.
The words will come to you, the ideas and thoughts will come to you.
If you look for Jehovah he will make himself known to you in many small ways.
You might even be surprised at the Epiphanies you have that don't go against nor do they conform with modern thinking.
Let God be your guide not mankind.

2007-05-28 12:20:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is only One True God - There is only way to know Him and that is through the LORD Jesus Christ. You must ask him for the forgiveness of sins, that is through the conviction of the Holy Spirit that you are a sinner, by faith in Christ's work for that forgiveness of sins repenting of your sins and having done so, you become "born of God, born of the Spirit, born from Above" you begin to discover by way of a relationship with Christ who is the ONE TRUE GOD.

2007-05-28 12:22:35 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

You need to study and research these different religions and belief systems for yourself. I have read the entire Bible and study it as often as possible. I have researched other religions as well. Christianity is the only one that makes sense to me. No one can answer your questions but you. You just have to do a little praying and soul searching to answer them. You are obviously curious, or you wouldn't be asking questions like this, even if it isn't meant to be serious.

2007-05-28 12:15:54 · answer #5 · answered by Erin C 2 · 0 0

By faith and accepting Christ as your savior. The secret to discovering the one true God is you must come to Him as a child totally open and with the trust of a child not by intellect strength or any other human characteristic.

2007-05-28 12:20:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Highlander was human... it's a parody of what happens in the spirit world.. the one calling himself god was once human , practiced in the spiritual manipulations of many... we are not to seek god but our place in nature... that means being yourself and keeping away from religions that keep humans blinded... the selling of our souls is the selling out of our conscience to someone else's plans and manipulations... nature means freedom where we return to working in communities.... peacefully.. instead of having to recruit member of that community for religion. the best way is be yourself and be the best human you know how to be... that's it..

2007-05-28 12:20:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The best way is to get on your knees and pray to God. Ask God in prayer to show Himself to you. Jesus says I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. jesus is the only way to heaven. If you have more questions visit Needanewstart.com and email or blog them.

2007-05-28 12:17:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0


2007-05-28 12:17:47 · answer #9 · answered by Irish 7 · 2 0

lmao @ the highlander remark,

The ONLY way to discover Our Creator and Ourself is:

Create a Private, Personal, Direct, Divine Relationship with Our Creator and save your Soul from religion's and atheist's beliefs.


Love and Believe in Our Creator;
Love and Believe in Yourself.

Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truly Free!

Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!

"religion is Spiritual fraud"; "religion is the Worse invention of humanity" - Jesus Christ, Buddha and any one else with Spiritual intelligence.

atheists = all the people in religion = all the ignorant fundamentalists = all the cults/superstitions = paganism

2007-05-28 12:14:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I'd say pray and seek him with your whole heart but judging by your remark you're not even serious about your question. Grow up and try again son. Only an unbeliever (a person on his way to hell) would disagree.

2007-05-28 12:15:20 · answer #11 · answered by Gir 5 · 0 2

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